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审美心理要素 aesthetic mental factos英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-20 21:04:07


审美心理要素 aesthetic mental factos英语短句 例句大全

审美心理要素,aesthetic mental factos

1)aesthetic mental factos审美心理要素


1.A Comparative Study on Aesthetic Mental Elements of University Teachers and Students in China中国高校师生审美心理要素比较分析

2.Aesthetic Theory and Aesthetic Psychological Factor of Sports Appreciation;论体育欣赏的美学原理与审美心理要素

3.Psychological Factors Function And Significance On Music Cognition;音乐审美经验的心理要素在认知音乐中的作用和意义

4.Aesthetic Characteristics of TV and Psychological Need of the Audience;电视审美特性与受众心理需要的满足

5.The Psychological Traits and Influencing Factors of Infant Art Aesthetic Preference;幼儿美术审美偏爱心理特点及影响因素研究

6.Research of the Relationship between Cultural Elements in Japanese-drama and Audience"s Aesthetic Psychology日剧中的文化元素与受众审美心理的应对研究

7.Consideration of synergism of elements with human aesthetic psychology in design关于设计中元素与人的审美心理相协同的思考

8.The Sustenance of Life and the Ideal Form--Aesthetic Elements of the Nude生命的寄托 理想的形式——人体艺术审美要素论

9.The Sustenance of Life and the Ideal Form--Aesthetic Elements of the Nude;生命的寄托 理想的形式——人体艺术审美要素论

10.Research on Relationship between Aesthetic Mental Quality, Stress and Mental Health among Students in Senior High School;高中生审美心理素质与压力、心理健康的关系研究

11.The author holds that if the asethetic psychology wants to advance on, it must go deep into the research of asethetic physiologic foundation.作者认为审美心理学要继续前进 ,就必须更深入地探讨人类审美心理的生理基础。

12.A Study of the Key Elements in the Traditional Artistic Aesthetics of China“意象”、“空灵”与“线的律动”——论中国传统艺术审美中的核心要素

13.The Aesthetic Sensation·Aesthetic Experience.Aesthetic Imagination.Aesthetic Creation--On the Elements of Creating the Aesthetic Stage Image;审美感知·审美体验·审美想象·审美创造——谈戏剧舞台审美形象的生成要素

14.Influences of Aethetic Mentality on the Idea of Calligraphy Appreciation in the Han Dynasty;审美心理结构对汉代书法审美理念的促成

15.Effect of Three religions on aesthetic judgment psychological quality of Schloars in the Song Dynasty;三教合一对宋代文人审美心理素质的影响——兼评《宋代文学通论》

16.Analysis of the Aesthetic Elements Chinese Textbooks and Theory Construction of an Aesthetic System语文教材审美元素分析及审美体系的理论构建

17.The Aesthetic Culture and Aesthetic Psychology in the Propagation of the Contemporary Exhibition Art.;现代展示艺术传播中的审美文化和审美心理

18.Analysis about the Esthetic Psychology of University Students Learning and Library Esthetic Coaching;大学生学习审美心理分析与图书馆审美辅导


aesthetic factors审美要素

1.Analysis ofaesthetic factors in translating classic Chinese poetry;审美要素分析与中国古诗词英译

2.Based on the following aspects:aesthetic factors of music teaching materials; aesthetic principles of music teaching; aesthetic norms of music teachers; aesthetic requests of music teaching environment, this thesis analyzes theaesthetic factors in music teaching.从音乐教材的审美因素,音乐教学的审美原则,音乐教师的审美规范及音乐教学环境的审美要求等方面,对音乐教育教学的审美要素进行了分析。

3)the aesthetic psychological factor审美心理因素

4)aesthetic mental quality审美心理素质

1.Present studies at home mainly discuss the cultivation of student s aesthetic quality , aesthetic attainment and ability, and they are mainly descriptive qualitative studies,which are lack of experimentation for determining the nature of student saesthetic mental quality and developmental level and characteristics of student s mental quality in senior high school.审美心理素质是学生素质结构中一个非常重要而复杂的成分。

5)aesthetic psychology审美心理

1.Synaesthesia-Aesthetic Psychology of Su Shi s Poetic Life;通感—苏轼诗意生活的审美心理

2.Consideration of synergism of elements with humanaesthetic psychology in design关于设计中元素与人的审美心理相协同的思考

3.Analyses of facility construction of agritourism demonstration zone based onaesthetic psychology从审美心理角度解读农业旅游示范区旅游设施建设

6)aesthetic mentality审美心理

1.The relationship between architectural spatial art and humanaesthetic mentality;建筑空间艺术与人的审美心理的关系

2.Starting with the native-color phrasing of his writings,this paper analyzes the native-color phrasing bent in the descriptions and dialogues of his writings,and reveals the features of his language and hisaesthetic mentality.在此从纳张元本色化的语言入手,分析纳张元作品中的本色化描述语和本色化对话语,进而分析纳张元作品的语言特色及审美心理。

3.Advertising is a mass art,complying with the social conventions and customs and satisfying the mass aesthetic culture level andaesthetic mentality.广告是一门大众化的艺术,它要遵循社会文化习惯和迎合大众的审美文化水平和审美心理。


管理审美心理中介管理审美心理中介aesthetic psychological medium of management个中介系列里面。(林兆其撰国巫固审)管理审美心理中介(a es止e桩e psyehologiealmedium of management)学校管理的审美因素到师生员工美感渐成的过渡环节,包含审美感觉、审美知觉和审美表象的和谐运动的系列。从美感效应生成的机制来看,管理者所提供的管理中的审美媒介能否作用于师生员工,要受他们审美的历史层次和心理层次所制约,美感效应就是在与这两个中介层次的交融中形成的。个体的审美心理能力是在人类总体审美实践的历史积淀的基础上,通过后天个人的审美活动实践获得、发展和逐步完善起来,并成为审美心理的深层结构。在某次具体的审美活动中,美感效应的形成是心理组织作用的结果。审美心理中介系列里蕴藏着审美主体的巨大能动性。借助于格式塔心理学派的“场”概念,皮亚杰的S一认T)一R公式,即一定刺激(S)被个体同化认)于认知结构(T)中,才能对刺激(S)作出反应(R),对管理美育中的美感反应过程提出如下公式::TS才AT之R。其中,S是管理中美的信息系统,作为刺激丛作用于师生员工大脑。A代表师生员工(受教者)的心理文化结构。T代表其心理组织功能,包括对刺激的顺应和同化功能。R代表美感效应渐成,即美育功效的生成。管理美育作为一种审美心理活动,其作用的发生及取得的效果,奥秘就隐藏在AT这
