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看透人情冷暖的句子 精辟现实 句句穿心

时间:2022-01-11 23:43:40


看透人情冷暖的句子 精辟现实 句句穿心


It is dangerous not to be sincere enough, but to be too sincere is absolutely fatal. ——Wilde


In this treacherous world, if you don count on others, others will count on you.

3、 非让现实给你一巴掌,你才知道社会的残酷;非让所谓的朋友把你伤的什么都不是,你才知道人心可畏。

Only when the reality slaps you can you know the cruelty of the society; if you don let the so-called friends hurt you anything, you can know that people are terrible.

4、 人情淡薄似纸张,世态炎凉,胜者为王。

The human relationship is as thin as paper, and the world is in hot water, and the winner is the king.


Finally understand, not because the world is too dark, but because people are too unpredictable.

6、 总有一些瞬间,让你突然就死了心;总有一些态度,让你突然就伤了心;总有一些语气,让你突然就酸了心。总有一些行为,让你突然就寒了心。总有一些事情,让你不经意间,就看清了人,看透了心。

There are always some moments that make you suddenly die of heart; there are always some attitudes that make you suddenly hurt your heart; there are always some tones that make you suddenly sour. There are always some behavior, let you suddenly cold heart. There are always some things, let you inadvertently see people, see through the heart.


In the past, I always thought that it was my own and I would never leave. Later, when I looked back at you, I knew that Lu Yao lost its power and my heart was cold for a long time!

8、 经历的越多,就越明白一个道理:其实最难懂的是人心。

The more you experience, the more you understand a truth: in fact, the most difficult thing to understand is the human heart.

9、 把人情冷暖看淡,把世态炎凉看浅。不亏待每一份热情,不讨好任何的冷漠。不挥霍信任不怠慢自己。

We should be indifferent to human feelings, and shallow to the world. Do not treat each enthusiasm, do not please any indifference. Don squander trust, don neglect yourself.


Always have to experience some betrayal, some sad, in order to finally understand the heart.


Most hate others in I said no pain, but also deliberately to uncover my scars.


The deepest loneliness is not a person for a long time, but without any expectation.




