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猪皮废油 waste-pigskin-oil英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-10 10:40:14


猪皮废油 waste-pigskin-oil英语短句 例句大全




1.Waste-pigskin-oil and Shaoshui-oil Catalyzed into Biodiesel by Two-step Chemical Method两步化学法催化猪皮废油和潲水油制备生物柴油

2.Determination of fat content in pigskin and degreasing water by UV spectrophotometry紫外分光光度法测定猪皮及其脱脂废液中油脂含量

3.Observation of clinical application of radiated oil pigdermis incorporated with silver辐照含银油质猪真皮的临床应用观察

4.Leather made from the skin of a pig.猪皮革用猪皮做的皮革

5.The crisp bits that remain after rendering fat from meat or frying or roasting the skin, especially of a pig or a goose.脆皮在熬油、油煎或烤肉皮后剩余下来的松脆小片,尤指猪的和鹅的

6.regeneration of waste lubricating oil废润滑油再生(废油再生)

7.Pan-fry pork chop in 2 tbsp oil until golden yellow and done. Add minced garlic and lemon rind. Cook for 1 minute.用2汤匙油将猪扒煎至金黄熟透,加入蒜蓉及柠檬皮碎煮1分钟。

8.These cakes were made with melon seeds, lotus seeds, almonds, minced meats, bean paste, orange peels and lard.月饼是用瓜子,莲子,杏仁,肉馅,豆酱,桔皮和猪油做成的。

9.The Treatment of the Radiated and Glycerolized Porcine Skin and Aloe Vera Gel Juice on Scald辐照甘油猪皮及芦荟凝胶原汁对烫伤的治疗研究

10.lard fruit【植】猪油果, 油渣果, 油瓜

11.leather from the skin of swine.由猪的皮制成的皮革。

12.the thickness of the food crust and the oil uptake show a slight increase, while the oil uptake of the food fried in waste oil decreases.食品的外表皮厚度和吸油量稍有增加,但用废油炸的食品的吸油量减少.

13.Crisp bits of fried pork fat;cracklings.猪油渣,油渣将猪的肥肉油煎后制成的松脆小片;猪油渣

14.Effects of cis9,trans11-Conjugated Linoleic Acid on Pig Hepatocye and Colon Mucosa Cell Cultured in Vitro顺9,反11-共轭亚油酸对离体培养猪肝细胞和结肠粘膜上皮细胞的影响

15.chrome semi-tanned pig skin for working gloves铬鞣半硝猪工作手套皮

16." Fresh and frozen pork, halves, skinless"GB/T9959.2-1988无皮鲜、冻片猪肉

17." Fresh and frozen pork, halves"GB/T9959.1-1988带皮鲜、冻片猪肉

18.lyophilized porcine dermis irradiated灭菌冷冻干燥猪真皮


Radiated and Glycerolized Porcine Skin辐照甘油猪皮


1.Extraction of collagen protein peptide formpigskin and its analyses of physical and chemical properties;猪皮胶原蛋白肽的提取及理化分析

parison of Different Thickness Activated Pigskin Graft in Deep Burn Wound;不同厚度新鲜猪皮片在深度烧伤创面应用比较

3.Extraction and characterization of collagen frompigskins;猪皮胶原蛋白的提取及其结构表征

4)Pork skin猪皮

1.Effect of several acid solutions in the extracting of pork skin collagen;酸溶液对猪皮中胶原蛋白溶出率的影响

2.Effects of technology conditions on texture properties and microstructure of pork skin extracts;工艺条件对猪皮提取物质构和微观结构影响的初步研究

5)pig skin猪皮

1.The raw material of this experiment ispig skin,which is treated by alkalization.本实验以猪皮为原料 ,采用碱法对猪皮进行处理 ,同时实验确定了最佳的腌制方法、添加剂配比关系和蒸煮方法。

2.In this paper,a new technology for extraction of collagen frompig skin was studied.对以新鲜猪皮为原料 ,采用氯化钠 /三羟甲基氨基甲烷 -盐酸缓冲液 (pH =7。

3.In this paper, the present status of leather-making withpig skin were disscussed and its causes of formation are analysed.本文讨论了猪皮制革的现状,分析其成因,在此基础上阐明了猪皮制革必须适应市场经济的观点,并提出了猪皮制革走出低谷的若干具体对策。


1.Antioxidative effect of sesame cake extract onlard;芝麻饼提取物对猪油抗氧化作用研究

2.Study on antioxidant effect of ginger oil forlard;生姜油对猪油的抗氧化效果研究


