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第114弹‖教人成长的句子:温柔中保持热爱 随波逐流中保持清醒

时间:2021-12-11 01:47:23


第114弹‖教人成长的句子:温柔中保持热爱 随波逐流中保持清醒


01 世间治愈的是愿意自渡的人。

The world cures those who are willing to cross.

02 我希望:年轻时,用力去热爱生活。


I hope: when I was young, I tried to love life.When you are old, imagine what you look like when you are young. You will always be vigorous.

03 生活可能是平庸无度,但不要被生活的繁琐消磨热情。

Life may be mediocre, but don let the trivia of life kill enthusiasm.

04 “深海不会因为一杯沸水而加温。”

"The deep ocean doesn warm up with a glass of boiling water."

05 妈妈说:“如果你越来越冷漠,你以为你成长了,但其实没有。长大应该是变得温柔,对全世界都温柔。”——《夏目友人帐》

Mom said: "if you are more and more indifferent, you think you have grown up, but in fact, you have not. Grow up to be gentle, gentle to the whole world. "

06 成功总是偏爱那些执着于梦想的人,所以我从不曾懈怠。

Success always favors those who cling to their dreams, so I never slack off.

07 人生,只要还有一线希望,就有无限的可能。

Life, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, there is unlimited possibility.

08 安静努力 不必声张 前方有惊喜 有久违的感动

Quiet efforts, do not have to speak out, there are surprises, there is a long lost touch.

09 我们要在风雨里做个大人,阳光下做个孩子。

We should be adults in the wind and rain and children in the sun.

10 所有的蜕变和成长都伴随着疼痛,但扛过那些疼痛之后,那个更加坚强、更独立、更勇敢的自己,才是成长之于每个生命最大的意义。

All transformation and growth are accompanied by pain, but after carrying those pain, the stronger, more independent and braver self is the greatest significance of growth for every life.





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