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写给自己的句子 希望能帮到你!

时间:2020-07-10 10:30:29


写给自己的句子 希望能帮到你!

一,少发脾气 按时睡觉 不要乱想 还要多笑。

Don lose your temper, go to bed on time, laugh more.


Hope to end all unworthy relationships openly and cleanly.

三,一定要先学会保护自己 然后再去选择性地相信别人。

You must learn to protect yourself first and then trust others selectively.

四,努力工作多赚点钱 保证你的幸运和安全感满满当当的。

Work hard and earn more money to ensure your luck and security

五,不管你经历多痛的事到最后都会遗忘 因为 没有什么能敌得过时间。

No matter how painful you are, you will forget it in the end, because nothing can pass the time.

六,走过的路越多,越喜欢宅着 见过的人越多,越喜欢孩子。

The more roads you have traveled, the more people you like to live in and see, and the more you like children.

七,执着 心软 优柔寡断 这都是我被生活所欺负的缺点。

Perseverance, softness and indecision are all shortcomings of being bullied by life

八,后来我还了你自由 撤出了你的世界。

Then I gave you your freedom and withdrew from your world.

九,像巷子里的猫很自由 但没归宿。

Like a cat in an alley, it is free but has no home

十,自己的梦自己扛 自己的泪自己尝。

Carry your own tears and taste your own dreams.

十一,真正的陪伴经得起忐忑 经得起冷淡。

True companionship can withstand uneasiness and coldness.

十二,抬头 微笑 告诉自己加油。

Look up and smile and tell yourself to cheer.


The real strong man is not a man who does not shed tears, but a man who runs with tears.


If you don work hard, money and people you like will fall from the sky.


Listen, the bell rang in August.
