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金佛山方竹 Chimonobambusa utilis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-16 22:04:19


金佛山方竹 Chimonobambusa utilis英语短句 例句大全

金佛山方竹,Chimonobambusa utilis

1)Chimonobambusa utilis金佛山方竹

1.Technology of Harvesting Processing onChimonobambusa utilis (Keng) Keng f.;金佛山方竹笋的采收加工技术

2.Control Technology ofChimonobambusa utilis (Keng) Keng f.Pests and Insect;金佛山方竹的病虫害防治技术

3.Different Types of Secondary Forests ofChimonobambusa utilis and Their Management;金佛山方竹次生林类型与经营措施


1.Research on Introduction and Domestication of Wild Chimonobambusa utilis in Gardens Nursery野生金佛山方竹在园林苗圃中的引种驯化研究

2.Diseases and Pests Investigation and Control Technology for Chimonobabusa utilis金佛山方竹病虫害调查及防治技术研究

3.Effect Investigation on Chimonobambusa utilis Shoot Forest Mixed with Evergreen and Deciduous Broad-leaved Trees金佛山方竹笋用林混交常绿落叶阔叶树效果调查

4.Management Technology for Chimonobabusa utilis Plantation Cultivation in Karst Areas喀斯特地区金佛山方竹人工繁殖与栽培管理技术

5.Chuang Mei Metal Product Factory佛山市创美金属制品厂

6.Investigation of formaldehyde content in starch noodle and Fuzhu in Shunde district of Foshan city;佛山市顺德区粉丝、腐竹中甲醛含量状况调查

7.boreal or alpine sandwort.北方高山地区的一种石竹科植物。

8.Foshan Sanyuan Decoration Hardware Factory佛山市三元装饰五金制品厂

9.Exotic Plant Species in Jinfoshan Nature Reserve;金佛山自然保护区外来植物调查研究

10.The Technical and Economical Analysis of a Foshan Regional Power Plant s Energy-Saving Plan;佛山地方电厂节能方案技术经济分析

11.Discussion on the Unreality of LI Pinger Married to Jiang Zhushan in "JIN PING MEI";论《金瓶梅》中李瓶儿招赘蒋竹山的非现实性

12.Research on Checking and Service Test of the Jinzhushan Power Plant 600 MW W-flame Boiler金竹山600MW“W”型火焰锅炉调试及性能试验研究

13.As the drift in Tuoshan work area of Jinzhushan Coal Mine was flooded while drifting, it was needed to block the water by grouting.金竹山煤矿托山工区巷道在掘进中被水淹没,需灌浆堵水;

14.Research on Flyover-crossways in Sanyan Bridge Area in Foshan City佛山市三眼桥地段互通立交方案研究

15.On the Existing Way and Historical Trend of "Foshan Cultural Phenomenon"“佛山文化现象”的存在方式及历史走向

16.Study of Regulate Lead on the Area from Zhuqi to Kegong in Minjiang River;闽江竹岐至文山里河段治导线方案研究

17.And then there"s Beijing, which makes Houston feel like San Francisco or Chongqing by comparison.同北京相比,休斯顿就仿佛是旧金山或是重庆。

18.Foshan Zhongchuangyi Hardware Decoration Factory佛山市石湾区中创艺机械五金装饰制品厂


Chimonobabusa utilis金佛山方竹

1.Study on Fertilization Test ofChimonobabusa utilis(Keng) Keng Shoot Stands金佛山方竹笋用林施肥试验研究

2.Management Technology forChimonobabusa utilis Plantation Cultivation in Karst Areas喀斯特地区金佛山方竹人工繁殖与栽培管理技术

3.Diseases and Pests Investigation and Control Technology forChimonobabusa utilis金佛山方竹病虫害调查及防治技术研究

3)Disporum jinfoshanense金佛山万寿竹

1.Disporum jinfoshanense X. Z. Li, D. M. Zhang & D. Y. Hong, a new species of the Liliaceae from Chongqing, China;万寿竹属(百合科)一新种——金佛山万寿竹

4)Mt. Jinfo金佛山

1.In the article,on the geological base of the karst forming of Mt.本文分析了金佛山岩溶环境的形成 ,探讨了该区现有的资源优势及其岩溶生态环境的脆弱性对经济发展的滞后作用 ,并针对该区存在的资源优势和环境劣势 ,提出了相应的经济开发措施 ,指出金佛山经济开发不能以牺牲环境保护和生态建设为代价 ,必须把它们放到与经济开发并重的位

2.Besides the common characteristic of karst environment, Mt.金佛山岩溶环境除具有岩溶环境的共同特点外 ,还具有生物多样性 ;重视生物多样性的保护 ,在此基础上逐步展开经济开发工作 ,有利于金佛山岩溶区的经济、生态、社会的可持续发展。

5)Tangtsinia nanchuanica金佛山兰

1.Tangtsinia nanchuanica S.选择不同的外质体、基本培养基和激素配比,对金佛山兰愈伤组织的诱导进行了研究。

2.Tangtsinia nanchuanica is a kind of rare and primitive plants, a class Ⅱ protected species in China.金佛山兰为国家二级保护植物 ,个体数极少 ,仅见于南川金佛山及附近的稀疏马尾松林下 ,并只与其亲缘种金兰生长在一起。

3.Tangtsinia nanchuanica is a kind of rare plants, a class Ⅱ protected species in China.金佛山兰 (Tangtsiniananchuanica)为国家二级保护植物 ,野外个体数量极稀少 ,仅见于重庆南川金佛山及附近的稀疏马尾松林下 ,并且仅与其亲源种金兰 (Cephalantherafalcata)生长在一起。

6)Jinfoshan Mountain金佛山

1.Study on Resources of Medicinal Plants of Rubus inJinfoshan Mountain;金佛山悬钩子属药用植物资源调查研究

2.The Germplasm Resources and Utilization of Wild Lilium inJinfoshan Mountain金佛山野生百合属植物资源及开发利用


