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巡回医疗 medical tour英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-29 09:23:06


巡回医疗 medical tour英语短句 例句大全

巡回医疗,medical tour

1)medical tour巡回医疗


1.He is indisposed to join the mobile medical team.他不想参加巡回医疗队。

2.The doctors take turns at participating in the mobile medical team.医生们轮流参加巡回医疗队。

3.The mobile medical team will soon be here.巡回医疗队不久就要到这儿来。

4.A mobile clinic visits this village every week.巡回医疗队每周来这个村一次。

5.The chief physician of the hospital is on circuit for most of the year.这个医院的主任医师一年中大部分时间都在作巡回医疗。

6.Conditional place, can establish domestic sickbed for senile patient, begin the service such as itinerate medical treatment.有条件的地方,可以为老年病人设立家庭病床,开展巡回医疗等服务。

7.With advantages, such as rapid heating, simple operation, and portability, the sterilizer is suitable for clinics, laboratories and tour clinics to use.手提式压力蒸汽灭菌器适合小型医疗单位、化验室和巡回医疗队使用。

8.In addition, authorities at all levels often organize mobile medical teams to visit farming and pastoral areas and other ethnic communities.各级政府还经常组织医学专家、务人员到农牧区和少数民族聚居区进行巡回医疗。

9.A doctor"s rounds, is his series of daily visits to patients or wards医生的巡回出诊或查房

10.To travel across while engaging in barnstorming.做巡回演讲,做巡回演出

11.Itinerant surgeons operated for stone, cataract, and hernia.巡回的外科医生对结石、白内障和疝进行手术。

12.circulating libraryph.1. 巡回图书馆

13.an itinerant judge [library]巡回法官 [图书馆]

14.A Retrospective Analysis on 356 Cases of Forensic Identification for Medical Disputes356例医疗纠纷法医学鉴定回顾性研究

15.The application of medical equipment"s period maintenance and quality control in operation department医疗设备的周期巡检和质量控制在洁净手术部中的应用

16.Traveling from place to place;itinerant.巡回的,巡游的从一地旅游到另一个地方;巡回的

17.To tour with a theatrical company.巡回演出参加戏班巡回演出

18.The incidence of medical tangles related to death -the first report of a retrospective study on 27 years forensic autopsy work of medical tangles;涉及死亡医疗纠纷的发生——27年医疗纠纷法医尸检回顾性研究之一


a mobile medical team; a travelling dispensary巡回医疗队

3)oil field mobile medical team油田巡回医疗队

4)Medical kickback医疗回扣

5)physicians rounds.医生的巡回出诊

6)The doctor is on his round of visits.医生在巡回出诊。


