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响应特性 response characteristic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-28 10:58:12


响应特性 response characteristic英语短句 例句大全

响应特性,response characteristic

1)response characteristic响应特性

1.Monte Carlo calculation ofresponse characteristic and sensitivity of γ-ray mud density meter;γ射线泥浆密度测试系统响应特性与灵敏度的Monte Carlo计算

2.Impacts of Impurities in Gasoline on Response Characteristic of Oxygen Sensor;汽油杂质对氧传感器响应特性的影响

3.Relative study of positionresponse characteristic of PSD with illuminating modes of light source;PSD位置响应特性与光源照射方式的关系研究


1.frequency response characteristics频率响应特性(图)

2.square wave response characteristic矩形波响应特性曲线

3.nonoscillatory control response非振荡控制响应特性

4.Analysis of induction logging response characteristics in Two-tier media两层介质中的感应测井响应特性分析

5.The spectral response characteristic series of photocathodesGB/T5295-1985光电阴极光谱响应特性系列

6.reproducing channel amplitude frequency response重放通路振幅 频率响应特性

7.Method of calibrating CCD optics-electron characteristic电荷耦合器件光电响应特性标定研究

8.Research of dynamic response of MB2 alloy under low pressureMB2镁铝合金的低压动态响应特性研究

9.Monte carlo simulation of screen-film system used in high energy radiography高能辐射照相中屏片系统的响应特性

10.Research on theResponse of Electronic Anti-removal Device Moved by Vehicles车辆推动下电子防排装置的响应特性

11.Actuating response characteristics and model of artificial muscles IPMC人工肌肉IPMC电致动响应特性及其模型

12.Influence of Harmonic Response Characteristic on Design of Grounding Electrode谐波响应特性对接地电极设计的影响研究

13.contrast response curve对比度响应[特性]曲线

14.Effects of Adaptation on the Response Property of LGN Cells in Cats适应对猫外膝体细胞反应特性的影响

15.Analysis of Nonlinear Vibration Behaviors and Wind-Excited Responses for Suspension Cables;悬索非线性振动特性及风振响应分析

16.The effect of time-frequency characteristics of ground motion on the structural elastic response地震动的时频特性对结构弹性响应的影响

17.Dynamic Characteristic and Study on Earthquake Response of the Beam String Structure;张弦结构的动力特性和地震响应研究

18.Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics and Response for Rotating Blades of Wind Turbine;风力机旋转叶片动力特性及响应分析


response characteristics响应特性

1.Monte Carlo numerical simulation ofresponse characteristics of compensated density logging in cased hole;套管井中补偿密度测井响应特性的Monte Carlo数值模拟

2.Influence of grating constant onresponse characteristics in nematic liquid crystals;光栅常数对向列相液晶响应特性的影响

3.Simulation on the dynamicresponse characteristics of solenoid valve;电磁阀动态响应特性仿真研究

3)responding characteristics响应特性

1.Analysis onresponding characteristics of large flux pressure reducing valve;大流量气体减压器响应特性的仿真研究

2.On the basis of design and manufacture of a dual fluid power converter which can both retain the advantages of full power hydraulic braking system and lower the cost of the whole machine,a mathematic model ofresponding characteristics in full power hydraulic braking system with the converter was established.采用仿真与试验相结合的方法,对系统的动态响应特性进行了分析。

3.Theresponding characteristics of the combustion process of liquid propellant rocket engines were analyzed via characteristic time,and the experiment focuses on high-frequency combustion instability were pointed out.采用特征时间法分析了液体火箭发动机燃烧子过程的响应特性,指出了高频燃烧不稳定性试验研究的重点。


1.The magnetic performance of solenoid valve has important influence to magnetic force andresponse trait.论述共轨喷油器高速电磁阀材料具有的磁学性能、机械加工性能及热处理工艺要求,电磁阀材料磁学性能对电磁吸力及其响应特性有重要的影响。

2.Based on theresponse eqution of temperature-sensing element solved by means of convolution integral in time domain,theresponse of the element,especially its automatic average ability,is described,from which it is discovered that the output of the element at a certain time is a weighted average of the input of environmental temperature in the previous time.利用时域中的卷积积分法求解测温传感器响应方程 ,对其响应特性尤其是自动平均能力进行了数学描述 ,发现每个时刻测温传感器输出值 ,是此时刻之前一段时间内外界温度输入值的不等权平均值 ,其权重随着与输出时刻的接近呈指数增加。

5)harmonic response characters谐响应特性

6)CT answer propertyCT响应特性


光度计响应的余弦特性光度计响应的余弦特性cosine response characters of photometer要求和设计的可能性而定。已不为光学界承认。未加余弦修正器的光度计 (巴昆)翌瞥织票性望乳怒岔xi?n‘$xi”g7‘说卜一M一勺樱口,水,各嘴寸1土气COSlfleeharaeters of Photometer)rCSP0flse光度测定仪器感应头对光强度相等而入射方向不同的光响应,按余弦规律变化的特性。理想的“角度响应”应该符合余弦定律,即在垂直入射(光线与法线的夹角为0)的方向上响应最大,随着入射角的增大,其响应按余弦规律减小。到入射角等于900时,则响应为0。这个特性也叫光度计的角分布特性。.为使光度计响应接近余弦型的角分布特性,通常选用下列几种修正方式:最简单的有平板状和皿状乳白玻璃修正器,较复杂的有截球状、环状和球壳状等,其结构如图所示。几种余弦修正器的效果如表所示。从表中可以看出,球壳状修正器效果最佳,但体积相对大一些,制造工艺较复杂。平板状简单,制造容易,但修正效果差一些。选用何种修正器可根据对精度的R=a┌────┐│/、 ││光电池 │└────┘h二3a/4R二Za价Zb(a)截球状b=Za┌──────┐│阵一aee一司 │└──────┘(b)球壳状(e)环状3种角分布特性修正器示意图常用余弦修正器的效果比较┌───┬──┬────┬───┬───┬──┬───┬───┐│袱│0。 │100 │300│500│60。│70口 │800│├───┼──┼────┼───┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│平板状│() │一2 .5% │一10% │一15% │10% │一55% │土25豁││皿状 │() │0│一3% │一3% │ 0 │一20% │ ││截球状│() ││一1% │ 0│士7%│0 │ ││球壳状│() ││ 0│ ││ │ ││环球状│0││士2% │ ││ │ │└───┴──┴────┴───┴───┴──┴───┴───┘
