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探究性眼动 exploratory eye movement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-28 11:51:35


探究性眼动 exploratory eye movement英语短句 例句大全

探究性眼动,exploratory eye movement

1)exploratory eye movement探究性眼动

1.A study onexploratory eye movement and P300 potentials with 42 schizophrenic Patients.;精神分裂症探究性眼动分析与P300电位研究


1.Exploratory Eye Movement and Event-Related Potentials in Children with Schizophrenia精神分裂症患儿探究性眼动和事件相关电位

2.Study on exploratory eye movement and sympathetic skin response in patients with depression抑郁症患者的探究性眼动分析与交感神经皮肤反应研究

3.Study of exploratory eye movement and event-related potential in patients with post-stroke depression脑卒中后抑郁患者探究性眼动与事件相关电位的研究

4.Exploring the Objectivity of the Rorschach Inkblot Test--a Research From an Eye Movement Experiment罗夏墨迹测验的客观性探索——一项来自于眼动实验的研究

5.Using Eye-movement to Study Implicit Aggressiveness运用眼动指标探测个体的内隐攻击性

6.Relationship between the extraocular muscles and hemodynamics for thyroid ophthalmopathy甲状腺眼病眼外肌厚度及其与眼部血流动力学相关性的研究

7.Objective To evaluate the characteristic, prevention and management of the ocular trauma in ball games.目的 探讨球类运动性眼外伤的特点及防治措施。

8.Spatial Asymmetry of Visual Search between Different Locations: An Eye Movements Study;视觉搜索中空间不对称性的眼动研究

9.Association between ischemic ophthalmopathy and carotid artery stenosis缺血性眼病与颈动脉狭窄的相关研究

10.motor ocular dominance运动性眼优势 运动性眼优势

11.Correlation of ocular ischemia disease with carotid stenosis眼缺血性疾病与颈动脉狭窄的相关性研究

12.A study of ocular hemodynamics in primary open angle glaucoma with myopia合并近视的原发性开角型青光眼眼血流动力学研究

13.Hemodynamic study on normal tension glaucoma with color Doppler ultrasound彩色多普勒超声对正常眼压性青光眼血流动力学的研究

14.Research on Strategic Accuracy and Speed Differences of Basketball Athletes Eye Movement;篮球运动员运动决策准确性和速度差异性的眼动研究

15.Correlation between the hemodynamics of eyeground artery and finger artery in the primary open angle glaucoma高频超声对原发性开角型青光眼眼底动脉与指动脉血流动力学相关性研究

16.The Correlative Study of Hemodynamic between Ocular Artery and Digital Artery in Patients with Primary Open Angle Glaucoma Using Color Doppler Ultrasound;彩色多普勒超声对原发性开角型青光眼患者眼内动脉与指动脉血流动力学相关性的研究

17.Longitudinal study on imaging features of extraocular muscles and ocular motor nerves in Chinese families with congenital fibrosis of extraocular muscles先天性眼外肌纤维化综合征家系的眼外肌及眼运动神经影像学追踪研究

18.Usability Evaluation Research on Mobile Phone User Interface Based on Eye-tracking;基于眼动追踪的手机界面可用性评估研究


exploratory eye movement探究性眼球运动

1.Exploratory eye movement in children with ADHD;注意缺陷多动障碍儿童探究性眼球运动特点

2.Results: Compared with normal controls, patients with OCD demonstrated low scores in most of the indices ofexploratory eye movement.目的:研究强迫症患者探究性眼球运动及其与临床的关系。

3)exploratory eye movement探究性眼动分析

1.Study onexploratory eye movement and sympathetic skin response in patients with depression抑郁症患者的探究性眼动分析与交感神经皮肤反应研究

4)exploratory eye tracking movement探究性眼球轨迹运动

1.Objective:To explore the function ofexploratory eye tracking movement test in the diagnosis of schizophrenia.结论:精神分裂症患者眼球轨迹运动的敏感性较高,对精神分裂症辅助诊断有重要的价值,探究性眼球轨迹运动可能是精神分裂症的生物学指标。

5)exploratory eye movement探索性眼球活动

1.Effect of antipsychotics onexploratory eye movement in schizophrenia;抗精神病药对精神分裂症患者探索性眼球活动的影响

2.Objective:To revalidateexploratory eye movement in the diagnosis of schizophrenia using the new instrument (DEM-2000).目的:用DEM-2000型眼动监测仪再次验证探索性眼球活动检查在精神分裂症诊断中的价值。

6)exploratory eye movement探索性眼球运动

1.Association betweenexploratory eye movement and G894T polymorphism of endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene;精神分裂症患者一级亲属的探索性眼球运动与eNOS基因G894T多态性研究


