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专业引领 professional guidance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-02 13:49:52


专业引领 professional guidance英语短句 例句大全

专业引领,professional guidance

1)professional guidance专业引领


1.Role Positioning and Specialty Leading --Discussing the Subject Leaders;角色定位与专业引领——论学科带头人

2.Research on the Leading Role in Professional Development of History Super-class Teachers of Guangxi Middle Schools;广西中学历史特级教师的专业引领作用研究

3.To Improve the Effectiveness of Kindergarten-based Teaching and Research with the Guidance of Experts;以课题为载体专业引领 提高园本教研的实效性

4.The Study on the Function of Preschool Education Monitors for Professional Leading in Kindergarten-based Teaching Research教研员在园本教研中专业引领作用的研究

5.Study on the Professional Guiding of School-based Teaching Research in Primary Schools in Jinshui District, Zhengzhou;郑州市金水区小学校本教研中的专业引领问题研究

6.Teachers Professional Development Led by Scientific View on Development;科学发展观引领下的教师专业化发展

7.Research on Independent Professional Development under Teacher s Professional Self-concept;教师职业自我概念引领下的自主专业发展研究

8.Research on Narrative Approach in Education;教育叙事研究——引领教师专业成长的快捷之路

9.Specialization of Teachers: A New Trend of Modern Education Development;教师专业化:引领现代教师教育发展的新潮流

10.Love is the motive power to guide head-teachers being professional in middle vocational school;爱是引领中职校班主任专业化成长的原动力

11.Scientific Developmental View Guiding Physical Education in Local College;用科学发展观引领地方高校体育专业的发展

12.The Professional Development of Nursery Assistants under the Guidance of the Ideal of "Comprehensive Practice";以“全实践”理念引领幼儿教师的专业成长

13."Two Transfers" Guides the Development of Higher Vocational Secretarial Speciality in Pearl River Delta Region以“双转移”引领珠三角高职文秘专业教育发展

14.Principal’s Guiding:Buliding Teacher Professional Community in Collaboration and Interaction校长引领:在互动合作中生成教师专业共同体

15.Analysis of Professional Ability to Lead the Curriculum: the Higher Accounting Profession as an Example以职业能力分析为引领设置课程——以高职会计专业为例

16.The Architecture and Realization Technology of an Information Searching Engine in Special Field;面向特定领域的专业搜索引擎的架构与实现方法

17.Research on Effect of Experiential Training under Theoretical Guidance to the Promotion of the Teachers Professional Development;理论引领的体验式培训对促进教师专业化发展的研究

18.Teachers Professional Developmental Pattern Guided by Theory--Findings in the Research Conducted in Houhai Pimary School of Shenzhen City;理论引领的教师专业发展模式——在深圳市后海小学的研究发现


professional guide专业引领

1.This paper summarizes four strategies ofprofessional guides recently in China,they are the styles of Guiding theoretically,Exploring cooperatively,Creating inside and Directing each other across schools.目前,我国校本教研活动中的专业引领策略主要体现为四种:理念指导式、合作探究式、内部生成式和校际互带式。

3)Professional Leading Role专业引领作用

4)experts leading专家引领

1.The key to the construction of the teaching and research group depends on the following four points:experts leading to define the direction of the group construction;companions cooperation to improve the teachers professional competence;focusing on teaching and research to enhance the P.加强教研组建设,关键在于专家引领,明确教研组建设的方向;同伴合作,促进教师专业发展;注重教研、提升体育教学质量;关注青年教师、促进共同成长。

5)The system of teacher"s Professional guidance教师专业引领制度

6)professionally-guided school-based practice model专业引领下的校本实践模式


