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区域规划 Regional Planning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-26 12:57:16


区域规划 Regional Planning英语短句 例句大全

区域规划,Regional Planning

1)Regional Planning区域规划

1.DEA Appraisal of Industrial Efficiency and Scale inRegional Planning——Taking Xinjiang"s Metallurgical Industry as Example;区域规划中产业效率与规模的DEA评价——以新疆区域冶金工业为例

2.On the coordinative mechanism of regional planning in Germany;联邦德国区域规划的协调机制

3.A Successful Case ofRegional Planning Leading by the Third Sector:Regional Planning in New York Metropolitan Region;由“第三部门”主导的区域规划的成功范例——纽约大都市区规划


1.Regional Planning and Management Team区域规划和管理工作队

2.Association for Regional Planning and Development区域规划及发展协会

3.New Chubu (Japan) Regional Planning Institute新中部(日本)区域规划所

4.Territorial and Sub-regional Planning Division [Planning Department]全港及次区域规划部〔规划署〕

5.Territorial and Sub-regional Planning Branch [Planning Department]全港及次区域规划处〔规划署〕

6.Article 7 The comprehensive plan for a city shall be coordinated with territorial planning, regional planning, water space planning and comprehensive planning for the use of land.第七条 城市总体规划应当和国土规划、区域规划、江河流域规划、土地利用总体规划相协调。

7.The science of human settlements, including city or community planning and design.城市和区域规划学人类居住的科学,包括城市或区域的规划和设计

8.Regional Planning Studies Based on Public Policy-oriented--Discussion on the Reforming Direction of the Chinese Regional Planning;基于公共政策导向的区域规划研究——兼论中国区域规划的改革方向


10.Research on the Transition of Regional Planning in China Based on the Theoretical Vision of New Regionalism;基于新区域主义的我国区域规划转型研究

11.On the New Pattern of China s Regional Economic Development and Xinjiang s Regional Planning;我国区域经济发展新格局与新疆区域规划

12.A Study of New Concept Regional Planning Based on New Regionalism in China基于新区域主义的我国新概念区域规划研究

13.regional indicative planning figure区域指示性规划数字(区域指规数)

14.regional air navigation procedures区域性航行规划程序

15.European Regional/Spatial Planning Charter欧洲区域/空间规划章程

16.Regional Adviser on Planning and Evaluation规划和评价区域顾问

17.regional air navigation meeting区域性航行规划会议

18.Regional Policy, Planning and Servicing区域政策、规划和服务


regional plan区域规划

paring the master planning, strategicplanning and immediate construction planning in contents, planning feature, effectiveness etc, it points out that strategic planning has theadvantages in the level ofregional planning and should be raised toregional planning to solve the problem in urban development, then bringsforward consummate measures.以探索城市发展战略规划的发展趋势为目的,通过对城市发展起重要作用的总体规划、战略规划及近期建设规划在工作内容、编制特点、发挥的效用等方面进行比较,认为战略规划在区域层面上的优势不可替代,应上升为区域规划层次才能起到解决城市自身发展问题的作用;对战略规划提出完善措施。

2.In its Eleventh Five Year Plan, China will put more emphasis onregional plan."十一五"规划期间,国家将把区域规划工作放在突出重要的位置。

3.The way of breaking the dilemma is institutional innovation, that is, to enforce theregional plan which directs the co-operating in the region, and to clear the supply turn of the public goods, and to establish a org.突破困境的办法就是加强区域规划,指导区域合作的方向,明确公共品提供的层次,组织成立拥有一定财力的机构来负责区域公共品的提供。

3)region planning区域规划

1.The paper,based on the new characters ofregion planning in new period of China,illustrates the necessarity and imminency to strengthenregion planning from the several angles such as accelerating region development harmoniously,changing the function of government,enhancing spatial regulation and control,perfecting national planning system and so on.文章根据新时期中国区域规划的特点,从促进区域协调发展、政府职能转变与加强空间调控、完善国家规划体系等方面,阐明了加强区域规划的迫切性;探讨了区域规划的理论基础和方法论基础;并根据作者近3年来的实践,对新时期区域规划的内容提出了有益的建议。

2.As a scientific and feasible p1an, some worthwhile questions must be noted in drawing upregion planning.区域规划方案具有严肃性、科学性和可操作性。

3.Based on the example,discussing how to apply circular economy theory and industrial ecology inregion planning to achieve the optimization use of resource.文章概述了循环经济理论及其在全球的发展,结合实例讨论如何将循环经济理念和工业生态学原理融入到区域规划中,实现区内物质与能量利用的最优化,最后提出实践中的困难及对策措施。

4)regional planning区域性规划

1.The research on the tourism development of ancient dwelling duringregional planning区域性规划中对古民居旅游开发的研究

5)State Planning Act区域规划法

6)regionalized plan区域化规划


