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名词限定词第一节 可数不可数名词用法?所有格用法的重难点?

时间:2021-01-03 19:06:08


名词限定词第一节 可数不可数名词用法?所有格用法的重难点?

第二章 名词和限定词




1. 名词分类


2. 复合名词的复数有什么规则?

2.1. 中间没有连词符或间隔的复合名词将最后一个名词变成复数

housewife housewives

bookshelf bookshelves

2.2. 中间有连词符或间隔的复合名词将其中主要的名词变成复数

passer-by passers-by

daughter-in-law daughters-in-law

editor in chief editors in chief

2.3. 复合名词的单词中没有名词时,则在最后一个单词的词尾加-s

go-between go-betweens

grown-up grown-ups

2.4. 由man, woman作为复合名词的第一部分,将两部分都变为复数形式

man cook men cooks

woman doctor women doctors


(1) There were several looker-ons“旁观者”on the street.

(解析:复合名词的复数将主要名词looker变成复数即可,全句改为:There were severallookers-on“旁观者”on the street.)

(2) The first time I went there, they were living in a small house with dogs, ducks, andanotheranimals.

(解析:another跟单数可数名词,应改为other, 全句改为:The first time I went there, they were living in a small house with dogs, ducks, and otheranimals.)

(3) Last winter when I went there again, they had a big separate house to raise dozens of chicken.

(解析:dozens of“很多”后接可数名词复数,全句改为:Last winter when I went there again, they had a big separate house to raise dozens of chickens.)

(4) At that moment, I remembered that my father once said, “The classroom is a place for learning and that includelearning from textbooks, and mistake as well.”

(解析:根据主谓一致单数主语that配单数谓语includes, mistake和textbooks并列,应用复数形式mistakes, 全句改为:At that moment, I remembered that my father once said, “The classroom is a place for learning and that includeslearning from textbooks, and mistakes as well.”)

(5) The instructor kept repeating the word, “Speed up!” “Slow down!” “Turning left!”

(解析:根据“Speed up!” “Slow down!” “Turning left!”可知word应用复数形式words, 全句改为:The instructor kept repeating the words, “Speed up!” “Slow down!” “Turning left!”)

(6) One day, little Tony went to a shopping center with his parent.

(解析:根据语境,parent应用复数形式,全句改为:One day, little Tony went to a shopping center with his parents.)

(7) For example, we can do reading for one and a half hourand play sports for one hour every day.

(解析: one and a half后应接复数名词, 全句改为:For example, we can do reading for one and a half hoursand play sports for one hour every day.)

(8) He was tall, with broad shoulderand a beard that turned from black to gray over the year.

(解析:肩膀有两个,故shoulder改为shoulders, 全句改为:He was tall, with broadshouldersand a beard that turned from black to gray over the year.)

(9) When tea got popular in Britain, there was a crying need for good cupwith handles to suit British habits.

(解析:由handles“手柄”推知cup应用复数形式cups, 全句改为:When tea got popular in Britain, there was a crying need for good cupswith handles to suit British habits.)

(10) From the time I was about four until I was about six, I destroyed each of my toy.

(解析:each of后接复数名词,全句改为:From the time I was about four until I was about six, I destroyed each of my toys.)

(11) In our school, a variety of elective courseare available.

(解析:a variety of“多种”后接复数名词,全句改为:In our school, a variety of elective coursesare available.)

3. 不可数名词有哪“三不能”?



ü 不能在前面直接加a/an;

ü 不能在词尾加s或es ;

ü 不能在词前直接加数字one, two, three…

4. 常见的不可数名词有哪些?(一般只作为不可数名词用)

News, information, work(工作), homework, advice, progress(进步), weather, fun, luck, music, health, change(零钱), equipment(设备), furniture(家具), jewelry(珠宝), bread, clothing, traffic(车流,交通)等。


(1) Besides, they often get some useful informationsfrom the Internet.

(解析:information为抽象名词,不可数,不能加s, 全句改为Besides, they often get some useful informationfrom the Internet.)

(2) If we go on a trip abroad, we can broaden our view and gain knowledgeswe cannot get from books.

(解析:knowledge为抽象名词,不可数,不能加s, 全句改为:If we go on a trip abroad, we can broaden our view and gain knowledgewe cannot get from books.)

(3) This made for the growin the porcelain industry.

(解析:the后面应接名词,grow本身有名词形式growth,不用再变成动名词growing,全句改为:This made for the growthin the porcelain industry.)

(4) It felt very strange to travel without any luggages.

(解析:luggage“行李”为抽象名词,不可数,不能加s, 全句改为:It felt very strange to travel without any luggage.)

(5) Besides, the table tennis course is also good for character develop.

(解析:“个性的发展”develop应用名词形式development, 本身有名词形式,不要改为动名词,全句改为:Besides, the table tennis course is also good for characterdevelopment.)

(6) Unlessyou have interests in it, write to me.

(解析:名词interest“兴趣”为抽象名词,根据语境,unless改为if, 全句改为:Unless you have interestin it, write to me.)

(7) Im looking forward to your kind earliest reply at your convenient.

(解析:your后应接名词,全句改为:Im looking forward to your kind earliest reply at your convenience.)

(8) Road safety has aroused the wide attentionsof the public.

(解析:attention“关注”为抽象名词,不能加s, 全句改为:Road safety has aroused the wide attentionof the public.)

(9) As the student, what can we do to guarantee our safe?

(解析:our后接名词,safe改为名词safety, 故全句改为:As the student, what can we do to guarantee our safe?)

(10) If they choose a right time and turn down the music, it will cause less troublesfor others.

(解析:less后接不可数名词,全句改为:If they choose a right time and turn down the music, it will cause less troublefor others.)

(11) At first I found why I could not keep my balanceson a board easily.

(解析:balance“平衡”为抽象名词,不能加s, 全句改为:At first I found why I could not keep my balanceon a board easily.)

5. 不可数名词和可数名词的如何转换?


(1) He gained his ______ by printing ______ of famous writers. (1995 N)

A. wealth … work B. wealths … works C. wealths … work D. wealth … works


(2) I bought five ____ today.

A. fishes B. fishs C. fish


(3) There are many different ______ in this river

A. fishes B. fishs C. fish


(4) Would you like some ______ ?

A. fishes B. fishs C. fish


(5) (2000年上海卷 48) If you don take away all your things from the desk, there won be enough ____ for my stationery(文具).

A. area B. place C. room D. surface


(6) Being able to afford ______ drink would be ______ comfort in those tough(艰难的) times.

A. the; the B. a; a C. a; / D. /; a


(7) They are not _______ enough to fight the enemy.

A. a man B. man C. men D. the men


(8) The holiday brings us _________.

A. a happiness B. happiness C. happinesses D. the happinesses


(9) It will be __________.

A. a great happiness B. great happiness

C. great happinesses D. the great happinesses


(10) It is _______ to interrupt others while they are speaking.

A. a bad manner B. bad manner C. bad manners D. the bad manner


(11) We have had _______ for nearly two weeks.

A. a good weather B. good weather C. a good weathers D. good weathers


(12) He tried to find _______in that chemical ________.

A. a work; work B. a work; works C. work; works D. works; works


(13) There is ______ on your nose.

A. an egg B. the egg C. egg D. eggs


(14) All her _____ were invited to the dinner party.

A. relation B. relations C. a relation D. the relations


(15) Some _____ were seen playing football in the street.

A. youth B. few youth C. more youth D. youths


6. 名词作定语修饰后一个名词有什么规则?

6.1. 名词主要用其单数形式做定语,表示材料、类别、用途等

A silk handkerchief

A family dinner

A football player

A movie star

A shoe factory

A car park

6.2. 但有些名词需要用其复数形式做定语

A jeans shop

A clothes shop

A sports meeting

A glasses store

A sales manager“销售经理”

A savings bank“储蓄银行”

A customs official“海关官员”


(1) The ___ is just around the corner and you won’t miss it.

A. bicycle’s shop B. bicycle shop C. bicycles shop D. bicycles’ shop


(2) You can often see _______ in our town.

A. lady driver B. lady drivers C. ladies drivers D. ladies-driver

(解析:lady作定语修饰后一个名词,用单数形式,lady drivers女司机是可数的,故答案选B)

(3) There are only two _____ assistants in that ________ shop.

A. woman; shoe B. women; shoe C. woman; shoe’s D. women; shoes’

(解析:man和woman作定语修饰后一个名词,用复数形式men和women,这是一个例外,多数情况下,名词作定语修饰后一个名词用单数形式如shoe shop,故答案选B)

7. 人称名词所有格用法的重难点有哪些?

7.1. 人称名词所有格构成规则?


The girls’ uniforms


A waitress’s job

Doris’s party

Children’s games


(1) Generally speaking, the teachers’ wages should be 10 percent higher than the government officials.

(解析:语境是老师的工资应当比政府官员的工资高10%,故officials应改为所有格形式officials’, 前面有wages, 为避免重复可以省略,全句改为:Generally speaking, the teachers’ wages should be 10 percent higher than the government officials’.)

(2) The girl’sshoes were covered with mud, so I asked them to take them off before they got into Tom’s car.

(解析:通过后面的them知道girl要用复数,“女孩们的鞋”,故全句改为:The girls’shoes were covered with mud, so I asked them to take them off before they got into Tom’s car.)

7.2. 人称名词所有格规则的例外情况有哪些?

表示时间、距离、国家(或城镇)等的名词,虽然属于无生命的名词,也常用’s表所有格。如 a ten minutes’ rest; China’s agriculture; Beijing’s street

7.3. ‘s所有格后面省略名词的情况有哪些?

(1) 名词中心词已经在上下文中出现过

Mary’s is the largest house

Her memory is like an elephant’s.

(2) 被省略的中心名词表示某人的家或住宅

The doctor’s is on the other side of the street.

(3) 被省略的中心名词表示店铺、公司等

Chinese toys are sold both at Smith’s and Brown’s.

Your mother has gone to the hairdresser’s.


(1) When I was little, Friday’snight was our family game night.

(解析:按习惯,Friday night不需要用所有格,Friday做定语修饰night, 全句改为:When I was little, Fridaynight was our family game night.

(2) When I finally arrived at my friendhe lent to me lots of clothes.

(解析:根据语境,应该是到达我朋友的家,故my friend应改为my friend’s; lend为双宾及物动词,可以带双宾语lend sb. sth. 全句改为:When I finally arrived at my friendshelent me lots of clothes.)
