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网络社会道德 network social morality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-28 19:06:06


网络社会道德 network social morality英语短句 例句大全

网络社会道德,network social morality

1)network social morality网络社会道德


1.Discussion on Characteristics of Network Society Ethics and Students Network Morality Education inHigher Vocational College;论网络社会道德特点及高职大学生网络道德教育

2.One principal reason is that there is a contradiction between other-discipline of college moral eduation and the self-discipline of the moral in the internet society.其中一个重要原因就是高校道德教育的他律性与网络社会道德自律性存在着矛盾。

3.Internet Moral Education should Focus on the Behavior of Internet Friendly to Society;网络道德教育应关注网络亲社会行为

4.Constructing the Cyber Ethics Based on the Relationship between Public Morality and Personal Morality;论从公德和私德出发构建网络社会的道德秩序

5.The Phenomena of Losing Individuality and Internet Moral Building;从网络社会的去个性化现象看网络道德建设

6.On the Negative Impact that Internet Communication Has on Social Morality;网络传播对社会道德负面影响之考量

7.Confucian Credibility:the New Morality Coordinate of Supporting the Net World;儒家诚信:支撑网络社会的道德新坐标

8.On Consolidating the Professional Mores and Social Responsibility of Network Editors强化网络编辑的职业道德与社会责任

9.Internet Society: An Effective Way to Promote the Moral Qualities of College Students网络社会:提高大学生道德素养的有效途径

10.Social Ethical Issues Brought by the Denvelopment of Internet;网络的发展给社带会来的伦理道德问题

11.On Constructing Inherent Moral Education System in Network society;构建网络社会内源性道德教育体系初探

12.The Demoralization of Network Virtual Society and Individual Ego-alienation;网络社会的道德失范与个体的自我异化

13.The Network Morality Education of the Young in the Socialization Process of Virtual World;虚拟社会化进程中的青少年网络道德教育

14.The Challenge to Moral Socialization of Juveniles from Network and the Analysis of Countermeasures;网络对青年道德社会化的挑战与对策浅析

work society s influence on the ideological morality of college students and its countermeasure;网络社会对大学生思想道德的影响及对策

16.Moral Issues in Netted Society and Related Ethical Principles;网络化社会的道德问题及基本伦理规范

17.Challenge and Countermeasure:the Internet Socialization and the Youths Moral Training;挑战与对策:网络社会化与青少年道德教育

18.On Structure of Moral System of Socialist Network with the Chinese Characteristics;论中国特色社会主义网络道德体系的构建


social morality社会道德

1.It is controlled bysocial morality and sense.管理活动中的创新思维受到社会道德与社会理性的调控。

2.In order to understand and minimize the negative social influence of science and technology,we shall connect moral ideas with scientific and technologic ideas to makesocial morality adapt to the science and technology era.如何正确认识和解决好科技给社会带来的负面影响,此文认为,应将社会道德的观点和科学技术的观点结合起来,让道德精神适应科学技术时代,并用道德之缰去约束科学技术这匹奔马,做到求真与求善的统一。

3.However,she suffered a lot in the net of her life woven by family andsocial morality and stepped to the guillotine finally.社会道德、柔弱的个性、虚伪的宗教三方面是造成苔丝悲惨一生的复杂根源。

3)social morals社会道德

1.And the key to this question is the development fromsocial morals to individual morals.而解决这一问题的关键在于社会道德向个体道德发展。

2.“Do well and have well, do evil and have evil” is a basic principle that built harmonioussocial morals.“善有善报,恶有恶果”是促进和谐社会道德建设的一条基本原则。

3.The social allocation system and morals are dispensable to social system; and the justice of social allocation is a part ofsocial morals, so it plays a important role of morals.社会的政治分配制度和社会道德都是社会体系整体不可缺少的构成要素;而且,社会政治分配正义的实现是社会道德所追求的善的内容之一,因此,社会政治制度的正义性对社会道德有着重要的影响。

4)social ethics社会道德

1.This article started fromsocial ethics,from the view of social psychology,analyses the reason of rapid development of the early stage Christianity.本文以社会道德为出发点,从社会心理学的角度,分析早期基督教迅速发展的原因。

2.Analyzed from the point of ethics, the subjective factor leading to corruption of authority is the eager pursuit of interests which caused by the humanity mutation of individual ethics, while the objective factor is that the pluralistic value ofsocial ethics provides corrupt element with the soil for growing corruption.从伦理学角度分析 ,权力腐败产生的主观因素就是个体道德、人性变异所引起的对利益的饥渴追求 ,客观因素就是社会道德价值多元化给腐败分子提供了滋长腐败行为的土壤。

5)social moral社会道德

1.Having investigating the attitude towards cheating in the examination of 3,000 students who were admitted to a university in ,the author of this paper found out that about 57% of the students take incorrect attitude,which may result from the lack ofsocial moral examples and the awareness of honest and credit,from the influence of social malpractices,from the l.这一问题主要是由社会道德失范、诚信意识缺失、社会上不正之风影响及部分学生从小缺少诚信教育、基本素质比较低下造成的。

2.In a more profound impact on the level of people s moral direction,makesocial morality and individual morality exists between an inherent tension, that is, within individual reluctance ofsocial morality and individual acts to follow the actual social and moral ethics, far from Social morality is not completely reflect individual needs, is not yet fully focused on the individual mor.在更深刻的层面上,影响了人们的道德取向,使得社会道德与个体道德之间存在着一种内在的紧张关系,即个体不大情愿内化社会道德,个体行为所实际遵循的道德规范与社会道德相去甚远;而社会道德也很难完全反映个人需要,尚未充分注重从个体道德吸取营养,致使现有道德的实效性始终没有得到有效的发挥。

3.The paper trying to elaborate fromsocial moral culture soil which the legal existing and the best effection to operate legal that this principle should do some proper balance in nowadays,so that it can buffer the conflict between popular thoughts and legal practice.笔者尝试从法律本身存在的社会道德文化土壤和法律实施最佳效果出发,对"亲亲相隐"思想在当今应用做出一个恰当平衡,以缓冲不断出现了大众思想与法律实践的冲突。

6)internet morality网络道德

1.Research on The Actuality and Causations of Undergraduates Internet Morality;大学生网络道德的现状调查与实证分析

2.Reflections on University students Internet morality;关于大学生网络道德的思考

3.Based on the analysis of its harmfulness and causes of their access to internet, this paper focuses on theinternet morality (education) for college students, including school s instructions as well as their self-discipline.通过对大学生上网的危害性和原因的分析 ,引发对大学生进行网络道德系统教育的思考 ,从而明确提出大学生上网急需全社会特别是学校的指导和教育 ,更包括大学生的自


