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感热通量 Sensible heat flux英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-09 08:51:49


感热通量 Sensible heat flux英语短句 例句大全

感热通量,Sensible heat flux

1)Sensible heat flux感热通量

1.), turbulence kinetic energy and sensible heat flux are calculated and their characters are analyzed under different stability and compared with the r.采用2000年8月在美国加州棉花地两个高度上应用超声三分量仪、快速响应温度和湿度仪进行的EBEX2000(InternationalEnergyBalanceExperiment,2000)风速三分量、温度和湿度湍流实验观测数据,计算分析了湍流宏观量(即u,T,σu/u,σv/u,σw/u和σT/T等),湍流动能和感热通量等的特征,并与其他湍流实验得到的结果进行了比较。

2.Based on the studies of the climatic characteristics and the spatial features and temporal tendencies of the surface sensible heat flux (SSHF) on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, its effects on the general atmospheric circulation over the Northern Hemisphere and climatic anomaly of China have been further studied by the statistical diagnoses and the IAP2-LAGCM modeling.在青藏高原地面感热通量的基本气候特征以及异常变化的空间结构和时间演变趋势研究的基础上 ,进一步就高原地面感热异常对北半球大气环流和中国气候异常的影响进行诊断研究 ,并利用IAP2 LAGCM对青藏高原地面感热异常的影响进行了数值试验。

3.Based on previous research on sensible heat flux, we investigate it from different aspects using GAME/Tibet data measured during 6 June-13 September, 1998.回顾了前人对感热通量的分析研究,详细分析了计算感热通量公式的推导过程。


1.Seasonal-to-Interannual Variability of Latent and Sensible Heat Fluxes in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean热带大西洋海表潜热和感热通量的季节和年际变化研究

2.Turbulence structure parameters C2 T has a direct linear bearing on the sensible heat flux w′T′.湍流热力结构参数C2T 与感热通量w′T′具有较好的线性关系。

3.The distribution and variation of latent and sensible heat fluxes of the cyclones were discussed based on the numerical simulation.在数值模拟基础上重点讨论了出海气旋发展过程潜热通量和感热通量的分布及其演变情况。

4.There are negative latent and sensible heat fluxes in south and east of the cyclone central area after it moved to ocean.气旋出海后在气旋中心区南方和东方存在负潜热通量和感热通量区。

5.Analysis of adaptabilities of remote sensing models for heat flux over hilly land丘陵区土壤热通量遥感估算模型适应性分析

6.Estimation and Analysis of Land Surface Water and Heat Fluxes in Mountain-plain Area Based on Remote Sensing and DEM;基于遥感和DEM的山区—平原地表水热通量估算及对比分析研究

7.A sensory receptor that detects warmth.热探测器测量热量的敏感接受器

8.hot-wire respiratory flow transducer/sensor热丝(式)呼吸流量传感器

9.hot-wire respiratory flow sensor热丝式呼吸流量传感器

10.An infrared detector measures how the heat travels through the tooth while a light sensor picks up the fluorescent signal.红外线探测器测量热量怎样通过牙齿进行传播,而光敏感元件可以发现荧光信号。

11.When a fever starts and your body tries to elevate its temperature, you feel chilly and may shiver to generate heat.当发烧开始的时候,身体试着提高温度,你就会感到寒冷并且通过发抖来产生热量。

12.The sensation or perception of such energy as warmth or hotness.热力,热感如温暖或炎热等对这种能量的感知或察觉

13.Fever in surgical patients commonly represents bacterial infection.外科病人的发热通常表示细菌性感染。

14.Those who practice the technique say an energy field emanates from every person and is detectable above the skin through a tingling sensation or a feeling of hot or cold.那些从事该技巧的人说能量场从每一位人身上发出,可以通过麻刺感或冷热的感觉在皮肤上感觉到。

15.Study on the Steady Heat Transfer of the Micro Thermal Airflow Sensor微型热式气体流量传感器的稳态传热研究

16.Temperature shall be measured using thermister sensing technology.应该采用热敏电阻感应技术测量水温。

17.We will be interested in the heat capacity of interstellar gases.我们感兴趣的是星际气体的热容量。

18.Study on Silicon Machined Thermal Distribution Flow Sensor;硅基热温差式气体流量传感器的研究


sensible heat and latent heat fluxes感热和潜热通量

3)Latent and Sensible heat fluxes潜热和感热通量

4)surface sensitive heating flux地面感热通量

1.to May in and ,thesurface sensitive heating flux and surface potential temperature were calculated and the relationship between them and dust storm was analyzed.利用内蒙古中西部不同地表类型的16个测站—3—5月逐小时地面观测资料和逐日沙尘暴资料,计算了地面感热通量、地面位温并分析它们与沙尘暴的关系,结果发现:在内蒙古中西部春季地面感热通量表现为净加热,且沙尘暴发生次数多的年份净地面感热加热强度反而较小。

5)Land surface sensible heating陆面感热通量

6)Sensible heating地表感热通量


