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后工业文明 post-industrial civilization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-16 16:24:24


后工业文明 post-industrial civilization英语短句 例句大全

后工业文明,post-industrial civilization

1)post-industrial civilization后工业文明

1.Since mankind is in the transitional period from the industrial civilization to thepost-industrial civilization,and the sense of time influences the construction of social development,it is necessary that its his.由于人类目前正处于从工业文明到后工业文明的转型时期,时间意识又影响着人们对社会发展模式的建构,因此有必要重新反思其历史的合理性,探讨其未来趋向。


1.The Consideration and Care in the Post-industrial Civilization--The Immaterial Design in the Commodity;后工业文明中的体贴与关爱——生活用品中的非物质设计

2.human problem of industrial civilization工业文明中的人的问题

3.The Collision between IndustrializationalCivilization and Human Nature;工业化文明和人类自然性的冲突(英文)

4.The Relationship between the Road Culture and the Building Of a More Civilized Industry论公路文化与加强行业文明创建工作

5.With the rapid development of modern industrial and commercial civilization on a global scale after the20 st century, professional wear has become more and more valued by professionals.世纪后,随着现代工商业文明的在全球范围内的迅速繁荣,职业装更加为职业人士所重视、崇。

6.Natural Value View on Turning Period from Industry Civilization to Eco-civilization;工业文明向生态文明转型时期的自然价值论

7.Harmonious Development:The Turn from Industrial Civilization to Ecological Civilization;和谐发展:从工业文明向生态文明的转变

8.The Deuelopment from mdustrial Civilization to Ecological CivilizationThe New Definition ofProductivity Concept;从工业文明到生态文明:生产力概念的重新界定

9.On the "Paradigm Convert" Relation between Industrial Civilization and Ecological Civilization工业文明与生态文明“范式转换”关系的探讨

10.Study on Historic Spanning from Industry Civilization to Zoology Civilization of Guizhou贵州从工业文明向生态文明的历史性跨越研究

11.Discussion on Safe and Civilized Construction Management for Power Construction Enterprise;论电力施工企业的安全文明施工管理

12.a moribund civilization, industry, custom日趋消亡的文明、 工业、 习惯.

13.Implantation of Modern Industrial Civilization and Regional Social Change近代工业文明的植入与地区社会变迁

14.Industrial Civilization and Nature:"Smog" under the Ecocriticism工业文明与自然:生态批评下的《烟云》

15.Agricultural Civilization, Industrial Civilization and Nationalism:A Study of Gellner’s Nation Theory;农业文明、工业文明与民族主义——盖尔纳民族理论解读

16.The weaponry, organization, logistics, and commanding factors in agriculture civilization make the combat not a decisive tool. "Culture moralism" is a strategic culture of hegemon.在农业文明之下,因为军队武器、编组、后勤、指挥等因素,使得武力无法成为一种有效的工具。

17.cultural [culture] lag文明迟滞(指精神文明落后于物质文明)

18.Thus comes the modern civilization of industry, agriculture and science.现代工业文明、农业和科学就是因此发展的。


industry civilization工业文明

1.Among the three stages nature state,agricultural civilization andindustry civilization,theindustry civilization brought both rich material wealth and ecological disaster for human beings.人类社会经历了原始状态、农业文明和工业文明,其中工业文明在为人类创造了巨大的物质财富的同时,也给人类带来了巨大的生态灾难。

2.With the develoment of modernindustry civilization,the new modern art form-the specil artistc charm and brime vigour modern ceramic art happened.伴随现代工业文明而发生的现代艺术形态———现代陶艺 ,以其独特的魅力和活力 ,以及开放性和建设性的姿态积极参与中国先进文化和艺术的建设 ,通过对它的发生、发展及现状的综述 ,目的在于更好使其在 2 1世纪人们社会生活和民族文化建设中发挥作

3)industrial civilization工业文明

1.In Memory of Chrysanthemums——The Contrast between Industrial Civilization and Human ity as Seen from Lawrence s “ Odour of Chrysanthemums”;菊花祭——从《菊花的幽香》看劳伦斯作品中工业文明与人性的对立

2.It is the only way out in constructing eco-rural small town to overcome these drawbacks,and integrate the positive results of agricultural civilization andindustrial civilization.要克服这种弊端,整合农业文明和工业文明的积极成果,是生态型农村小城镇构建的唯一出路。

3.Eco-thoughts have gone through eco-spontaneity of primal civilization and agricultural civilization,eco-loss and eco-awaking ofindustrial civilization.经历了原始文明和农业文明的生态自发,工业文明的生态失落与生态觉醒。

4)new industrial civilization新工业文明

5)Industrial ivilization工业化文明

6)industry and business civilization工商业文明

modity economy and stranger society inindustry and business civilization makes out much credit,the information concerning everyone in the society isn t transparent.而工商业文明的商品经济和陌生人社会,则是产生大量信用,社会成员信息不畅。


