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微博热议话题:一句话证明你是单身狗 外国网友神回复!

时间:2023-06-16 14:24:58


微博热议话题:一句话证明你是单身狗 外国网友神回复!

最近微博上兴起了一个话题#一句话证明你是单身狗#,各路寂寞的网友纷纷出手,用简洁幽默的文字来概括自己的单身生活。其实不只是国内的网友过着单身生活,国外也有很多人也还是风中一匹狼呢。让我们来看看Quora上的网友都是怎么形容自己的单身生活的吧。 获得8.5k好评的答案 Working 50 hours a week. 每周工作50小时。 Not invited to family relatives get-together/meets. 没被邀请参加亲戚聚会。 Not invited by married friends for anything. 已婚朋友也没理由邀请我。 获得33好评的答案@Jawaad Uddin Eat out. Anytime. Anywhere. No debates there. 出门旅游,想什么时候去就什么时候去,想去哪儿玩就去哪儿玩,旅行计划随机应变,灵活的很。 Travel. Anytime. Anywhere. Flexibility to make impromptu plans. 出去吃饭,想什么时候去就什么时候去,想去哪儿吃就去哪儿吃,不用为此争吵。 获得293好评的答案@Probuddha Nag I do whatever I like 我爱做啥做啥。 I eat whatever I like 我爱吃啥吃啥。 I buy whatever I like. 我爱买啥买啥。 I go on vacations wherever and whenever I want. 我去度假,时间地点都随我意。 I live life on my own terms without being answerable to anyone. 我活得随心所欲,无需对任何人负责。 获得569好评的答案@Dewanshi Thakkar I can wear what ever I want, no one to say - don wear such clothes. 我想穿什么就穿什么,没人会说——“别穿这样的衣服”。 获得326好评的答案 Not knowing who to write on emergency contact forms. 不知道紧急联络人那一栏要填谁。 获得180好评的答案 Takeout or deliver food too many times. 下馆子或叫外卖的次数太多。 获得42好评的答案@Mehul Azad That I am the center of my universe. 我就是我的宇宙中心。 获得164好评的答案@Saniya Bhutta The only alarm clock you get woken up by is your own. 闹钟是根据你自己的需要来把你吵醒。 获得436好评的答案@Lalitha Padi You can enjoy full time with friends and family no more restrictions... 你可以完全享受和朋友家人在一起的时间,再也没有人约束你…… 获得1.5k好评的答案@Divya Sharma Dixit Save lots of money:- NO need to buy gifts, cards, dates, or anything. You have all the money that you can spend on yourself and feel like a boss. 省下一大笔钱:没必要买礼物、贺卡、约会或者其他事情。你所有的钱都可以花在自己身上,这感觉自己像是老板。

