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结构风险最小化 structural risk minimization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-03 05:59:34


结构风险最小化 structural risk minimization英语短句 例句大全

结构风险最小化,structural risk minimization

1)structural risk minimization结构风险最小化

1.Study on noise reduction in singular value decomposition based onstructural risk minimization;基于结构风险最小化原则的奇异值分解降噪研究

2.SVM(Support Vector Machine) is astructural risk minimization principle based on classification algorithm,and it has achieved higher generalization performance with small number of samples than other classification algorithms due to its perfect theoretical properties.SVM(SupportVectorM ach ine)是一种基于结构风险最小化原则的分类算法,由于其完善的理论基础使其在小样本模式识别中表现出比其他算法更好的泛化能力。


1.Structural risk minimization principle of birandom samples双重随机样本的结构风险最小化原则

2.Structural Risk Minimization Principle Based on Complex Random Samples基于复随机样本的结构风险最小化原则

3.Radial Basis Function Networks Based on Structural Risk Minimization Principle基于结构风险最小化原则的径向基函数网络

4.PLS Algorithm and Its Applications to SRM-Based Machine Learning;偏最小二乘算法及其在基于结构风险最小化的机器学习中的应用

5.Structural Risk Minimization for Controlling Generalization Performance of Rough Set Learning Machine粗糙集学习机器泛化性能控制的结构风险最小化方法

6.An algorithm is presented through using structural risk minimization (SRM) based on statistical learning theory.在研究统计学理论的基础上,提出了以结构风险最小化为目标的训练方法。

7.A Model of Risk-Minimization for Portfolio Investment证券组合投资风险最小化模型的构建

8.Local risk-minimizing for equity-linked insurance contracts with stochastic interest rate;随机利率权益连结保险合同的局部风险最小化

9.The Fuzzy Optimization Portfolio Models with Captical Structure and Transaction costs and Risk Aversion;含有资本结构因子、交易成本和风险偏好的模糊最优化投资模型

10.decision-making skills are about minimizing the risk of error;决策技巧就是如何将失误风险最小化;

11.Loan"s Portfolio Optimization Model of CvaR Minimum Based on Credit Risk Transfer基于信用风险迁移条件风险价值最小化的贷款组合优化模型

12.Structural Credit Risk Model Driven by Levy Process;Levy过程驱动下的信用风险结构化模型

13.Optimum Collocation Model for Oil Productions in Risk Investment;风险投资下的产量结构优化配置方法

14.An Unstructured Decision-making Method of Bank Credit Asset Venture;银行信贷资产风险中的无结构化决策

15.Analysis on the Best Liability Structure and Risk Control in Institutions of Higher Learning;高等学校最佳负债结构分析与风险控制

16.The generalization performance of empirical risk minimizing with m dependent processesm依赖过程经验风险最小化算法的泛化性能

17.Locally Risk-Minimizing Hedging Strategies for Unit-linked Life Insurance Contracts under Continuous Time Framework;连续时间单位连结人寿保险合同的局部风险最小对冲策略

18.Local Risk-Minimization Hedging for Unit-LinkedLife Insurance Contract in Discret Time;离散时间单位连结人寿保险合同的局部风险最小对冲策略


structure risk minimization结构风险最小化

1.In the model,instead of traditional ERM the principle ofstructure risk minimization(SRM) is used to fully mine the information of original data.本文提出一种基于最小二乘支持向量机的中长期负荷组合预测模型,该模型利用结构风险最小化原则代替传统的经验风险最小化,充分挖掘原始数据和单一预测模型的信息,以单一模型的预测数据作为组合预测样本,选择多项式核函数的最小二乘支持向量机进行组合预测。

2.Support Vector Machine is a learning technology based onstructure risk minimization and a predictive tool with better generalization ability,and it effectively solute the fewer samples,nonlinear,high dimension and local minima.支持向量机是基于结构风险最小化原理的一种学习技术,是一种具有很好泛化能力的预测工具,它有效地解决小样本、非线性、高维数、局部极小等问题。

3.based onstructure risk minimization rule, has attracted widely attention in the area of machine learning.近年来,基于统计学习理论,兼顾模型的经验风险和置信范围的基于结构风险最小化原则已成为机器学习研究热点之一。

3)structural risk minimization结构风险最小化原则

1.SVM is based on the rule ofstructural risk minimization.支持向量机是一种突出的小样本数据分析方法,它基于结构风险最小化原则,在一个高维特征空间中构造最优分类超平面,在解决很多实际问题中具有优于其他方法的特点。

2.Based onstructural risk minimization principal,the influences of the error penalty parameter C and the kernel parameter σ on support vector machine s generalization ability are studied.论文研究了高斯核支持向量机分类在IRIS分类问题上的应用,并结合结构风险最小化原则分析了误差惩罚参数C和高斯核宽度σ对SVM性能的影响,最后通过数值实验进一步分析了这种影响。

4)Structural Risk Minimization结构风险最小化原理

5)structural risk minimization principle结构风险最小化原则

1.The core concept of it was to use thestructural risk minimization principle into the modeling process of rbf neutral network so that the rbf function center can be derived by calculate the support vectors of the model.第一个模型是基于结构风险的灰色补偿神经网络模型(GRBFNN),其核心思想是将结构风险最小化原则应用到RBF神经网络的建模过程中,利用支持向量直接获得RBF函数中心和隐藏层节点数。

2.Based on the above,thestructural risk minimization principle of statistical learning theory based on complex random samples is explored.结构风险最小化原则是统计学习理论的核心内容之一,是构建支持向量机的重要基础。

3.Secondly,on the basis of these bounds,the idea of thestructural risk minimization principle based on birandom samples is presented.以这些界为基础,给出基于双重随机样本的结构风险最小化原则。


1.Oil and gas prediction by neural networks withstructure-risk-minimum.;神经网络结构风险最小油气预测


最小辐亮度与最小辐照度(见核爆炸火球)最小辐亮度与最小辐照度(见核爆炸火球)minimum-brightness and minimum-irradiancezuixiao fuliangdu yu zuixiaofu乙haodu最小辐亮度与最小辐照度(minimum-brightness and而nimum一irradianee)见核爆炸火球。
