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税率 Tax rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-09 10:01:36


税率 Tax rate英语短句 例句大全

税率,Tax rate

1)Tax rate税率

1.Study of the Design of the Tax Basis for the Most Favorable Tax Rate of Cross-strait Value-added Tax (VAT);两岸增值税最优税基税率设计之研究

2.Tax rate flutuation"s influecnce on finance income——demonstraive research basing on Chinese economy税率变动对财政收入的影响——基于中国经验的实证研究

3.This paper gives relatively reasonable property tax rate estimation.我国开征物业税的探讨很多,但对物业税合理税率的设定涉及较少,本文试图给出一个相对合理的物业税税率测算,在分别介绍港澳台及其他国家物业税税率设定情况的基础上,介绍了国内专家对我国开征物业税的税率的测算和设想,重点从物业的全寿命周期角度分别探讨了对于住宅、商业项目的合理税率的设定。


mon customs tariff共同关税率共同海关税

2.customs and excise tariff国内货物和关税税率

3.Defining Tax base and rate定义计税基数和税率

4.tariff escalation关税升级, 滑动税率

5.reduce the standard rate of income tax降低所得税的标准税率.

6.The rate of taxation or rate of customs and excise duty is of great importance.税率或进口关税和消费税的税率极为重要。

7.the rate is only 15%.则税率仅为15%。

8.a scale of wages, taxation工资、税率的等级

9.Taxpayer: how about the tax rate?纳税人:营业税税率是多少?

10.Graphical Analysis of the Customs Duty Income Effect and Customs Rate关税收入效应和关税税率的图解分析

11.Application of prefrential income tax rate, and exemption of income tax.适用优惠所得税税率,及所得税免除

12.Study of the Design of the Tax Basis for the Most Favorable Tax Rate of Cross-strait Value-added Tax (VAT);两岸增值税最优税基税率设计之研究

13.Hello. the customs code of nut is :08029049,customs duty rate is 24%, value added rate is 13%.您好!坚果的税号是08029049,关税税率为24%,增值税税率为13%。

14.Land Appreciation Tax shall adopt four level progressive rates as follows:土地增值税实行四级超率累进税率:

15.The tax rate in the Special Economic Zones is 3. 5% lower than that in Hong Kong.特区的税率比香港的税率低3. 5%。

16.Any adjustments to the Consumption Tax taxable items, tax rates (tax amounts) shall be determined by the State Council.消费税税目、税率(税额)的调整,由国务院决定。

17.A tax will be referred to as progressive where the tax rate increases as the base increases.当税基增长,税率亦增长时,这个税就是累进税。

18.In cases where export goods, to which export tariff rates are applicable are subject to temporary tariff rate, the temporary tariff rate shall apply.适用出口税率的出口货物有暂定税率的,应当适用暂定税率。


tariff rate税率

1.Analysizing on the causes of customs revenue increasing from Western Zhou Dynasty to Qin and Han Dynasty,the following three perspectives were necessary:the greater and greater incidence of taxation,the more and more barriers,the higher and highertariff rate.考察封建国家关税收入增长的原因,不可忽视以下三个重要因素,即关税征收范围的扩大、关卡的增设以及关税税率的提高。

3)tax rate and tax class税率税级

4)Tariff rate关税税率

5)pawn tax当税税率

6)customs duties关税税率

1.Applying the economic game theory, this paper studies the influences on the firm s product decision & national rate ofcustoms duties in the international trade under the condition of currency deprectation and gets some conclusions from discussion.本文应用经济博弈论理论 ,研究了货币贬值对该国国际贸易企业产量决策和国家关税税率的影响 ,并且从中得出一些有意义的结

2.Applying the economic game theory, this paper studies the influences on the firm s product decision & national rate ofcustoms duties with its cost depends on exchange rate in the international trade under the condition of currency depreciation and gets some conclusions from discussion.本文应用经济博弈论理论,研究了货币贬值对该国成本依赖于汇率变化的国际贸易企业产量决策和国家关税税率的影响,并且从中得出一些有意义的结论。


