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行为事件访谈法 behavior event interview英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-12 11:06:49


行为事件访谈法 behavior event interview英语短句 例句大全

行为事件访谈法,behavior event interview

1)behavior event interview行为事件访谈法

1.Methods: Sixteen psychotherapists were assessed by usingbehavior event interview method and were divided into two groups(ordinary group and excellent group) according to their competences.方法:采用行为事件访谈法对16位心理治疗从业者进行访谈,按同行专家评议将被访谈人员分为普通组和绩优组,两位编码人员对访谈资料进行胜任特征编码。


1.Application of Behavior Event Interview in Cadre Examination Talk;行为事件访谈法在干部考察谈话中的运用

2.The Research on the Competency of Primary and Middle Schools Principals with the Method of Behavioral Event Interview;中小学校长胜任特征的行为事件访谈研究

petency Model of Primary and Secondary School Teachers:A Study of Behavioral Event Interviews;中小学教师胜任力模型:一项行为事件访谈研究

4.On the Obligation and Condition of Civil Juristic Act --From"love donation"case in Guangxi;试论民事法律行为之负担和条件——从广西“爱心捐款案”谈起

5.A conversation, such as one conducted by a reporter, in which facts or statements are elicited from another.访谈谈话,例如由记者进行的访谈,由此从他人处获得事实或陈述

6.Analysis of the action about the groups order casein countryside suburbs;城郊农村群体性治安事件的行动分析——以村民聚众上访为例

7.The Narrative Modes of Focus Talk and Law Reportage Today;《今日说法》和《焦点访谈》的叙事模式

8.Method:Influencing factors of noncompliance behaviors of patients were analyzed by follow-up interview filling out questionnaires.[方法]采用访谈法进行问卷调查。

9.User Behavior Study of the Blog Service System (BSS)--User Interview博客服务系统用户行为研究——用户访谈

10.Method To visit and talk with interviewees who are chosen with random sampling.方法进行随机抽样的入户访谈式调查。

11.The act or an instance of visiting a person, place, or thing.访问,参观拜访人、参观地方或事物的行为或例子

12.On The Defect Of Legal Provisions Of lneffective Civil Act;浅谈我国无效民事行为法律规定的瑕疵

13.Interviews withTen Japanese ArchitecturalDesign Firms;为中国而设计——十家日本建筑师事务所访谈

14.But I think we should talk to Michelle about all of this.但我认为我们应该跟Micelle谈谈这整件事。

15.Current Situations and Future Trend of Forensic Interviews in Child Sexual Abuse Cases;儿童性侵害案件中司法访谈的现状及发展趋势

16.A civil juristic act may have conditions attached to it. Conditional civil juristic acts shall take effect when the relevant conditions are met.民事法律行为可以附条件,附条件的民事法律行为在符合所附条件时生效。

17.For the in-depth interview the semi-structured programming method is used to collect data.研究的方法,以半结构式问题,进行深度访谈。

18.On the Constitutions of Civil Juristic Acts and the Theoretical Meaning;论民事法律行为的构成要件及其理论意义



1.The fourth chapter adopts group of experts to determine the competence factors,usesBEI method to describe the behavior and sub-elements of the competence factors,uses AHP to determine the weights of the indicators,and constructs a salesman\"s competence evaluation model suitable for K company.第四章采用专家小组法确定了胜任力因子,再利用行为事件访谈法确定各个胜任力因子的行为描述和次级要素,并采用层次分析法确定了各指标的权重,构建了适用于K公司销售人员的胜任力评价模型。

2.A competence of jewelry salesperson is investigated in the market research through Behavioral Event Interview(BEI) and questionnairs.采用行为事件访谈法(BEI)和问卷调查法相结合对珠宝首饰营业员应具备的素质进行了市场调查。

3)Behavioral event interview行为事件访谈

1.The Research on the Competency of Primary and Middle Schools Principals with the Method of Behavioral Event Interview;中小学校长胜任特征的行为事件访谈研究

2.Through the behavioral event interview with 30 experiential trainers in Chongqing, the competency model of experiential trainers in ChongQing was established and validated effective.本研究通过对重庆市30名体验式培训师的关键行为事件访谈,确定了重庆市体验式培训师的关键胜任特征项目构成,并根据相关胜任特征,编制了《体验式培训师胜任特征问卷》,对全国259名体验式培训师进行了问卷调查,对调查结果进行统计,初步建立重庆市体验式培训师胜任特征模型。

3.In this foundation,this article profits the achievement from the quality about the high school master of the domestic and foreign,using the literature law,the observation law,questionnaire invetigationg,behavioral event interview and factor analysis method,was competent the quality structure to the high school master has conducted the preliminary exploration research.具体研究内容包括:(1)高中班主任胜任力结构的理论构建,即在理论分析和访谈的基础上确定出高中班主任的胜任力特征,然后运用理论分析、胜任力词典、行为事件访谈法初步构建高中班主任胜任力结构的理论模型;(2)依据研究一所构建的胜任力结构,编制出初始问卷,并对初始问卷进行斟酌修改,然后发放给高中班主任,让其对所编的胜任力的重要度进行评价。

4)behavior event interview行为事件访谈

1.METHODS: The concept and elements of nurse competency were studied through grounded theory methods (technical literature, open coding , axial coding) and quantitative meth (inventory investigation and correlate analysis, etc) andbehavior event interview(BEI) etc.方法运用技术性文献分析、开放性译码、主轴译码等质性理论研究方法,结合问卷调查和相关分析等量性研究手段,以及行为事件访谈技术对护士胜任特征概念和成分进行了研究。

2.Behavior event interview (BEI) was operated to study 10 psychological counseling practiti.采用行为事件访谈法(BEI)对10名成都高校心理咨询从业人员进行访谈。


1.The competency model of book editors was investigated by structured job analysis questionnaires and Behavioral Event Interview(BEI).作者运用结构化工作分析问卷和行为事件访谈(Behavioral Event Interview,BEI)探讨了图书编辑的胜任特征模型。

2.This study was conducted to obtain the competency model of clinical subject leaders by ways of structured job analysis questionnaires and Behavioral Event Interview (BEI).本研究是运用结构化工作分析问卷和行为事件访谈法(Behavioral Event Interview, BEI)建构胜任特征模型。

6)Behavior Events Interview (BEI)行为性事件访谈

1.With the approach of Behavior Events Interview (BEI), this research primarily constituted The Competen.本研究通过对我国19名运动心理咨询工作者进行行为性事件访谈(BEI),初步建立“我国运动心理咨询师胜任特征词典”以及(涉及14个项目),并在此基础上初步构建了我国运动心理咨询师胜任特征模型,并且对模型进行了说明。


