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第一句子网 > 初中英语常见表达法之一—天气表达


时间:2020-08-11 01:50:31



我们知道,英国人见面时最喜欢谈论天气,一方面是由于英国天气多变(changeable),另一方面是由于英国人比较保守(conservative),不愿与陌生人谈论一些其它问题尤其是涉及到隐私的问题。在初中英语里,谈论天气是一个重要话题,但不少初中生都不能很好地把握谈论这一话题要用到的语言, 不知道怎么谈论。下面,我来说说我的看法:

一、 提问时,可说:1.How is the weather today?

How is the weather in Beijing in winter?

2.What is (不用does)the weather like(介词) today?

What will the weather be like tomorrow?

二、 描述天气时可用形容词、动词、名词。


1. Pretty warm, isn’t it?

2. Terrible weather, isn’t it?

3. It’s getting warmer.

4. It’s a fine day, isn’t it?

5. It’s going to be fine tomorrow.

描述天气的形容词主要有:warm/hot/cool/cold/fine/sunny/dry/wet/humid/rainy/windy/foggy/snowy/icy/misty/ /nice/lovely/ terrible /bad等。


1.It is going to rain.

2.It snowed heavily last night.

3.The sun shines brightly.

4.It’s raining cats and dogs.

5.It’s blowing hard tonight.

6.It’s clearing up.


1.I think there’ll be a storm soon.

2.There was a heavy rain here yesterday.

3.There will be occasional showers in southeast England, some of them perhaps heavy.

4.The rain has stopped.

5.There will be a strong wind to the north of the Changjiang River.


1.It’s beginning to rain.

2.Rather cold today, isn’t it?

3.What a lovely day!

4.What fine weather we’re having!

5.It looks as if it’s going to rain.

6.I don’t think the rain will last long.

7.I hope it won’t rain.

8.I hope it will keep fine.

9.I think the rain is going to last all day.

10.I’m so sorry it has turned out wet.

11.I hope the weather stays this way.
