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生理指标 Physiological index英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-21 22:00:05


生理指标 Physiological index英语短句 例句大全

生理指标,Physiological index

1)Physiological index生理指标

parison of physiological index and diosgenin content in different ploidy of Dioscorea zingiberensis;不同倍性盾叶薯蓣的生理指标和薯蓣皂苷元量的比较研究

2.Effect of Cu~(2+) on sprouting and physiological index of Oryza sativa;Cu~(2+)对水稻萌发及生理指标的影响

3.Effects of different light intensity on characters and physiological indexes of Festuca arundinacea;不同光照强度对高羊茅形态和生理指标的影响


1.The Physiological Bases and Morphological Bases for Determining the Optimum Harvest Period of Jinqiu Pear;确定金秋梨最佳采收期的生理指标和形态指标

2.The Effect of NaCl Treatment on Trees Physiological Index;NaCl处理对苗木及其生理指标的影响

3.Effects of Crowding Stress on Growth and Physiological Parameters of Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio L.);拥挤胁迫对鲤生长和生理指标的影响

4.Physiological Responses of Solanum nigrum L. Seedlings to Cadmium Stress镉对龙葵幼苗生长和生理指标的影响

5.Research of acid-binding capacity level on assimilation enzyme and blood index of lamps日粮系酸力水平对羔羊消化道生理指标和血液生化指标的影响

6.Studies on the Morphological and Physiological Indexes of Heat Resistance in Petunia Hybrida Vilm;矮牵牛耐热性形态及生理指标的研究

7.Study on Pathogenesis Physiological Index Related to Jujube Witches Broom;枣疯病病程相关抗性生理指标的研究

8.Physiochemical and microbiological analysis of Fen-type Daqu汾型大曲的理化指标和微生物指标分析

9.Prelimimary Studies on the Relationships between Growth Performance and Blood Biochemical Indices of Tilapia Oreochromis Aureus;评价水产动物生长性能的生理生化指标和分子生物学指标

10.A Preliminary Investigation on Physiological and Biochemical Changes Caused by the 500m Obstacle Race500米障碍跑的某些生理生化指标初探


12.Determination of Physiological Biochemical Indexes of Puffy and Granulated Tangerine Fruit红桔浮皮枯水果生理生化指标的测定

13.Study on Partial Physiological and Biochemical Indexes of Drought Resistance of Tea [Camellia Sinensis (L.) O.Kuntze];茶树抗旱性部分生理生化指标的研究

14.Effects of Altitude Training on the Physiological and Biochemical Indexes;浅谈高原训练对生理生化指标的影响

15.Effect of Hypergravity Treatment on Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Rice Seedlings超重对水稻幼苗生理生化指标的影响

16.Effects of selenium deficiency on the physiological and biochemical indices of blood in common carp Cyprinus carpio硒缺乏对鲤血液生理生化指标的影响

17.Effects of volatile oil from Artemsia argyi on physiological and biochemical indexes in mice艾叶挥发油对小鼠生理生化指标影响

18.Studies on the Physiological and Biochemical Indices of Blood in Hapalogenys nitens斜带髭鲷血液生理和生化指标的研究


physiological indexes生理指标

1.Influence of different grazing intensities in desert steppe on somephysiological indexes of several pastures;不同放牧强度对荒漠草原几种牧草一些生理指标的影响

2.Effect of water stress on growth andphysiological indexes in Jinguang plum seedlings;水分胁迫对金光杏梅幼苗生长及其生理指标的影响

3.The effect of water stress on mainphysiological indexes of wine grape leaf;水分胁迫对葡萄幼苗4种主要生理指标的影响

3)physiological indices生理指标

1.Effect of temperature in yellowing stage onphysiological indices and quality of flue-cured tobacco;变黄温度对烤烟烘烤过程中生理指标及烤后质量的影响

2.Changes ofphysiological indices of Jatropha curcas to aluminum stress under different temperatures and exogenous calcium.;不同温度和铝浓度对麻疯树生理指标的影响及外源钙的作用

3.Effect of dietary glutathione on growth,physiological indices and disease resistance in juveniles grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella;饲料中添加谷胱甘肽对草鱼生长、生理指标和抗病力的影响

4)physiological characteristics生理指标

1.The relationship between the drought- resistance of sugarcane varieties andphysiological characteristics;甘蔗品种抗旱力与生理指标的关系

2.Using kiwi fruit as the experimental material, the effect of NaOH concentration and treatment time on fruitphysiological characteristics and sensory result were studied after peeling.以陕西中华猕猴桃为植物材料,研究了碱法去皮中NaOH浓度、作用时间和温度三个工艺参数的不同组合对去皮后果实生理指标和效果的影响,结果表明,硬度、可溶性固形物、还原糖、蔗糖、总糖、单宁和总酸的含量均下降,其中以含糖量下降最大。

3.A study was made to investigate the effects of different concentrations of NaCl(100 mmol/L and 200 mmol/L) on content of chlorophyll and otherphysiological characteristics in sweet sorghum seedlings.采用不同浓度NaCl溶液(100 mmol/L、200 mmol/L)胁迫处理甜高粱幼苗,测定了叶片中叶绿素含量、脯氨酸含量及三种保护酶活性等生理指标。

5)physiological parameters生理指标

1.Correlations between leaf δ~(13)C andphysiological parameters of desert plant Reaumuria soongorica;荒漠植物红砂叶片δ~(13)C值与生理指标的关系

2.Through the experimental research on volunteers body in high temperature and humidity environment cabin,their abilities of heat endurance,physiological parameters variation and the limit values ofphysiological parameters were obtained under the different climatic parameters.目的确定高温高湿热环境中人体的耐热反映,生理指标变化及人体耐热极限的各种生理指标值。

3.Litopenaeus vannamei were acclimated for 1,5, 15 and 30 days at different salinities(4,18 and 32 at 22~26 ℃),and the immune andphysiological parameters in the haemolymph of Litopenaeus vannamei at different salinities were analysed and compared.凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)在不同盐度(4,18,32)和温度(22~26℃)水体中养殖,分别于1,5,15和30 d后取样,进行不同盐度下凡纳滨对虾血淋巴免疫生理指标比较。

6)Physiological indicators生理指标

1.The third part of this research is an experimental study, a multi-record device was used in two groups on a number of stress-inducing tasks, stressful events retelling, and relaxation training, collecting three physiological indicators, such as finger temperature, heart rate and skin conductance, in identifying the difference of their stress reaction.第三部分为实验研究,采用多导生理记录仪采集20位银屑病患者与20名正常人在多项应激性任务、应激事件回忆,以及放松训练时的生理指标(指温、心率、皮肤电),并进行差异性检验。

2.In order to understand the Pilates physical exercises physiological indicators of female college students(body shape,fitness,physical function),and further explore the Pilates exercises on physical fitness of female university students and its mechanism,this study randomly selected school 60 female college students(age 19.了解普拉提形体练习对女大学生生理指标(身体形态、身体素质、身体机能)的影响,从而进一步探讨普拉提形体练习对女大学生的健身作用及机制。


