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胶质疤痕 glial scar英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-14 18:27:53


胶质疤痕 glial scar英语短句 例句大全

胶质疤痕,glial scar

1)glial scar胶质疤痕

1.Glial scar formed by central nervous system(CNS) injury is the main inhibitory barrier of nerve regeneration.中枢神经系统损伤形成的胶质疤痕是导致神经再生阻滞的主要障碍。


1.Recent advances in treatment of glial scar-induced inhibition of nerve regeneration对胶质疤痕所致神经再生障碍的治疗进展

2.10 Cases of Burn Scar Treated with MEBO Scar Lotion疤痕平治疗10例烧伤后疤痕的体会

3.Nursing Care for Wound and Surgery Growing Scar with Cr~32 PO_4 Colloid Apply胶体~(32)磷酸铬敷贴防治外伤、手术后增生性疤痕的护理

4.Determination of Paeonol and Methylsalicylate in Bahenzhiyang Gel by HPLCHPLC法同时测定疤痕止痒凝胶中丹皮酚和水杨酸甲酯的含量

5.He has a scar on his upper lip.他的上唇有一道疤痕。

6.Will the cut leave a scar?这伤口能留下疤痕吗?

7.carries scars from acne.带有青春豆留下的疤痕.

8.His face was scarred by small-pox.他的脸上有天花疤痕。

9.The scar resulting from such a cut.手术疤痕由于这样的切割而导致的疤痕

10.the scar on certain seeds marking its point of attachment to the funicle.种子上的疤痕,系胚珠于胚珠柄的痕迹。

11.The Infulence of Antisense Nucleotide of BMP-2 to the Growth Activeness of Fibroblast in Skin Scar Tissues and the Collagen Synthesis;BMP-2反义寡核苷酸对皮肤疤痕组织中成纤维细胞生长及胶原合成的影响

12.To heal or become healed by the formation of scar tissue.结疤愈合疤痕组织形成而使愈合或变得愈合

13.A scar left by the formation of new connective tissue over a healing sore or wound.疤痕愈合的伤处或伤口新接合组织生成的疤

14.The optic nerve head looks white (glial scar) and is surrounded by hyperpigmentation.视盘色苍白(胶质瘢痕),色素环绕。

15.Experiment study on the impact of TMP on expression of bFGF and α-SMA in formation of epidural scar adhesion四甲基吡嗪对硬膜外疤痕粘连形成及疤痕中bFGF和α-SMA表达的影响

16.Years go by, and the scab develops into a fatty deposit, filled with cholesterol, proteins and bits of cellular detritus.随着岁月的增加,这种疤痕就发展成一种脂肪沉着物,充满胆固醇、蛋白质和细胞碎屑。

17.hollow scar left on the skin,esp after smallpox;pock-mark皮肤上凹陷的疤痕;(尤指天花的)麻点,痘痕.

18.The scar on a seed, such as a bean, indicating the point of attachment to the funiculus.种脐种子(如豆)上的疤痕,系胚珠于胚珠柄的痕迹


Bahenzhiyang Gel疤痕止痒凝胶

1.Determination of Paeonol and Methylsalicylate inBahenzhiyang Gel by HPLCHPLC法同时测定疤痕止痒凝胶中丹皮酚和水杨酸甲酯的含量


1.Clinical analysis of pregnancy in cesarean section scar;剖宫产疤痕部位妊娠12例临床分析

2.Application of skin expansion in the treatment of the scar in joint;应用皮肤扩张术治疗关节部位疤痕

3.9 cases of Clinical analyses of pregnancy in cesarean section scar剖宫产疤痕部位妊娠9例临床分析


5)Glial scar胶质瘢痕

1.Role of complement in the formation of glial scar after spinal cord injury;脊髓损伤后胶质瘢痕形成中补体的作用

2.Effect of low power laser irradiation on glial scars following spinal cord injury脊髓损伤后弱激光照射对胶质瘢痕的影响

3.PHPMA hydrogel was synthesized artificially and used to repair the cavity caused by acute injury in the cortex of the rat in order to evaluate its influence on the formation of glial scar and the regeneration of the neural tissue.利用此材料修补急性损伤的大鼠脑皮质缺损区 ,评价其对创伤后胶质瘢痕形成的影响以及在神经组织再生中的作用。

6)Scar uterus疤痕子宫

1.Clinical analysis of causes of intraoperative hemorrhage in 284 cases of cesarean section with scar uterus;疤痕子宫284例剖宫产术中出血原因分析


