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不拽不要钱的怼人句子 又狠又毒 超级过瘾

时间:2022-11-20 18:07:31


不拽不要钱的怼人句子 又狠又毒 超级过瘾

1. 你攀不上的关系是我姐妹,你心爱的男人叫我宝贝。

You can not climb the relationship, is my sister, your beloved man called me baby.

2. 嘴巴这么毒,从小到大应该过得很苦吧!

The mouth is so poisonous, you should have a hard time from small to big!

3. 我再怎么不好,也轮不到妹妹指手画脚。

Whats wrong with me? I can tell my sister what to do.

4. 一天不逼逼别人,嘴就痒痒对吧?拿针缝起来。

If you don force people in a day, your mouth itches, right? The needle sews.

5. 你别看你穿的很危险,但你长的很安全呀。

You don think you are wearing dangerous clothes, but you are very safe.

6. 讲真的,甄嬛传里都没你戏多。

To tell you the truth, there is not much drama in Zhen Huan.

7. 多吃点猪脑吧,正所谓吃啥补啥。

Eat more pigs brain, as the so-called eat what fill what.

8. 我今天想骂人,所以不骂你了。

I want to swear today, so I won scold you.

9. 愿您吃饭有人喂,走路有人推。

May someone feed you when you eat and push when you walk.

10. 看你说话这逻辑,直肠通大脑吧!

Look at the logic of your speech, rectum to the brain!
