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好像有点拽的沙雕皮句 让人笑掉大牙 皮到没对手!

时间:2024-04-05 20:20:02


好像有点拽的沙雕皮句 让人笑掉大牙 皮到没对手!

一,谁说我不会乐器 我退堂鼓打的可好了

Who says I don know how to play an instrument? I quit. Im good

二,有人需要工作吗 我最近在招人喜欢

Anybody need a job? Ive been making people like me

三,答应我 别便宜任何一个男孩子 你自己孤独终老好吗

Promise me you won take advantage of any of the boys. You e gonna end up alone, okay

四,谁能教我骂人 每次被骂 我晶莹的泪花就像葡萄般清澈的在眼睛里打转 拳头捏得很紧 头斜过一边 嘴唇轻启 但是我始终骂不出来一句脏话 我就是这么温柔的女孩子.

Who can teach me to swear? Every time I am stunned, my crystal tears are like grapes. I turn my fists in my eyes and squeeze my fists very tightly. I lean my head over my lips and open my lips, but I can ’ t swear a swear word. I am such a gentle girl.


I have 2 million pocket money a month, the situation is better, 5 million I simply dare not fall in love, afraid that he will affect my dreams.

六,友谊就像一盘散沙 都不用风吹 你叫她多帮你砍两次拼多多就散了.

Friendship is like a plate of loose sand without the wind blowing, you ask her to help you cut twice more, fight more and more will be scattered.

七,我是个感觉控 我感觉自己将来会嫁给权志龙

Im a sensory control. I feel like Im going to marry Quan Zhilong


The two words that are more sad thanlovedareskinny

九,我上次去故宫进去之后 越走越想哭 越走越难过 心里很压抑 现在本公主进自己的皇宫还要买票了

The last time I went to Imperial Palace, I wanted to cry more and more and I felt more and more sad. I was very depressed. Now princess Ben has to buy a ticket to enter her palace

十,不要抱怨在十三亿人中还找不到一个对的人 选择题就四个 你也没对过

Don complain that you haven found the right person out of 1.3 billion, and you haven been right about four multiple-choice questions

十一,冷吗冷就对了 因为你 现在刷到了白雪公主的朋友圈

Cold? Thats right, because youve got snow whites Circle of Friends now


Swearing at me once, I endure, scolding me the second time, I endure. But you have to remember, Im a beauty, not a ninja.


Yesterday my bag was robbed, I am very sad, for this matter I cried this night, I really can not figure out, where in the end I am not as good as my bag

十四,有没有懂车的朋友 麻烦给我推荐一款200万以下两块钱的帽子 最近骑自行车太晒人了

Have a friend who knows the car trouble to recommend me a hat of less than 2 million yuan recently riding a bicycle is too sun-baked

十五,我们做彼此的天使吧 我做天

Lets be each others angels. Ill be heaven

十六,天上下雨地下滑 自己跌倒自己爬.

Its raining, its slipping, its falling, its climbing.

十七,别的女孩子穿背带裤你说他天真可爱 我穿背带裤 你问我去哪里捞鱼?

The other girls wear suspenders. You said he was innocent and cute. I wore suspenders. You asked me where to fish?

十八,现在对男的没兴趣了 不信可以推几个给我

Now Im not interested in men. If you don believe me, you can push me a few.
