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创立 establishment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-05 18:33:05


创立 establishment英语短句 例句大全



1.The Research of Taiwan Confucianism Establishment and Its Connotation during the Ming Zheng Time;明郑时期台湾儒学的创立及其内涵研究

2.theestablishment of its theories,the revolution of its ideas and the coming up with the time in its advancement,which shows that the future of its traditional culture lays on the variation with time.论及儒文化的历史发展有三个重要阶段:学说的创立,思想内容的改造。

3.On the basis of source material,this paper reviews theestablishment and main activities of the Unionand appraises its.本文从考察原始资料入手,概述了该会的创立过程和主要活动,并对其历史作用作了评析。


1.He has hung up a new record for the high jump.他创立了跳高的新纪录。

2.Convention for the Creation of an International Criminal Court创立国际刑事法院公约

3.He was the founder of this society.他是这一团体的创立者。

4.Einstein fathered relativity.爱因斯坦创立了相对论。

5.He founded a banking firm.他创立了一家银号。

6.Our company was established in 199本公司创立于1996 年。

7.The company was established in 1958.这家公司创立于1958年。

8.A scientific research institution was brought into existence .创立一个科学研究机构。

9.The founding meeting is made up of the subscribers.创立大会由认股人组成。

10.-and led to the creation of Dell Computer Corporation,后来他创立了戴尔公司。

11.minutes of the founding meeting;创立大会的会议记录;

12.The WTO was established on 1 January 1995.wto创立于1995年1月1日。

13.set the new fashion in women"s clothing.创立妇女时装新风尚。

14.He has a style of writing of his own.他创立了自己的文风。

15.a person who founds or establishes some institution.创立或建立某种新制度的人。

16.Saint-Simon did not develop a distinctive sociology.圣西门没有创立一门独立的社会学。

17.To start or establish(a business enterprise, for example.筹资创立开办或建立(如商务企业)

18.To create or bring about by or as if by legislation.以立法程序创立,以类似于立法的程序创立用或似乎用法律产生或实现



1.ExploreFoundation the Discipline of Building Intelligence System Engineering;创立建筑智能化系统工程学科的探讨

2.The Empirical Study on theFoundation of New Ventures and Their Growth at the Early Stage;合肥市新企业创立与早期成长的实证研究

3.The foundation of the socialist system of theories with Chinese characteristics is based on Comrade MAO Zedong s hard exploration in the sinicization of Marxism,especially in the laws on buiding socialism.中国特色社会主义理论体系的创立,是奠基于毛泽东同志对马克思主义中国化、特别是社会主义建设规律的艰辛探索的。


1.In the process of studying and applying the pattern,the following problems should be noticed: problem of mathematic teaching pattern and method which should be established and developed on the basis of basic teaching pattern;evaluation of teaching pattern;creation of.在研究、学习或运用该模式时,应注意以下几个问题:确立教学目标;数学模式与数学教学方法问题;教学模式应该是在基本教学模式的基础上建立和发展的;教学模式的评价问题;创立新的教学模式一定要配备能表现该模式的典型案例。


1.So it is feasible toestablish "Auxiliary Course of Football Major" in the existing structure of the courses.在现有课程结构中创立"足球辅助专修课"具有可行性。

2.This thesis puts forward the significance of individual top brands to one s existence and development and states the inten-sive features of individual top brands,basic conditions and qualifications forestablishing individual top brands.个人品牌的创立需要个人素质与外部力量的共同作用。


1.,founding stage,stablizing stage,great developing stage.本文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,用历史分析的方法,将高等职业教育的历史发展分为创立时期、确立时期和大发展时期,并揭示了各个阶段的特征、内在联系和历史发展演变轨迹。

2.The study on thefounding of the imperial military examination(IME) is carried out through the combination of various subjects of national history,history of athletics and athletic theory,as well as the relevant literature,background analysis and comprehensive analysis.创立“武科制”是武则天革新朝政,选拔将帅建立新的军事体育制度的需要,是武则天政权“不惜爵位,以笼四方豪杰自为助”,“务取实才真贤”培植扩大其亲信势力的必然结果。

3.This thesis discuss thefounding process and the operation on initial stages of the Imperial Bank of China.该文论述中国通商银行创立的过程和初期业务经营运作情况。


1.Subtle Research on the Historic Certainty of the Foundation of the Communist Party of China --Dedicating to the 80th Anniversary of the Birth of the Communist Party of China;中国共产党创立之历史必然性探微——为中国共产党创立80周年而作

2.With his foresight and sagacity,erudition and versatility and passion proposal,Wiener associated with many science and technology experts tofound the cybernetics through subjects cross,mutual complementarities of the ability and insight and intelligence inspiration.维纳以他的远见卓识、博学多才和热情倡导,联合众多科技专家,通过学科交叉、才识互补、智力激发,创立了控制论。


创立1.初建;首次建立。 2.建立;建造。
