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排水系统 drainage system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-29 16:42:08


排水系统 drainage system英语短句 例句大全

排水系统,drainage system

1)drainage system排水系统

1.Analysis on technology and economy of coal minedrainage system;矿山排水系统的技术经济分析

2.Optimization ofdrainage system of extension in threatened mine by water;受水患威胁矿井延深水平排水系统的优化

3.Discussion on design-second-flow formula fordrainage system in buildings;建筑内部排水系统设计秒流量公式讨论


1.drainage capacity排水系统的去水能力

2.bilge pumping and draining system舱底污水泵及排水系统

3.The improvement in sewerage and drainage systems,,,排水设备和排水系统的改善…

4.Rural Drainage Rehabilitation Scheme乡郊排水系统修复计划

5.television survey of drainage system排水系统电视勘测工作

6.drainage system"排水系统,见 storm water drainage system"

7.The drainage of the city is not good, some of the pipes are broken.这个城市的排水系统不好,有些排水管都破裂了。

8.The drainage of the town be not good , some of the pipe be break城里的排水系统不好,有些水管断裂了

9.ceramic sanitary fixture for connection to water or sewage systems陶瓷卫生器具,用于连接供水排水系统

10.Code for design of dock gates and filling and emptying systems of dry docks干船坞坞门及灌水排水系统设计规范

11.Institute of National Aqueducts and Drainage Systems国家导水和排水系统研究所

12.Code for design of water supply and sewerage system for petrochemical enterprises石油化工企业给水排水系统设计规范

13.The drainage of the town is not good, some of the pipes are broken.城里的排水系统不好,有些水管断裂了。

14.Analysis of application of PLC in drainage system of hydropower plantPLC在水电厂排水系统中的应用与分析

15.It became necessary to provide drainage or sewer systems to carry such wastes away from the area.提供排水系统或污水管道系统,把废物排出市区已成为必要。

16.Key Technology and Design of Vacuum Tank Discharge in Vacuum Sewerage System真空排水系统真空罐排放的关键技术与设计

17.Theory Study on Design Parameters of the Horizontal Drainage System of Consolidation Method软基排水固结处理水平排水系统设计参数的理论研究

18.One Pipe System单管混接系统(排水)


drain system排水系统

1.In construction of the underground waterproofing engineering of the nuclear island of Tianwan Nuclear Power Station, engineers adopted self\|waterproof concrete structures and an overall outer\|pack waterproof coiled material layer as main waterproof measures, and used a layereddrain system as secondary waterproof measures to form a compound waterproof and drain construction method.介绍田湾核电站核岛地下防水工程采用混凝土结构自防水与全外包卷材防水层为主体,辅以层状排水系统,防疏结合的防排水作法。

2.In spite of diffluence or confluent to life and industrydrain system, they all have die sanitary facilities or the water tanks, piping system, it has important relation for ventilate system and dredge system to be designed and constructed reasonable.不论是分流或合流的生活排水和工业废水排水系统,均有卫生设备或生产设备的受水器,管 道系统及通气管系统与清通设备四方面组成。

3.The practice ofdrain system in high-rise building is described by analyzing the hydraulic of vertical drain in high-rise building The advantages of single verticaldrain system in high-rise building were show通过对建筑排水立管水力分析,阐明高层建筑排水系统的工况,指出单立管排水系统在高层建筑中的优越

3)water drainage system排水系统

1.The structure principle and cold prevention,heat preservation design of the water supply system,water drainage system and frozen water drainage on high speed trains are described.介绍了高速列车的给水系统、排水系统、冷冻排水的结构原理及防寒保温设计,指出了高速列车给排水系统的发展方向。

2.This paper introduceswater drainage system design in this interchange area combined with construction drawing design and site construction of this interchange area,which provides re.结合互通区施工图设计和现场施工实际情况介绍互通区排水系统设计,为山区高速公路立交排水系统设计提供参考。

3.The system was including the decision support system of the design and selection for thewater drainage system,rapid automatic generation and rapid implement of the rescue water drainage emergency plan,and the on time fault diagnosis and the monitoring and control of the mine equipment.包括排水系统设计与选型决策支持系统,抢险排水应急方案的快速自动生成、快速实施及矿用设备运行的实时故障诊断和监测。

4)Water supply and drainage system给排水系统

1.The introduction was given to the design method for water supply and drainage system in the National Swimming Center, including the domestic water system, hot water system, direct drinking water system, reclaimed water supply system, sewage system, rain water system and so on, which provided the reference to the design of large scale stadium.详细介绍了国家游泳中心给排水系统的设计方法,包括生活给水系统、热水系统、直饮水系统、中水供水系统、污水系统、雨水系统等,为大型体育场馆的设计提供了参考。

2.Because of the height, new demands for water supply and drainage system of high-rise residential building were put forward,especially for residential quarter.高层住宅因其楼层较高,给排水系统设计面临着新的要求。

3.In this paper,the author makes an analysis of the two kinds of pipes by comparison,laying stress on the application of the PP-R pipes for water supply and drainage system in house building.本文对二者进行了分析比较 ,并着重介绍了房建给排水系统中PP R管的应用。

5)drainage system给排水系统

1.Based on existing engineering examples and related provisions of national norms,the subway stationdrainage system design was summarized and discussed,from the production and living,fire-fighting,air defense and other aspects.根据已有的工程实例和相关国家规范规定,从生产生活、消防、人防等方面对地铁车站的给排水设计进行了总结和探讨,以期对相关地铁或其他地下场所的给排水系统工程设计提供借鉴和参考。

2.This paper introduces thedrainage system of Golden Era Building,presents the problems in installation and the corresponding solutions,and puts forward some suggestions for the selection of different pipes,the relevant design theories and design standards.介绍了金纪元大厦的给排水系统设计和安装过程中遇到的问题以及所采取的方法和对策,对不同管材的选用及对相关工程设计的一些理论和规范提出一些看法。

6)water-supply and drainage system给排水系统


