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温柔且励志的句子‖生活山高水阔 希望我们各自坚守 又各自自由

时间:2018-06-02 20:49:27


温柔且励志的句子‖生活山高水阔 希望我们各自坚守 又各自自由


Life is high and water is wide. I hope we can stick to it and be free.


There is a high wall on the road to dream, but it only blocks those who are not loved enough.


Pick up a large conch, put it in the ear, you can hear the sound of the sea from afar. I buried it in the sand, after a period of time, when the parasitic crab moved in, the giant conch could usher in a second life.


There are always some rainy and foggy weather in life, but its like writing a composition to exaggerate the atmosphere. The beginning of a story is doomed to be a little unusual, and your life is not ordinary. Every time you remove the fog, you can always see something glittering, and draw strength from it, which will bring a little surprise and hope.


Later I learned that in front of those who really care about you, your "good" and "worthy" do not need to be proved.


Go ahead, don be afraid of the darkness at the foot of the mountain. There are flowers on the hillside and sunshine on the top of the mountain.


In this long life, we may have to walk a lot alone, but when we look up, we can see the stars all over the sky. I mean, "don forget to work hard because of the absence of anyone."


You should be optimistic. There are days and seasons in this world, ideals and distant places, as well as delicious food and flowers.


Although Im still walking slowly on the muddy road, and sometimes embarrassed, and I can help sighing when I turn off the lights at night, Im sure that one day I can have a bright future, and Im not afraid to walk through a good life easily.


