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工程施工阶段 engineering construction stage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-12 16:20:41


工程施工阶段 engineering construction stage英语短句 例句大全

工程施工阶段,engineering construction stage

1)engineering construction stage工程施工阶段

1.On management and control of owner inengineering construction stage;浅谈工程施工阶段业主的管理与控制


1.Research on the Overseeing Effects Evaluation of Hydraulic Engineering in the Phase of Construction;水利工程施工阶段监理效果评价研究

2.Quality Management in the Construction of Highway Engineering公路工程施工阶段如何进行质量管理

3.Analysis of measurement and payment for water project construction phase浅析水利工程施工阶段的计量与支付

4.Summarization of Design Optimization during the Construction Stage of Xiaowan Hydropower Project小湾水电工程施工阶段设计优化管理

5.Simple Talking about Administration of File at Stage of Highway Engineering Construction浅谈公路工程施工阶段的文档管理工作

6.Applying value engineering in the construction stage of project;工程项目施工阶段价值工程应用研究

7.The risk prevention measures in engineering bidding and construction period;工程投标及施工阶段的风险防范措施

8.Monitoring control of cost and progress in the stage of construction for the project item工程项目施工阶段进度与成本的监控

9.The Contract of Building Construction Systems Management;工程建设(施工阶段)合同系统管理

10.Strategies of Crisis Early-warning for Construction Engineering Project;建筑工程项目施工阶段危机预警研究

11.Strenthen the visa management of struction phase,control the cost of project;加强施工阶段签证管理 控制工程造价

12.Analysis and Control for Engineering Cost in Highway Construction Stage;公路施工阶段工程费用的分析与控制

13.Investment control at construction stage inengineering management;工程监理中项目施工阶段的投资控制

14.Enhancing construction stage supervision and improving construction project quality加强施工阶段监理 提高建设工程质量

15.Influence of Variation Order during the Construction Stage on Construction Cost;施工阶段工程变更签证对工程造价的影响

16.Control of Supervision Engineer to Construction Changing in Construction Phase施工阶段监理工程师对工程变更的控制

17.Management of project cost under mode of project quantity list in construction process工程量清单模式下施工阶段的工程造价管理

18.On the Investment Control in the Implementation Phase of a Construction Project;建设工程项目施工实施阶段的投资控制


Stage of engineering construction工程实施阶段

3)construction stage施工阶段

1.How to do well the supervision work in the engineeringconstruction stage;浅析如何做好工程施工阶段的监理工作

2.Engineering cost control in theconstruction stage of the construction project;建设项目施工阶段工程造价控制

3.Discussion on the project cost control inconstruction stage;浅谈施工阶段项目的成本控制

4)construction phase施工阶段

1.Reorganizing method of engineering supervision data inconstruction phase;谈施工阶段工程监理资料的整编方法

2.Analysis on effective cost control measures in design andconstruction phases;浅析设计和施工阶段造价的有效控制

3.Study on announcement system atconstruction phase;浅议工程施工阶段的公示制度

5)constructing stage施工阶段

1.Research on the cost management ofconstructing stage in construction project;浅谈项目施工阶段的造价控制

2.Discussion on cost management ofconstructing stage in construction project;谈建筑工程施工阶段的造价管理

3.Cost control ofconstructing stage during construction items executing process;浅谈建设项目实施过程中施工阶段造价控制

6)construction period施工阶段

1.Supervision on investment control inconstruction period of Xiaowan hydropower project小湾水电站施工阶段监理投资控制工作

2.Stress monitoring analysis in theconstruction period of the continuous beam bridge cantilever连续梁桥悬臂施工阶段的应力监测分析

3.The top emphasis of the project cost control should be placed on internal management, especially on the effective control of the direct cost andconstruction period.工程成本控制主要是放在内部管理上,特别是直接工程费和工期的有效控制,其次外部的市场因素和施工阶段的变更索赔也是着重考虑的一个方面。


