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第一句子网 > 一看就很有意思的沙雕句子 可爱有趣 句句乐翻天!

一看就很有意思的沙雕句子 可爱有趣 句句乐翻天!

时间:2019-05-07 14:24:00


一看就很有意思的沙雕句子 可爱有趣 句句乐翻天!


I will fall in love with my life this year, but I haven thought about whose life to use.


Just checked, 757 points, so many years of silent pay, finally have a return, get up early and late, forget to eat and sleep, in exchange for todays results. Thank you for your efforts, by the way, I check sesame credit score, I don know how much you are.

去医院检查,医生一边写一边问:喝酒不? 我一脸懵逼试探性地问:今晚吗?

Go to the hospital for examination, the doctor wrote and asked: do you drink? My face tonight: do you want to ask?


Ouch! Just now I could not do a question, so I yelled to the sky and told him the question, because I think, after all, people are not as good as heaven!


Someone said: you have stars in your eyes, I said: its contact lens reflection.


After all, this summer I cannot do without the air conditioner and watermelon, because I repair the air conditioner during the day and sell watermelons at night.


Because the weather was too hot, I bought a drink for 6 yuan on impulse, which made my previously not rich family even worse. Now I sell this drink at the original price of 6 yuan and the current price of 2 yuan.


7 catties 4 taels, everything is healthy. Thank you everyone, this is my new weight in the last month.


In the supermarket, I quietly put my hand on the bar scanner and saw that the pigs hoof was 8 yuan. I thought the machine was broken, so I put my face up and looked at it. The screen showed pork head 5 yuan.


