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风趣幽默的朋友圈文案 专门治愈不开心!

时间:2023-04-02 13:32:38


风趣幽默的朋友圈文案 专门治愈不开心!


I heard that these two kinds of girls are the most lovely, one is forgetful, the other is…… I also forget.

闭关修炼计划了个plan 但因为lan 做了个p。

The retreat program plan but because lan made a p.


If I had money, I wouldn have done that.


Have you ever heard a Tibetan poem? You are Ze Shang Tong Jin, is read Jing Di Fu. Shassai face Yan, carving Xuan back to Cui Mo.


The gentleman loves the wealth, takes the Youdao, this way, is I do not know.


I went home with the seal.

去医院检查,医生一边写一边问:喝酒不? 我一脸懵逼试探性地问:今晚吗?

Go to the hospital to check, the doctor writes while asking: drink? I asked tentatively: tonight?

有些人真的没有底线 ,在朋友圈评论连哈哈哈哈哈都要复制,你自己不会笑吗?

Some people really don have the bottom line, in the circle of friends comments even ha ha ha ha have to copy, you yourself?


Girls don live together, just I said lunch is a little salty, Liu Haoran with a pot shovel put me out, shoes did not have time to wear, broke up, love is too obvious?

有人说:你的眼睛里有星星 我说:那是隐形眼镜反光。

Someone said: There are stars in your eyes I said: Thats contact lens reflection.


Wanting the stars and the moon is what brings you water.


I don have much interest in women recently, especially beautiful women, if you do n t believe it, you can push me two, Ill see whats going on.

