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分支 bifurcation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-08 10:04:31


分支 bifurcation英语短句 例句大全



1.Visualization of security stability regions and computation ofbifurcations of power systems;电力系统安全稳定域的可视化及分支计算

2.The central condition and limit cyclesbifurcation for a class of fifth degree system;一类五次系统的中心条件和极限环分支

3.Thebifurcation and limit cycle of predator-prey gaining model with Holling Ⅲ functional response;具有HollingⅢ型功能反应的捕食与被捕食收获模型的分支与极限环


1.A branch from a dike or vein.岩脉分支,矿脉分支

2.A division of a business or other organization.支部,支局商行或其他组织的分支

3.CAMAC branch-highwayCAMAC分支信息公路

4.CAMAC branch driverCAMAC分支驱动器

5.One of the branches of a forked or jointed object.分支部分叉形物或关节的分支

6.Branch-and-Cut Algorithms and a Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for Blocked TSP;分支—切割法与分块TSP的分支—切割法

7.No Branch Type. Click to select Branch Type:没有分支类型。单击可选择分支类型:

8.Error in adding spoke files in spoke package.向分支程序包添加分支文件时出错。

9.the branch of philosophy that analyzes inference.哲学中推理分析的分支。

10.Bifurcate and Qualitative Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations常微分定性分支初步

11.A subdivision of a family of languages, such as the Germanic branch of Indo - European.语言支系语系的分支,如印欧语系的日耳曼支

12.Local and Global Bifurcation of a Class of Differential System of Order n;一类n次微分系统的局部分支和全局分支

13.Semantic Web Service Composition Supports If-Then-Else Structure;支持条件分支的语义Web服务组装

14.A bifurcation or separation into two or more branches or parts.分岔,分支分成两个或两个以上部分

15.the branch of medicine concerned with preventing disease.预防疾病的医学分支。

16.A branch of a river that flows away from the main stream.支流,分流从主干河流岔流出的支流

17.FEM Analysis on Thermal Stress in Strut of Foundation Pit;基坑支护支撑温度应力的有限元分析

18.The Model Analysis about Millicent in Mcropayment Protocol;Millicent微支付协议中的支付模型分析



1.The Anatomical Observation of the Axillary ArteryBranches;腋动脉分支的解剖学观察

2.Framework and convergence of branch-and-cut algorithms;分支-切割法的框架及收敛性

3.Atoms and branches of BCH-algebras;BCH-代数的原子与分支


1.We will determine the whole ARcomponent situation of an Artin algebra even the property of the algebra itself by discussing the individual property of acomponent of the algebra.通过代数的AR分支上个别特性来确定整个分支的趋势甚至代数本身的特性 ,且通过一个例子说明所给条件没有时结论不成立 。

2.Moreover, it deals with characterization of thecomponent of the soft algebra.本文研究了布尔元的几个重要性质,给出了布尔元的代数特征之后,利用布尔元刻画了软代数中的“分支”问题,为软代数中的分支构造问题的探讨奠定了一定的基础。

3.By using the probability that fixed classes of finite non-intersected subsets of nodes are located in differentcomponents to construct a scheme of allocating particles and prove this scheme is a Markov chain.研究n个顶点的随机置换图的一些性质,利用已有的一个确定划分的概率(使得顶点都被记录在不同的连通分支当中),去构造一个放球模型,并可以证明这个放球模型是马氏链,还可以证明随机置换的某些性质是包含在这个放球模型当中,最后得到随机置换连通分支的极限联合分布。


1.Dysfunction of main branches of facial nerve after parotidectomy;腮腺手术与面神经主要分支损伤

2.Applied Anatomy and Clinical Significance of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve and ItsBranches;喉返神经及其分支的应用解剖及临床意义

3.Anatomical variation in branches of the aortic arch under DSA and its significance主动脉弓分支的数字减影血管造影解剖学变异及其意义


1.Discussion on JS_2 anchor tower used as branching tower;JS_2铁塔作线路分支塔的探讨

2.This paper researches systemically key problems that must be solved in three dimensional reconstruction, such as smoothness and continuity ,section registration, branching, baseline selection, and puts forward corresponding resolving schemes and methods in view of different characters.对人工关节三维重建中所遇到的光滑与连续性、断层定位、分支和纵线选择等关键技术问题进行了分析和研究 ,并针对不同的特点 ,提出了各自的解决思路和方

3.This paper introduces the basic principles of the branching bounding algorithem It mainly discusses two difficult points during the implementation of theis algorithm They are the searching of the branching node and the replace of the data of the active nod本文介绍分支与定界算法的基本原理 ,着重讨论了此算法在具体实现过程中遇到的两个难点 :分支结点的寻找和当前结点对应数据的生



