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有感而发的句子 精湛走心 引人共鸣!

时间:2023-12-01 14:16:22


有感而发的句子 精湛走心 引人共鸣!


Life is always full of surprises and losses. There are just right encounters and heartbreaking memories. But time is always moving forward without any pity.



Defeated, is often not a heavy event, but those trivial incomparable chicken feathers, let people continue to collapse.


You don try, never know the answer, but try, you know, you shouldn try.

长大真的好吗,你都不敢为了喜欢却得不到的东西大哭,你只会装酷的说一句:“算了不要了” ,可是你真的不想要了吗。

Grow up really good, you dare not cry for what you like but can get. You just pretend to be cool and say, "forget it" but you really don want it.


You say you like me, Im ready to take off the defense to meet your love, but you don like me so much, so I put on a layer of protective shell, and finally you blame me for being cold.


Is there such a moment when you are tired to sleep in the afternoon? When you are about to wake up, the subconscious in your mind tells you not to wake up, just go to sleep forever.

这是你生命中最好的年纪,身体健康 亲人安在 现世安稳,可惜你意识不到,因为一点小事,心情就一团糟。

This is the best age in your life. You are healthy and your relatives are safe in this world. Unfortunately, you don realize it. Because of a little thing, you are in a mess.


A lot of people do this. They are always aggressive in dealing with other peoples affairs. They grasp the main problems and immerse themselves in details instead of letting go.


No one is born ruthless, is experience and see too much they do not want to see, and finally chose to close their own door.


