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创作素材 creation material英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-22 21:41:17


创作素材 creation material英语短句 例句大全

创作素材,creation material

1)creation material创作素材

1.Sketching prom nature of landscape painting is the most immediate method for painters to press close to life and accumulatecreation material.山水画写生是画家贴近生活 ,积累创作素材最为直接的手段 ,继承和发扬中国优秀的传统绘画艺术 ,除了认真学习传统技法以外 ,还要注重写


1.Wider and Deeper Research & Explore of Material in Animation Film;动画电影艺术创作素材的再挖掘与整合研究

2.And those in careful with note down daily life and peripheral personage that get off accidentally, often become the important creation material.而那些在经意与不经意间纪录下来的日常生活和周边人物,往往就成为了重要的创作素材。

3.Application of Flash software to create the physical teaching multimedia material;运用Flash软件创作体育教学多媒体素材

4.She makes use of people she meets as raw material for her fiction.她把她所遇见的人们作为她创作小说的素材。

5.Creation factors of exquisite bamboo root carving竹根雕精品创作要素——奇材 慧眼 神思 巧艺

6.Creation and Organization of Education Fodders Based on Streaming Media;基于流媒体的教学资源素材的创作与组织

7.The New Idea of Applying the Folk Songs Element to Music Creation;民歌素材运用于音乐创作的新思路——陈怡钢琴作品《猜调》的音乐分析

8.The Reaserch of the Northeast Han Nationality Folk Songs Material Use in Modern Music Creation;中国当代音乐创作中东北汉族民歌素材运用之研究

9.After comparing and summarizing, the writer puts forward her own view points.《剪灯新话》达到了较高的艺术水平,也为后世的艺术创作提供了很好的创作模式与素材。

10.The reflection on materials for artistic creation;材料之思——论材料在艺术创作中的作用

11.The writer"s raw material is life.作家从生活中汲取素材.

12.Brief Analysis on the Style of Piano Music of Alberto Ginastera in His Early Stage;民族音乐素材与现代作曲技法的完美结合——浅析希那斯特拉早期钢琴创作风格

13.In the transformation process, the artistic of Antusen"s fairy tale draw the folks nursery tale that take the large quantity the material, and again melt into the thick and thick and modern consciousness.在转型过程中,安徒生的童话创作既汲取大量的民间童话素材,又融入浓厚的现代意识。

14.Bio-inductive Effects of the Inorganic Induced Elements Scaffold Material on Osteogenitor Cell Near the Postoperative Jaw Defects;无机活性诱导元素支架材料对颌骨缺损骨创面骨祖细胞的生物诱导作用

15.Strict Material selection Deep Exploitation and Excavation--On the features of Sha Ting"s short stories writing themes选材严 开掘深——论沙汀短篇小说创作题材的特色

16.Thinking on Inheriting and Innovation in Animation Creation Traditional Theme;动画创作中传统题材继承和创新的思考

17.The Research of Sculpture Materials Choicing in Creation;关于雕塑创作在材料选择方面的研究

18.On the intention Evolution of the Subject of Shanghai in Wang Anyi s Novels;论王安忆上海题材小说创作意图嬗变


structure features and composition material织体和创作素材

3)creation theme创作题材

4)creation resource创作取材

1.This paper,by discussing thecreation resources of these works,analyzes the unique characteristics of Chinese violin music works.以他们中的优秀作品作为范例,通过追寻这些作品创作取材的来源,诠释中国小提琴音乐作品的独特性质。

5)invention attainment创作素养

1.According to the current status and developing expectation of architecture in domestic architecture area, this paper states the basic design theory andinvention attainment of architects in future development.根据目前国内建筑领域的情况及对建筑发展的展望,认为建筑师在未来发展中应具有的基本 设计理念及创作素养。

6)Creaion quality创作质素


