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传统翻译理论 traditional translation theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-16 22:54:22


传统翻译理论 traditional translation theory英语短句 例句大全

传统翻译理论,traditional translation theory

1)traditional translation theory传统翻译理论

1.In this article, the author studies the criteria of traditional translation and also deals with the translation practices of practical English with an attempt to show thattraditional translation theory has instructive effect on the translation of practical English.在认真思考传统翻译标准的基础上,联系英语应用文体的翻译实践,试图说明传统翻译理论及标准对于英语应用文体翻译的指导意义。

2.The development of Chinesetraditional translation theory corresponds with Chinese translation history.我国传统翻译理论体系从最初道安的"案本"、玄奘的"五不翻"、严复的"信达雅"到后来傅雷的"神似"、钱钟书的"化境",经历了一个不断发展、深化的历程。


1."Intact Translation"and Void Translation--Rethinking about Fidelity of Traditional Translation Studies“无损失的翻译”与翻译的虚无——再论传统翻译理论的“忠实观”

2.On Traditional Chinese Translation Theory from the Perspective of Thought Patterns;从思维方式角度论中国传统翻译理论

3.On the Inheritance of Traditional Chinese Translation Theory;创新与承续——论中国传统翻译理论的继承

4.The Indissoluble Bond between Traditional Chinese Theory of Translation and Classical Art,Literature and Aesthetics;中国传统翻译理论与古典文艺美学的不解之缘

5.On the Common Points About Han Lide System Function and Chinese Translational Theory;韩礼德的系统功能观与我国传统翻译理论的共同点

6.Gender and Translation--The Destruction of the Feministic Translation Theory on Traditional Theory and Its Limitation;性别与翻译——论女性主义翻译理论对传统译论的颠覆及其局限性

7.Analysis of All Men Are Brothers Translated By Pearl S. Buck From the Perspective of Polysystem Theory多元系统翻译理论视角下的赛珍珠英译《水浒传》

8."les belles infidelles" On the contributions and limitations of feminist translation theory;“不忠的美人”——论女性主义翻译理论对传统译论的颠覆

9.On Differences Between Chinese and Western Translation Theories in Terms of Thinking Pattern;从思维方式看中西翻译理论传统的差异

10.Chestermans Translation Norms: The Transcendence of Traditional Translation Concepts;传统翻译观念的逾越:彻斯特曼的翻译规范论

11.nter-language Translation and Inter-cultural Translation:With Reference to Strategies in the Translation of Chinese Classics;语际翻译与文化翻译——兼论中国传统典籍翻译策略

promise and Metamorphosis: The Theoretical Limitations of Traditional Translation Criticism;妥协与变形——从“误译”现象看传统翻译批评模式的理论缺陷

13.Functionalist Approaches to Chinese Tourism Publicity Translation;功能翻译理论指导下的汉语旅游宣传翻译

14.On Cultural Elements Translating from Chinese into English from Perspective of Functionalism从功能翻译理论角度看汉英翻译中的文化传输

15.On the Unity of Translators Views & Practice;翻译观与翻译实践应是统一的——兼谈翻译研究不宜偏谈理论

16.Intention,Equivalent and Evaluation;语篇目的、等值和评估——浅谈功能主义学派翻译理论在传统翻译过程中的应用

17."Subjective Construal" in Translation:Rethinking Meaning in Traditional Chinese Translation Theories翻译中的“主观性识解”——反思中国传统译论意义观

18.Observing The "Essence Oriented" Cultural Characteristic in Chinas Translation Theories in the Light of Chinese Traditional Aesthetics;从中国传统美学看中国翻译理论的“向心”文化特征


traditional translation theories传统翻译理论

1.The combination of feminism and translation had a strong impact ontraditional translation theories and practice in the last 30 years of the last century,thus becoming a new force in the translation circle.西方女性主义与翻译研究的结合在20世纪后30年给传统翻译理论与实践观点带来了强烈的冲击,成为译学界的一股新生力量。

2.Having penetrated into the area of translation studies, Deconstructionism has made a significant impact by questioning and challenging some basic issues intraditional translation theories, thus initiating a thorough reconsideration of them.解构主义思潮已经渗入翻译研究领域 ,并对传统翻译理论的一些基本问题提出质疑和挑战 ,产生了巨大的冲击波 ,促使人们不得不对传统翻译理论进行一次彻底的重新思考。

3)conventions of translation theories in China and western countries中西翻译理论传统

4)communication theory of translation翻译传播学理论

1.This paper analyses the present situation in the study of translation theory in China and discusses the necessity of establishingcommunication theory of translation.该文分析了我国翻译理论研究的现状 ,提出了建立翻译传播学理论的必要性。

5)systems theories翻译系统理论

1.This thesis is intended to adoptsystems theories as a theoretical framework to make a case study of the different translated texts of Uncle Tom s Cabin .本文采用翻译系统理论作为理论框架对Uncle Tom s Cabin的两个不同译本进行分析,以此来考察该理论的适用性和局限性。

6)translation theory continuum翻译理论连续统

1.Based on Daniel Chandler\"s continuum model of meaning understanding,the paper constructs atranslation theory continuum,locating some major translation theories in the model and pointing out that the cognitive linguistic study of translation belongs to the category of constructivism.以Daniel Chandler的意义理解理论连续统为基础首先提出并阐释了翻译理论连续统的概念,确定了翻译的认知语言学研究在理论连续统中的位置——建构主义,并详细探讨了认知语言学范式下翻译认知建构观的主要特征,及其对于翻译运作的描述和解释,并对翻译研究的认知格局进行了探讨和概括,为今后翻译的认知语言学研究提供了一个框架。


传统贸易理论v 传统贸易理论(Orthodox Trade Theory,包括比较优势理论和要素禀赋理论)的基本假定是:(1)完全竞争;v (2)国际贸易商品是完全同质的,且在不同国家也是如此。v 传统贸易理论所讨论的国际贸易只有产业之间的贸易(Inter-industry Trade),即传统贸易理论只考虑了不同产业间产品的交换。也就是说,根据传统贸易理论,一国不可能同时出口和进口相同的商品。因而,传统理论不能解释当今世界普通存在的产业内贸易(Intra-industry Trade)现象。
