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第一句子网 > 英语语法:与英语比较级有关的短语


时间:2019-10-21 23:07:35



Doctors have been less than successful in treating this condition.医生在治疗这种病时极不成功。 (5) more than多于,超过((=over, 后接数词);不只是(=not only, 后接名词、动词或副词);非常,十分(=very, 后接形容词、副词、动词或分词);难以,完全不能(用于more than…can…)“。 He was more than seventy years of age. 他有七十多岁了。 He more than smiled, but laughed.他不只是微笑而是大笑。 They were more than glad to help.他们非常乐于帮忙。 That is more than I can tell.那我就不知道了。 (6) more or less(=almost, nearly, about)基本上,差不多,大约 The work is more or less finished.工作基本上完成了。 The repairs will cost $30, more or less.修理费大约要30美元。 (7) sooner or later迟早,早晚,总有一天 You should tell her because she’ll find out sooner or later.你还是告诉她吧,因为她早晚会发觉的。 (8) what’s more而且,此外,还有,更有甚者 I missed the bus and had to walk home. What’s more, it was raining and I got all wet. 我赶不上巴士,不得不走回家,而且那时正在下雨,我全身都湿透了。 (9) no sooner…than…一……就…… He had no sooner arrived than he was asked to leave again.他刚到就被支走了。
