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权利制度 right-system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-21 13:01:29


权利制度 right-system英语短句 例句大全



1.Because of historical and institutional reasons,there are some unharmonious phenomenons in China’s present natural resourcesright-system; therefore we should do under the guidance of “harmonious society” during the developing progress of our natural resourcesright-system.自然资源权利制度的完善应当以和谐社会的理念为指导,因为历史和体制的原因,我国现行的自然资源法律制度存在着种种不和谐。


1.system of allowances and entitlements津贴和应享权利制度

2.Convention on the Rights of the Child and Perfect of the System of Child Witness Rights;《儿童权利公约》与我国儿童证人权利制度之完善

3.claims and related accounting systems权利及相关的计算制度

4.Note: The Institutions of Restriction to the Copyrights in Chinese Copyright Act;试论我国著作权法中的权利限制制度

5.Property:the key right in modern market economy;产权:现代市场经济制度的核心权利

6.Right to Sue-the First System Right in Modern Legal Society;诉权——现代法治社会第一制度性权利

7.From System to Right: Argument for the Legality of Social Welfare从制度到权利:社会福利的正当性论证

8.Restriction and anti-restriction of digital library right under copyright system;版权制度下数字图书馆权利的限制与反限制

9.The General Right to Personality and the Principle of Interests Balancing in German Tort Law;德国侵权法上一般人格权制度及利益权衡原则

10.The Freedom Degree and Restriction Scaling in Readers" Rights图书馆读者权利的自由度及限制尺度

11.Talk about the Restriction on Author s Spiritual Right of Department s Copyright System of Two Fundamental Laws and Principles;论两大法系版权制度对作者精神权利的限制

12.System Control Over the Benefit Conflict of the Collective-owned Forestry Property Reform in Fujian;福建集体林产权制度改革利益冲突的制度控制

13.On the Research of the Circulation of the Villager s Land Rights--Subordinate Comments on the System of Usufructuary Rights in the Real Right Law of PRC;农民土地权利流转制度研究——兼评《物权法》的用益物权制度

14.Children"s Rights and Social Assistance to Orphaned Children中国儿童福利制度的权利基础及其限度

15.On the Provisional Legal Protection System for Interested Party of Compulsory Demolition;强制拆迁利害关系人暂时权利保护制度探微

16.Reissue in the Patent Law of the United States美国专利法的“权利重授”制度——兼论该制度对利益平衡观念的诠释

17.Research on the Water Entitlement and Irrigation Organizational Institute;农田水利产权制度与灌溉组织制度探析

18.Research on the Water Entitlement and Irrigation Organization Institute;农田水利产权制度与灌溉组织制度研究


patent system专利权制度

3)institutionalization of rights权利制度化

4)royalty system权利金制度

1.In order to reduce this burden,the pattern of productive added-value tax changing into consumptive added-value tax should be realized as soon as possible;resource tax and resource compensation fee should be perfected,royalty system should be set up;and some other preferential policies of taxation for nonferrous mineral enterprises should be performed.降低有色矿山企业税费负担的途径 :尽快实现生产型增值税向消费型增值税的转型 ;对资源税和资源补偿费进行改革完善 ,建立权利金制度 ;对有色矿山企业实行其他税收优惠政

5)registration system of rights权利登记制度

6)Legal Institution of Continental Shelf大陆架权利制度


