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排放特性 emission characteristics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-02 10:15:57


排放特性 emission characteristics英语短句 例句大全

排放特性,emission characteristics

1)emission characteristics排放特性

1.Experiment of automobileemission characteristics based on driving mode conditions;基于工况法的汽车排放特性试验

2.ASM exhaustemission characteristics of light vehicle;轻型汽车ASM排放特性

3.Study on the new pulverized coal economical fineness based on the NO_xemission characteristics of Shenhua Coal;基于神华煤NO_x排放特性的新煤粉经济细度研究


1.Study on the On-road Emission Factor and Characteristics of Urban Vehicles城市机动车道路排放因子和排放特性研究

2.Study on Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle"s Emission Factors and Emission Characters重型柴油车辆排放因子和排放特性研究

3.Experimental Study on Exhaust Particles from Light Duty Gasoline Vehicle轻型汽油车排气颗粒粒子排放特性试验研究

4.Characteristics Study on HCCI Combustion and Exhaust Emission of DME;二甲醚HCCI燃烧及排放特性研究

5.Researches and Simulation on Hydrogen Low-NOx Combustion Characteristics;氢气燃烧低NO_x排放特性及数值模拟

6.Study on Emission Characteristics of Nitrogen Oxides during Blended Coals Combustion;混煤燃烧氮氧化物排放特性试验研究

7.Emission Characteristics of 4102ZL Diesel Engine Fueled with Bio-diesel4102ZL型柴油机燃烧生物柴油的排放特性

8.An Analysis on the Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engines Meeting State-Ⅲ Emission Standard with ESC Test Cycles国Ⅲ柴油机ESC试验循环排放特性分析

9.Emission Characteristic of Turbocharged Lean Burn HCNG Engine增压稀燃天然气掺氢发动机排放特性

10.Experimental Investigation on NO Emission Characteristic During Pulverized Coal Combustion in O_2/CO_2 EnvironmentO_2/CO_2气氛下燃煤NO排放特性的实验研究

11.Effect of dimethyl carbonate on emission characteristics of diesel engines碳酸二甲酯对柴油机排放特性的影响

12.NO_x Emission Characteristic of 600MW Boiler Combusting with High Water Content Lignite600MW高水分褐煤锅炉NO_x排放特性

13.Research on Emission Characteristics of LPG Taxi under Simple Transient Driving ModeLPG出租车简易瞬态工况排放特性研究

14.Effects of Stereo-staged Combustion Technique on NO_x Emmision Charactisctics立体分级燃烧对NO_x排放特性的影响

15.Numerical study of process and emissions characteristics of natural gas reburning天然气再燃过程与排放特性数值研究

16.Influence of spray performance on combustion and emission characteristics of biodiesel喷雾特性对生物柴油燃烧和排放特性的影响

17.A Study on the Characteristic and Calculational Method of Emissions of Nitric Oxides in Marine Diesel Engine;船用柴油机氮氧化物排放特性与排放量计算方法研究

18.Study on the Characteristics of Unconventional Emissions at Cold-Start in an SI Methanol Engine;点燃式甲醇发动机冷起动非常规排放物排放特性研究


emission characteristic排放特性

1.An experimental study onemission characteristics of combustion pollutants in 440 t/h CFB boiler;440t/h CFB锅炉污染物排放特性的试验研究

2.Study onemission characteristics of rich oxygen combustionfor diesel engines;柴油机富氧燃烧排放特性的试验研究

3.Sensitive factor optimization for economy andemission characteristics of co-firing of biomass with coal;生物质与煤混燃经济性和排放特性的敏感因素优化

3)emission performance排放特性

1.【Objective】 This research studied the combustion andemission performance of biodiesel on diesel engines.【目的】了解生物柴油在柴油机上的燃烧特性和排放特性。


1.Characteristics of Regulated and UnregulatedEmissions of Biodiesel Blends in a Common Rail Diesel Engine共轨柴油机燃用生物柴油限制与非限制排放特性

2.The performance of combustion and emissions have been discussed by changing the rate of port injection and the direct injection timing, which has been set at the cool flame timing of the premixed combustion (θ= -23°ATDC), the main combustion timing of the premixed combustion (θ= -13°ATDC), and the end of the premixed combustion (θ= -3°ATDC).以正庚烷为燃料,基于气道喷射/缸内直喷燃料喷射方案,实现气道喷射预混合燃烧和缸内直喷以扩散燃烧为主的复合燃烧模式,研究了该复合燃烧模式下燃烧与排放特性以及缸内喷油时刻和喷射量对其的影响。

5)exhaust emission排放特性

1.The influences of fuel mixing ratio on the characteristics of dual fuel engine such asexhaust emissions,power,fuel consumption,are investigated.对LRC6105柴油机改装为电控LPG/柴油双燃料发动机进行了实验研究,研究了不同掺烧比对燃料经济性、动力性和排放特性的影响。

6)NOx emission characteristicNOx排放特性

1.The combustion debugging and tests onNOx emission characteristic of NO.通过采用燃烧优化技术进行南京华润热电有限公司4号炉NOx排放特性试验,大大降低了锅炉NOx的排放浓度,分析锅炉效率和NOx排放量与电站锅炉运行参数的关系,确定了锅炉低NOx运行方式,用于指导锅炉的高效低NOx的运行。


《大气污染物综合排放标准》(GB16297—1996)《大气污染物综合排放标准》(GB16297—1996)Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants、产切‘沪,‘,丫lO闪iwuronwuZonghe而而ngBicozhun《大气污染物综合排放标准)( GB 16297一19%)(加吨哪翻召动‘3fon及翔舰么rd ofA介护bll~)该标准于1卯7年l月1日起实施,是在原有工业“三废”排放试行标准废气部分和有关行业大气污染物排放标准的基础上制定,在技术内容上与原有各标准有一定的继承关系,亦有相当大的修改和变化。规定了二氧化硫、氮氧化物、颗粒物等33种大气污染物的排放限值,其指标体系为最高允许排放浓度、最高允许排放速率和无组织排放监控浓度限值。大气污染物综合排放标准主要控制对象为工业生产过程中排放的工艺尾气。按照综合性排放标准与行业性排放标准“不交叉执行”的原则,除锅炉、工业炉窑、火电厂、炼焦炉、水泥厂、恶臭物质、机动车执行各自的大气污染排放标准外,其他大气污染物排放均执行本标准。(葛大陆膝静)
