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科技计划评估 evaluation of S&T program英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-25 09:51:11


科技计划评估 evaluation of S&T program英语短句 例句大全

科技计划评估,evaluation of S&T program

1)evaluation of S&T program科技计划评估


1.Evaluation of science&technology program and governmental organi zations in Korea;韩国的科技计划评估和研究机构评估

2.Research on the Evaluation System of S&T Plan Project Approving in Guizhou;贵州科技计划项目立项评估体系研究

3.Research on patent evaluation method of S&T plan project post evaluation;科技计划项目后评估中的专利评价方法研究

4.The Application of Multi-levels Gray Appraisal Method in the Assessment System of the Performance of Scientific Planning Project;多层次灰色评价法在科技计划项目绩效评估中的应用

5.Research and Application of Index System of the Performance Evaluation of Local Planning Project of Science and Technology;地方科技计划项目绩效评估指标体系研究与应用

6.program evaluation and review technique (PERT)计划估评法;程序鉴定技术;程序评价和检查技

7.aluation and review technique (PERT)计划估评法;程序鉴定技术;程序评价和检查技术

8.Designning and Implementation of the Expert System to Evaluate Science and Technology Projects;科技项目评估专家系统的设计和实现

9.Study on Theory and Methods of Regional S&T Planning Evaluation;区域科技发展规划评估的理论和方法研究

10.Research on midterm implemention evaluation of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan for S&T development in Tianjin天津市科技发展“十一五”规划中期评估研究

11.Medical and Scientific Equipment Suppliers Performance Evaluation Scheme Committee医疗及科学设备供应商表现评估计划委员会

12.Process Evaluation Being Brought Into FulI Play in the Project Management for Scientific Research;充分发挥过程评估在科研计划管理中的作用

13.Metric Analysis on Scientific Papers and Evaluation of Scientific Performance for Military Medical University;科技论文计量分析与军医大学科研绩效评估

14.The Analysis and Design of the Meta-Assessment Model of Technology Project Peer-Review System;科技项目同行评议体系反评估模型分析与设计

15.Research on Digital Valuation of the National High-tech R&D Program国家高技术研究计划数字评估体系研究

parative Study Between the Estimation and Evaluation of the Planned Scientific Programs in China;我国科研计划项目中的立项评估与评审的比较研究

17.Design for Performance Evaluation System of Science and Technology Plan Projects Based on Data Mining基于DM的科技计划项目绩效评价系统的设计

18.Index System Design on Avant-garde SMEs Credit Risk Evaluation;科技型中小企业信用评估的指标体系设计


science and technology assessment科技评估

3)science and technology evaluation科技评估

1.Study on the institutions ofscience and technology evaluation on the basis of the institutional economics;基于制度经济学的我国科技评估制度透视

2.While summarizing the development and characteristics ofscience and technology evaluation at home and abroad, the paper introduces the concept, category and classification ofscience and technology evaluation; the foundamental frame of the evalutation system; and the qualifications of an evaluation organization.综述了国外科技评估活动的发展状况、科技评估的发展特点、我国科技评估的发展现状,介绍了科技评估的概念、范畴与分类,我国科技评估体系的基本框架,及科技评估机构应具备的条件,分析了科技评估在科技决策与科技管理中的作用,及政府在科技评估管理中的地位与作用。

3.Then, from the departure point of the concept and characteristics ofscience and technology evaluation and the situation launched in our country, we studied systematically on the application of data mining inscience and technology evaluation, and analyzed the problem that appeared in practice.简要回顾了科技评估方法的发展历程,从科技评估概念、特点及其在我国的开展情况入手,系统研究了数据挖掘在科技评估中的应用,并对实践过程中出现的问题进行了分析。

4)sci-tech evaluation科技评估

1.This paper introduces the contents and ranges ofsci-tech evaluation, advances some problems needing attention in thesci-tech evaluation on the data mining, and researches on the application of the data mining in thesci-tech evaluation.介绍了科技评估工作的内容与范围,提出了数据挖掘在科技评估工作中应注意的问题,研究了数据挖掘在科技评估工作中的应用。

2.This paper introduces the developing situation, contents and legal construction of Chinesesci-tech evaluation, and discusses on the functions of the government insci-tech evaluation.介绍了中国科技评估的发展状况、内容、法规建设,论述了政府在科技评估管理中的作用。

3.In this paper,the mutual supporting relationship ofsci-tech evaluation and sci-tech novelty retrieval were discussed from the angle of their characteristics and functions.从科技评估与科技查新各自的特点及作用的角度,对科技评估与科技查新的相互支撑关系进行探讨,认为科技评估与科技查新具有互补的作用。

5)S&T evaluation科技评估

1.S&T Evaluation in the US:Structure and Application;美国科技评估的建构与实施

2.Pressing problems for science and technology(S&T)evaluation in China include:conflicts between S&T evalumion activities and the govemment s administrative culture,absence of institutionalization and legal administration forS&T evaluation activities,lack of extensive participation in such activities,and lack of uniforlm sectional management organization,etc.我国科技评估中存在一些亟待解决的问题,主要有:科技评估活动与政府的行政文化存在冲突;科技评估活动缺乏制度化安排和法律意义上的管理;科技评估活动缺乏广泛的参与性;缺乏统一的行业管理组织等。

6)science and technology appraisement科技评估


