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吹气 gas blowing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-01 06:08:31


吹气 gas blowing英语短句 例句大全

吹气,gas blowing

1)gas blowing吹气

1.Water modeling ongas blowing in tundish;中间包吹气的水力学研究

2.Simulation study of slab continuous casting tundish with bottomgas blowing;板坯连铸中间包底吹气数值模拟研究

3.Effect on steel liquid flow in the bottomgas blowing tundish of different porous materials was studied using water modeling.采用不同性能参数的多孔透气砖进行中间包底部吹气水模实验,研究透气砖的气孔率、透气度、平均孔径对所形成的气泡大小和能形成有效气幕所需条件的影响,并分析使用不同透气砖时的RTD曲线,对使用不同透气砖时的吹气参数进行了优化。


1.He puffed breath in and out.他来回地吸气吹气。

2.The opening in the mouthpiece of a flute across which the player blows.笛子长笛上吹奏者吹气的开口

3.scavenge pipe回油管,吹气[清理]管

4.rekindle the fire by blowing on the ashes向灰烬吹气使火复燃

5.boy was blowing bubbles.那个男孩在吹气泡。The

6.blow on one"s food,ie to cool it向食物吹气(使之变凉)

7.Sample gas tubes are flushed with nitrogen.采气管得用氮气吹扫。

8.To blow in puffs.吹一口气短促而有力地吹

9.Start blowing air into the bag with the hair dryer.用吹风机把空气吹进袋子里,

10.Aspiration removes lightweight trash by blowing it away.轻的杂质由气吸装置经过吹风吹除。

11.Top-Blown Oxygen Converter"s Autogenous Smelting of Secondary Copper Concentrate.氧气顶吹自热炉吃吹练二次铜精矿

12.Research and Application on Bottom Blowing System of Top-bottom Combined Blown Converter复吹转炉底吹供气制度的研究与应用

13.The day was bright, with a fresh breeze blowing .天气晴朗,吹来阵阵清风。

14.The children blew up their balloons.孩子们将气球吹起来。

15.air interrupted spark generator空气吹断式火花发生器

16.His balloon blown off.他的气球被风吹走了。

17.A breeze wafts the smell of roses.微风吹送玫瑰花香气。

18.quality basic oxygen process底吹氧气转炉炼钢法



1.Effects of jetblowing on the side force of forebodies with different cross section;不同截面机身头部吹气方式对侧向力的影响

2.Under the same reheating conditions, the influence of time sequence of stretch andblowing (characterized with delay time t0) on the preform growth in stretch blow molding (SBM) was studied using a transparent mold and a digital camcorder.在型坯再加热条件不变的情况下,通过全透明模具和数码摄像机研究了两步法拉伸吹塑中拉伸与吹气的时序(即预吹气延迟时间t0)对型坯拉伸吹胀模式的影响。

3.A flow visualization investigation on leading edge breakdown is conducted in a wind tunnel to identify the effect ofblowing on a strake wing model undergoing large amplitude pitching motions.实验采用翼面吹气控制翼面非定常流动,通过烟流显示涡轨迹和涡破碎位置,用相锁照相技术记录空间流态。

3)gas injection吹气

1.In this paper, the changing of flow in tundish during the process from ladle to tundish is simulated by k-ε modle with numerical simulations after thegas injection.模拟结果表明:吹气前从长水口流出的钢水,呈向下流动的趋势,然后直接流向出口;吹气后中间包内钢液的流动方向发生改变,钢液并未向下流动,而是先上升到渣金交界面,然后沿渣金界面流向中包的出口,后一种流动有效地增加了钢液在中间包的停留时间,增加了夹杂物与渣的接触时间,有利于中间包钢水成分及温度的均匀,特别有利于夹杂物的去除。

4)blowing and sucking吹气吸气

5)lateral gas flow侧吹气流

6)gas injection喷吹煤气

1.Slag formation in blast furnance withgas injection was studied by simulation experiment.对喷吹煤气后高炉的成渣过程进行了模拟研究,结果表明:FeO的含量决定了初渣的性能。


