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饮食 Diet英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-17 16:35:05


饮食 Diet英语短句 例句大全



1.Evaluation on the Effect on Type 2 Diabetes byDiet and Excises Quantizing Intervention;饮食与运动量化干预对2型糖尿病的效果评价

2.Study on PuerperiumDietary and Behavior Taboos Among Women in Jining City;济宁城乡妇女产褥期饮食与行为禁忌研究


1.Eating or drinking at your work station where prohibited在禁止饮食、饮酒的区域内饮食、饮酒

2.eat and drink in moderation饮食适度 [不过度]

3.the act of restricting your food intake (or your intake of particular foods).节制饮食(或者特殊食物)。

4.green food, the Best of diet饮食之冠——绿色食品。

5.A system or regimen of dieting.饮食饮食的体系或生活方式

6.A regulated selection of foods, especially as prescribed for medical reasons.特种饮食尤指给予(病人)规定的饮食

7.A balanced diet is a healthy diet.(营养)均衡的饮食是有利于健康的饮食。

8.A:What did you have? Did you have seafood?你们饮食吃了些什么?饮食吃海鲜食品了吗?

9.OTHER EATING DISORDERS can include some combination of the signs and symptoms of anorexia, bulimia, and/or binge eating disorder.其他饮食紊乱包括那些具有厌食,贪食,暴食饮食紊乱迹象的行为。

10.Do you have any suggestions about eating?关于饮食有什么建议吗?

11.and change his eating habits forever:并且要改变饮食习惯:

12.To regulate or prescribe food and drink for.为…节制或规定饮食

13.What is called a healthy diet?什么叫有益于健康饮食?

14.The evil effects of a poor diet.饮食欠佳的不良影响

15.place where refreshments are served out of doors户外供应饮食的场所

16.and is essential for our diets?是我们必须的饮食?

17.Calcium is absent from his diet.他的饮食中缺乏钙质。

18.Please take care, Jack, and do watch the food .多保重,杰克。饮食要注意。



1.Discussion on the Importance of Highland Barley Production from Tibetan Compatriot theFood Construction Variety;从藏民族饮食结构变化看青稞生产的重要性

2.this paper introduces the production principles and methods of high-purity magnesium sulfate,and expounds its application in the aspects of foodt,health care,clinic,veterinary,and chemical reagent,etc.介绍了高纯硫酸镁的生产原理和方法,论述了高纯硫酸镁在饮食、保健、临床以及兽医、化学试剂等方面的应用。


1.Research progress ondietary therapy to treated patients with hypertensive disease;饮食疗法治疗高血压病的研究进展

2.Epidemic analysis of thedietary risk factors in psoriasis;银屑病饮食危险因素流行病学研究

3.The Study on the Relationship between Woman"s Puerperal Dietary Behavior and Health in Hubei Province;湖北省妇女产褥期饮食、行为与健康关系研究


1.Effects ofdiets control on patient s condition in patients with diabetes;饮食控制对糖尿病病情的影响

2.Vasodilation reduction and insulin resistance in rats induced by high sucrose, high saturated fatty acid and high unsaturated fatty aciddiets;高糖、高脂饮食诱导大鼠胰岛素抵抗和血管舒张功能减弱


1.A Probe into the Feature of Japanese Culture through Catering——Focus on the Relation between Japanese and Chinese Catering Culture;从饮食看日本文化的特征——以中日饮食文化的关系为中心

2.Qi Min Yao Shu is an important works oncatering in the Northern and Southern Dynasties of the Wei-Jin Dynasty.《齐民要术》是魏晋南北朝时期的一部重要的饮食巨著,书中记载的有关饭的内容包括各种饭食的制作原料、方法、品种以及用途等,反映出当时的饭食已能够根据不同的需求进行不同的加工,有些特殊的饭食还折射出不同文化交流融合的信息。

3.Due to the historical origins,itscatering clearly demonstrates Viets (Jing ethnic people) brand of rice cultivation civilization.京族是一个以海洋经济活动为特色的少数民族,由于历史的渊源,其饮食明显地体现出越南越人(京族)稻作文明的烙印。

6)bite and sup饮食

1.Athletes’bite and sup in reason is an important means to resume and enhance their bodies’ ability.运动员的合理饮食是恢复和提高机体工作能力的重要手段之一,是科学训练的一个重要环节。

2.In ancient culture, cooking vessel, diet and the action ofbite and sup symbolize and are metaphor of sex.鼎之本用是一种烹饪器具,古代文化中烹饪器具、食物、饮食行为等皆曾象征、隐喻"性"。


