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可持续控制 sustainable control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-10 08:40:31


可持续控制 sustainable control英语短句 例句大全

可持续控制,sustainable control

1)sustainable control可持续控制

1.According to the theory of thesustainable control of forest pests,the writer proposed the strategy for thesustainable control of the plague of roden.依据森林有害生物可持续控制原理,提出了祁连山自然保护区森林害鼠、兔的可持续控制策略,总结了区内主要森林害鼠中华鼢鼠的综合治理措施,进行了大面积推广防治。

2.The reasons of rampant occurrence of Pseudophacopteron canarium such as the existence ability,damage and risk were analyzed and thesustainable control countermeasures in the production were suggested.阐述了橄榄星室木虱的生存优势、为害特点、危险性等猖獗发生的原因,并就生产实践提出了可持续控制对策。

3.The scientific evidences are provided for thesustainable control of the larch casebearers.提供了落叶松鞘蛾可持续控制的科学证据 ,从落叶松受害后针叶和枝条内与抗虫性相关的几类化学物质变化 ,与自我补偿、恢复生长的几项因子、指标测定等方面 ,指出发挥树木对虫害的组成抗性和诱导抗性作用。


1.The Study on Sustainable Control Tecology of Chestcut Pests in Xinyang;信阳板栗病虫害可持续控制技术研究

2.Maleficence Biology And Sustainable Control Technique Of Polar In Funing County阜宁县杨树有害生物发生与可持续控制技术

3.Optimum Control Problem of the Sustainable Development in Forestry;实现林业可持续发展的最优控制问题

4.The Guarantee for Sustainable Development-the Enterprise s Environmental Cost Control;可持续发展的保障——企业环境成本控制

5.Consideration about questions of sustainable development and population control;对可持续发展与人口控制问题的思考

6.Economic Cybernetics and Sustainable Development of Social Economy;经济控制论与社会经济的可持续发展

7.Study on Mechanism and Regulation of the Sustainable Development System of ChangChun City长春市可持续发展系统机制与调控的研究

8.The investigation of sustainable development of TB control project in Dongguan东莞市结核病控制项目可持续发展的探讨

9.Study on Controlling Technology for the Sustainable Running of Urban Sewage Treatment Plant;城市污水处理厂可持续化运行控制技术的研究

10.The Analys about the Social Control to the Lasting Developmence of the Science and Technology and the Construction of Its System;科技可持续发展社会控制分析及其系统建构

11.Internal Control and Sustainable Development in Universities in China;加强高校内部控制,实现高校可持续发展

12.On Function of Tax Policy in Promoting Sustainable Social and Economic Development;论促进经济可持续发展的税收调控机制


14.On Mode Exploration of Dominant Technology for Regional Planning in the Western Continuous Development;西部可持续发展中区域规划控制技术模式探讨

15.Environmental Administrative Guidance and the Sustainable Regulation of Forestry;环境行政指导制度与林业可持续性调控

16.Realizing the Sustainable Development of Shanxi s Economy through Controlling the Outward Transportation of Shanxi s Coal;控制晋煤外输 实现山西经济的可持续发展

17.Retread using NC--the important way to the sustaining development of manufacturing;数控化翻新——制造业可持续发展的重要途径

18.Seeing from the Genetic Engineering Technique Social Control of the Sustainable Development Technique of Agriculture;基因工程与农业可持续发展的社会控制研究


Sustainable management可持续控制

1.An introduction to 973 program:"Basic research on outbreak mechanism and sustainable management for major agricultural pest insects";973项目“重大农业害虫猖獗危害的机制及可持续控制的基础研究”简介

2.Occurring dynamics and sustainable management strategies and practices of wheat major insect pests;小麦主要害虫的发生动态及可持续控制的策略与实践

3.Best combination and implementation of sustainable management for rice major pest in Guangdong;水稻重大病虫害可持续控制技术的优化集成及应用

3)sustainable control technique可持续控制技术

4)sustainable control持续控制

1.Taking Taiyuan City as the example,this paper expounds the features of the ecological environment for the garden plants,and puts forward some strategies and methods for thesustainable control of the garden plants pests.以太原市为例,阐述了园林植物生态环境的特点,提出了园林植物害虫持续控制的策略与方法。

2.Different levels of intermediate cutting intensities for the stands have differentsustainable control effects of T.不同抚育强度林分 ,对纵坑切梢小蠹的持续控制效果不同。

5)sustainable management持续控制

1.The result showed that thesustainable management of Nosema locustae to grasshopper was apparent.对1993年至曾施用不同剂量药剂的处理区进行逐年跟踪调查,结果表明:蝗虫微孢子虫对青海草原蝗虫的持续控制作用十分明显,施用微孢子虫6~后,该地区的微孢子虫病一直在蝗群中自然流行,蝗虫密度仍然在防治指标下,持续控制了蝗害。

2., a new set of techniques by mainly applying the microsporangium Nosema locustae and sometimes cascade (one of the acylurine chemicals having acdysis inhibition activity) in addition forsustainable management of the locust disaster originally from abandoned land wa.针对海南蝗区飞蝗每年发生4代、世代重叠、发生为害时间长等特点,提出了应用蝗虫微孢子虫持续控制海南蝗区飞蝗灾害的新技术。

6)controlling technology of sustainable running可持续化运行控制技术


反馈控制(见控制系统)反馈控制(见控制系统)feedback control于。。伙。]伙ongZ片}反馈控制(几edbaekcontrol)见拉制系统。
