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资本回报率 return rate of capital英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-01 04:21:27


资本回报率 return rate of capital英语短句 例句大全

资本回报率,return rate of capital

1)return rate of capital资本回报率

1.From the view of thereturn rate of capital, the adequate price cap could be estimated in accordance with the increase rate of bidding load and the average cost of electricity-generating.然后,基于分析结果,从资本回报率的角度出发,根据实际竞价负荷的增长率和平均发电成本,即可推算出一个比较合理的价格上限。


1.Risk Adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC)风险调整资本回报率

2.Returns to Human Capital during the Economic Transition in Urban China;城市经济转型时期人力资本回报率研究

3.Measurements of China s Capital Return (1978-):Microeconomic Underpinnings for the Recent Economic Boom in China;我国资本回报率估测(1978—)——新一轮投资增长和经济景气微观基础

4.Human Capital Return and Income Disparity: Mathew Effect and Its Implication;人力资本回报率变化与收入差距:“马太效应”及其政策含义

5.Globalisation, which seems to have lowered the relative cost of unskilled labour and boosted the return to capital, has also played its part.全球化——似乎降低了雇用低技能劳动力的相对成本并且提升了资本回报率——也是成因之一。

6.Return on Working Capita资本运用回报率 (%)

7.Capital Market Investment Return Rate and Pension System Revamp in China;资本市场投资回报率与我国养老金体系改革

8.The Cost of Capital and Return on Corporate Investment of A-share Listed Company;A股上市公司的综合资本成本与投资回报——从内部报酬率的视角观察

9.In these cases the company cost of capital and the expected return on the stock are the same thing.在这些例子中,公司资本成本和股票的期望回报率就是一回事情。

10.Hoarding(囤积) so much is inefficient: companies reduce their return on equity by having too little debt.积聚如此之多的资金不利效率:公司负债极少,股本回报率因而降低。

11.The returns obtained from investing in a share can be broken down into two components - capital gain and dividend yield.投资股票的回报可分为两部分——资本增值和股息率。

12.The returns will generally be a fixed interest rate during the term of the investment plus the principal invested.一般来说,在投资期限里,回报是固定利率加上投入的本金。

13.The return on investment is still of the order of 20%-30%.投资回报率仍然在原有的20%-30%之间。

14.Returns on Chinese Venture Capital Investment and Its Determinants;我国创业投资的回报率及其影响因素

15.Return to Capital Investment and Its Determinants in China: Evidence from Listed Companies;中国资本投资回报率的估算和影响因素分析——1999—上市公司的经验

16.If the share price does not change, then the investment return is equal to the dividend yield.若是股价不变,那么,投资回报率只等于股息率。

17.A Research on the Investment Decision of Transmission Enterprise under Rate of Return Regulation;投资回报率规制条件下电网企业投资决策研究

18.Investors want a rate of return, and the longer they have to wait, the less attractive a stock becomes.投资商们都希望有高的回报率,他们需要等待的时间越长,股本就越来越没有吸引力了。


Return on Average Capital Employed投资资本回报率

3)return rate of human capital人力资本回报率

4)return ratio of economic capital经济资本回报率

5)Return On Capital Gains资本收益回报率



