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网络社会支持 online social support英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-07 16:44:04


网络社会支持 online social support英语短句 例句大全

网络社会支持,online social support

1)online social support网络社会支持

1.It was found that (1) both personality traits andonline social support influenced online interpersonal trust directly; (2) onli n e social support (especially online perceived social support) was an important m e dial variable which influenced online interpersonal trust, and (3) there were no difference of online interperson.该研究运用问卷法探讨了人格特质、网络社会支持与网络人际信任的关系。

2.The present study investigated normal middle school students, college students and vocational technical school students, and employed questionnaire, interview and subject analysis to explore the mental structure of adolescentsonline social support and develop.在现有研究高度关注网络使用与青少年心理健康关系的背景下,青少年所获得的网络社会支持对其心理健康的影响机制成为重要研究课题。


1.Relationship Between Computer Mediated Communication Motivation and Online Social Support of College Students;大学生网络交往动机与网络社会支持关系研究

2.Relationships Among Personality Traits, Online Social Support, and Online Interpersonal Trust;人格特质、网络社会支持与网络人际信任的关系

3.Research on the Relationship between Online Social Support and Life Satisfaction among College Students;大学生网络社会支持与生活满意度的关系研究

4.Business Incubation:Distribution of Resources and Social Supporting Networks;企业孵化:资源配置与社会支持网络

5.The Suevey of Poor university student" support network贫困大学生社会支持网络的调查研究

6.On Working Out a Comprchensive Network of Community Support to Weak Groups According to the Principle of "Social Assistance"in Sociology;以社会学的“社会支持”理论 构建弱势群体的社区支持综合网络

7.The positive effects of a support network include:社会支持网络的好处 它的积极作用包括:

8.A Study on the Social Support Network and Job-seeking Behaviors of the Laid-off Workers in Urban China城市下岗职工社会支持网络与谋职行为研究

9.The Construction of Social Support System of Laid Offs Re-employment in Medium and Small Cities;中小城市失业者再就业的社会支持网络构建

10.Research on the Society Support Network for Minority Impoverished High School Students in Guangxi;广西少数民族贫困高中生社会支持网络研究

11.Research on the Lack of Social Support Networks and Its Relationship with the Poor Students;社会支持网络的缺失与大学贫困生的关系研究

12.Study on the Relationship between Social Support and Internet Addiction of College Students;大学生网络成瘾与社会支持关系的研究

13.AIDS Orphans Social Support Networks and Differences Research;艾滋孤儿社会支持网络及其差异性研究

14.Social Support Networks for College Students with Domestic Financial Difficulties;高校家庭经济困难学生的社会支持网络

15.Constructing the Social Support Network to Solve the Problem of Left-behind Rural Families;构建解决农村留守家庭问题的社会支持网络

16.On Juvenile s Internet Addiction From Multidisciplinary Perspective and Social Support Strategies;青少年网络成瘾的多学科观点及社会支持策略

17.Consideration about How to Construct Social Support Networks for Postgraduates Mental Health;构建我国研究生心理健康社会支持网络的思考

18.The analysis of the social support network shortage for the urban poor;社会支持网络缺失引发的城市贫困问题分析


social supporting network社会支持网络

1.A psychological approach to the construction ofsocial supporting network for the urban disadvantaged;城市贫困群体社会支持网络构建的心理学思考

2.Therefore,the construction ofsocial supporting network system is necessary.基于此,构建防治女性吸毒者出所后复吸的社会支持网络体系至关重要。

3)social support network社会支持网络

1.The analysis of thesocial support network shortage for the urban poor;社会支持网络缺失引发的城市贫困问题分析

2.A Study of the Social Support Network for People Inclined towards Suicide自杀倾向者的社会支持网络研究

3.With a sample of 400 adolescents of " Parents gone for work" (PGW) , " Father gone for work " (FGW) and "Parents staying at home " (PSH) from Henan rural areas, the present study investigated adolescents perception ofsocial support networks and their relevance to with individual self-esteem and social initiatives through variable-centered and person-centered analyses.以来自河南省农村的400名双亲外出、单亲外出和非留守青少年为被试,采用变量中心和个体中心的分析策略,探讨了个体的社会支持网络与其自尊、交往主动性的关系。

4)social support networks社会支持网络

1.Social Support Networks Construction for Vulnerable Groups of Rural Elderly in New Rural Construction——Empirical Study on living conditions of Rural Elderly in Heilongjiang Province新农村建设背景下农村老年弱势群体社会支持网络的建构——基于黑龙江省农村老年人生活状况调查数据的实证研究

2.With the help of the investigation of one of the University s postgraduates mental health,it constructs thesocial support networks for postgraduates mental health through the aspect ofsocial support networks system and postgraduate themselves and the combination of these two systems.本文利用社会支持理论对研究生的心理健康教育进行研究,结合了对某高校研究生的心理健康现状的调查,并从研究生社会支持系统和研究生个人系统两个互动的系统的角度对研究生心理健康社会支持网络进行了构建。

5)Social support network theory社会支持网络理论

6)Social Support Networks社会支持网

1.A Study of Employment Desire,Employment Choose andSocial Support Networks about Land-lost Farmers in the Suburbs of a City——A Case Study of Longquanyi District,Pi County,Dujiangyan city,Chengdu;城郊失地农民就业意向、就业选择与社会支持网研究——以成都市龙泉驿区、郫县、都江堰市为例

2.Based on the empirical data about land-lost farmers in Longquanyi district,Pi county,and Dujiangyan city,this paper analyzes their employment intentions,employment choosing and the social support networks.文章以成都市龙泉驿区、郫县、都江堰市三地的实证调查资料为基础,分析了成都市失地农民的就业意向、就业选择和社会支持网情况,提出了深化土地制度改革、完善土地征用补偿机制,转变就业观念、培养现代市场经济意识,强化就业培训制度、健全社会保障体系,扩大社会交往范围、建立多层次的社会支持网等对策建议。

3.Based on the sampling survey data about the social support networks of urban poverty populations in Beijing,the paper analyzes the size,functions,composition of the social support networks and supportive roles of diverse relationships.本文在问卷抽样调查的基础上对北京城市贫困家庭社会支持网的规模、功能、关系构成及各类关系的支持作用进行了分析。


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
