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国际NGO international non-government organization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-27 21:04:13


国际NGO international non-government organization英语短句 例句大全

国际NGO,international non-government organization

1)international non-government organization国际NGO


1.Rational Choice and Poverty Alleviation--Analysis on the Educational Poverty Alleviation of International NGOs;理性选择与贫困缓解——基于国际NGO教育扶贫行为的分析

2.On the Status of Environmental NGO in International Environmental Law;论环境NGO在国际环境法中的地位

3.On the Influence of Environmental NGO on the Contemprary International Relationships;论环境NGO对当代国际关系的影响

4.Reference Significance of Western NGO Innovative Framework for Chinese NGO西方NGO创新模式对中国NGO的借鉴意义

5.On the world-wide environmental problems and the rising of the environmental NGO;论全球环境问题与环境NGO的兴起——国际政治的视角

6.Independence and interaction: the developing path of contemporary Chinese NGO--based on the study of Crossroads (HK)独立与互动:当代中国NGO发展路径探析——基于对香港国际十字路会的考察

7.Study on the Development of China s NGO Microfinance;我国非政府组织(NGO)小额信贷发展研究

8.Predicament and Transition of the Non-governmental Organization in Protecting Peasant-workers Interests;我国农民工维权NGO的困境与转型

9.NGO Develepment and China Civil Society Growing;NGO的发展与中国公民社会的成长

10.The Communication Strategy on Mass Media of Environment Non-governmental Organization;中国环保NGO的媒体传播策略研究

11.Research on the Status Quo of the Development of NGOs in China and Countermeasures;中国NGO的发展现状及其对策研究

12.Brief discussion on the present situation of national NGO from the angle of profitable groups;从利益群体的视角看我国NGO发展现状

13.The difficulty of raising funds and its reality choice of the Chinese NGO;中国NGO的筹资困境及其现实选择

14.Environmental NGOs: a new source of strength of China s environmental protection enterprise;环境NGO——中国环保领域的崛起力量

15.The Research of the Relationship between the Government and NGO During the Social Changing in China;浅谈转型期的中国政府与NGO关系

16.NGOs and Education for the Social Work in China--A study of the case in Yunnan Province;NGO与中国社会工作教育——以云南为例

17.Functions of Forestry Related NGOs in the U.S.A;美国林业NGO在林业管理中的作用

18.Problems and Countermeasures Existing in Chinese NGO Development;中国NGO发展中存在的问题及对策



1.NGOs and Education for the Social Work in China——A study of the case in Yunnan Province;NGO与中国社会工作教育——以云南为例

munity Administration andNGOs from the Perspective of Constructing Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会视角下的社区治理与NGO

3.The Role ofNGOs in the Poverty Eradication;NGO及其在扶贫开发中的作用

3)China technology NGO我国科技NGO组织


1.Analysis of the Connection of Chinese Domestic Coal Market and International Market;煤炭市场与国际市场接轨的分析

2.A Review of the 13th International Exhibition on Plastics and Rubber Industries, and Asian Pacific InternationalPlastics & Rubber Industry Exposition;第13届国际塑料橡胶工业展览会与’99北京亚太国际塑料橡胶工业展览会巡礼

3.ISO 14000: International Environmental Management Standards;ISO 14000国际环境管理标准


1.Educational fairness is an issue concerned by people in international education field.教育公平是国际教育界关注的热点问题。

2.Since 1990s, the focus of international sports psychology has been on mental skills training, sports social psychology, exercise and mental health, anxiety, arouse and emotion of sports, the motor skill, and the sports motivation.20世纪 90年代以来 ,国际运动心理学研究内容主要集中在心理技能训练、体育运动社会心理、锻炼与心理健康、运动焦虑、唤醒及情绪、运动技能、运动动机等方面 ,表现出以下几个发展趋势 :将分化成竞技运动心理学、体育心理学和锻炼心理学三门相对独立又彼此联系的学科 ;将可能形成教育运动心理学、临床运动心理学、实验运动心理学三门新的分支学科 ;研究领域、地域重心多元化 ,人才培养模式多元化 ;运动心理学工作者的资格认证制度化 ;研究方法生态

3.In contemporary, containers make the international maritime transportation more and more prosperous.当今时代,集装箱的加入使得国际海上运输不断繁荣,但它在促进我国对外经贸发展的同时也给我国带来了许多亟待解决的新问题,国际海上集装箱运输中承运人责任的科学界定与承担就是其中之一。

6)international and domestic国际国内

1.There is the origin and development of contracting and bidding in theinternational and domestic architectural engineering.国际国内建筑工程招标的承包有其起源与发展 ;招标承包在国际组织机构、金融机构及各国政府部门的法定应用情况和对各国经济和劳务贸易发展起促进作用 ,FIDIC主要管理文件的制定、修订和完善过程是2 0多年来为加入WTO ,与国际惯例接轨对建筑业管理改革的重要成果。


