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交际圈 social network英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-20 09:12:54


交际圈 social network英语短句 例句大全

交际圈,social network

1)social network交际圈

1.The present study is an attempt to conduct a research about Chinese international postgraduates\"social networking experience.本文从人际圈的角度入手,通过采用定性和定量的研究方法,围绕以下两个问题对中国留学生的跨文化适应进行了探讨:(1)中国留学生的交际圈现状;(2)中国留学生交际圈与跨文化适应的关系。


1.Where do I get my information, and how? Can I make greater use of my contacts?我在什么地方可以获得我需要的信息,怎样获得它?我能够更好地利用我的交际圈吗?

2.He is overjoyed at mixing in exclusive circles and tries to combine this with his clandestine romance with Roberta.他一面欣喜若狂地在时髦的社会交际圈子里鬼混,一面仍同洛蓓塔偷偷往来。

3.The "Na" ecoculture and the cultural interaction of the Zhuang people;“那”生态文化圈与主体际交往实践

4.Necessity of Developing the Intercity Track Transit System within Wuhan City Group;建设武汉城市圈城际轨道交通的必要性研究

5.international geosphere biosphere program国际地圈 生物圈计划

6.International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme国际地圈-生物圈计划

7.Theory Framework of Intercity Traffic Planning in Metropolitan Region Based on Strategic Environmental Assessment基于战略环境评价的都市圈城际交通规划理论框架

8.Chinese National Committee For International Geosphere-Biosphere Program(CNC-IGBP)国际地圈生物圈计划中国全国委员会

9.International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP)国际陆界生物圈方案

10.International Biosphere Reserve Congress国际生物圈保护区大会

11.International Meeting on Biosphere Reserves国际生物圈保护区会议

12.A Study on the College Student s Interpersonal Adaptation of the Qinghai Plateau s Culture and its Association with Diverse Nationality Civilization;民族文化交融中的人际适应研究——以青海高原文化圈中的大学生为例

13.Directional With Loops附有圈道之直接交叉型

14.AC moving coil round instrument交流动圈式圆形电表

15.AC moving coil rectangular instrument交流动圈式矩形电表

16.She moves in the highest circles of society.她生活在高级社交圈里。

17.crossed-coil type ratiometer交叉线圈式电流比率计

18.The Test Study of Strand Circulating Current in the Stator Barrel Type Coil of AC Machines交流电机定子圈式线圈股线环流的试验研究


target language situation目的语交际圈

3)have a wide acquaintance交游广阔; 交际圈广


1.Rhizosphere is a special"ecological remediation unit"to treat contaminated soils, which contains a great quantity of microorganisms such as fungi and rhizobacteria living with plant roots.根际圈以植物根系为中心聚集了大量的生命物质及其分泌物 ,构成了极为独特的“生态修复单元” 。

5)international geosphere国际地圈


1.The Application of Pre-suppositional Theory to the Improvement of Information-Seeking Capability in Communication;运用前提理论提高交际中获取信息的能力

2.On principles and methods of family s languagecommunication;试论家庭交际中的语言原则和方法


交际人与人之间的往来接触;社交:语言是人们的~工具 ㄧ他不善于~。
