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适合小仙女发朋友神仙句子 赶快收藏吧!

时间:2019-10-02 04:38:36


适合小仙女发朋友神仙句子 赶快收藏吧!


I still like you, like when I was a kid eating spicy dry tofu, no matter the date.

我本来是要行走江湖的 ,但看见你我觉得可以先停一停。

I was going to walk around the world, but I thought Id take a break when I saw you.

祝你七月被幸运包围,还有时间 你能做到,好好生活 慢慢相遇。

Wish you surrounded by lucky, July have time you can do it, meet take life slowly.


The original gentle people do not know the head will be full of little stars, he full of tender love to look at the person, eyes are full of stars.


I see everything like you, I see the moon, like you, look at the stars, also like you. Those white bright, soft cold light, they all remind me of you.


You are this world unique thousand kind good, but fell into my fundus, ten thousand kinds of color and charming all fade, leaving only a sweet, just under the brow, and on the mind."

烟雨江南 总觉得落雨的苏州最温柔。像极了诗人笔下的:“若问闲情都几许,一川烟草,满城风絮,梅子黄时雨。

Rain jiangnan always feel the rain of Suzhou is the most gentle. Like the poet wrote: "If you ask how much leisure, a river of tobacco, city wind catsup, plum yellow rain.


No matter how hard the road ahead may be, if you go in the right direction, no matter how uneven, you are closer to happiness than standing still."


Like the sun goes down, the lamp on the pole and the moon shine slightly, My love for you, is a gentle fall.


You can see the mountains, you can see the sea, you can see everything in the world. I, on the other hand, am short-sighted and can only see you.


I wear short skirts in the name of summer, also take your heart for the moon.
