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场站救护所 medical aid station on airport英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-09 22:22:27


场站救护所 medical aid station on airport英语短句 例句大全

场站救护所,medical aid station on airport

1)medical aid station on airport场站救护所

2)medical aid station救护所

1.Study on rapid & mobile first-aid unit from brigade,regimentmedical aid station;旅、团救护所寓于型快速机动救治单元编成研究

2.Equipment development for emergencymedical aid station of Armed Police;武警应急救护所装备研制


1.Study on rapid & mobile first-aid unit from brigade,regiment medical aid station旅、团救护所寓于型快速机动救治单元编成研究

2.Construction of County Medical Shelter in Wartime:Principles and Methods地方县战时救护所组建的原则与方法

3.Module Design of Medical Service Information Management System in Division Aid Station师救护所卫勤作业信息管理系统模块设计

4.Application and Research of WLAN-based Information System for First Aid Station of Division/Brigade基于无线网络的师旅救护所信息系统的研制与应用

5.All the cars go out of the way to let the ambulance past.所有的车都闪开,让救护车通过。

6.I am deeply indebted to all the doctors and nurses who treated me.我深深地感激所有救治过我的医生和护士。

7.Public Interest:Protection of State Ownership and New Approach to Remedies;公益诉讼:国家所有权保护和救济的新途径

8.The Profile of Chest Injuries Arising from the Wenchuan Earthquake and its Care in District Central Hospital地震所致成批胸外伤特点与急救护理措施

9.Experience on Emergency Treatment and Nursing for Patients with Epilepticism Induced by Cerebral Infarction脑梗死所致癫痫持续状态的抢救及护理

10.Please call for an ambulance. Quick!请叫辆救护车。快!

11.4.0ptimizing the comfortable adaptability of aid stations, reducing the effect of mic-hot and humid environment;4.优化救护场所的舒适性,减少微小湿热环境对伤员的影响;

12.Medical Rescue of Field Medical Station in Military Hospital in Non-war Military Action军队医院野战医疗所在非战争军事行动时医疗救护的展开实践

13.Once every year for the outpatient department, medical first aid station, nursing center (station), clinic, health center (station, post) and healthcare station.(二)门诊部、医疗急救站、护理院(站)、诊所、卫生所(站、室)、保健所每年校验1次。

14.The ambulance was stand/rig by in case救护丰随时准备着进行火灾救护。

15.emergency medical assistant ambulance有急救医疗助理驻守的救护车

16.Special Rescue Squad (Ambulance) Training Course特别救援队(救护)训练课程

17.These paramedics administer immediate treatment.这些救护人员会马上给予救助,

18.Depot Commander [Fire Services Department]救护站主管〔消防处〕


medical aid station救护所

1.Study on rapid & mobile first-aid unit from brigade,regimentmedical aid station;旅、团救护所寓于型快速机动救治单元编成研究

2.Equipment development for emergencymedical aid station of Armed Police;武警应急救护所装备研制

3)battalion aid station营救护所

4)DAS(division aid station)师救护所

5)first-aid station救护站(林)

6)casualty station救护站


