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译语质量 target language quality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-01 11:26:41


译语质量 target language quality英语短句 例句大全

译语质量,target language quality

1)target language quality译语质量

1.Through the analysis of field interpreting,we conclude that,in order to upgradetarget language quality,the interpreter should pay close attention to the appropriacy,vividness,precision,flexibility and humor of the language he interpreted it.而语言服务之所以成其为语言服务,译语质量应当是一个首当其冲的要素。

2)translation quality翻译质量

1.Constructing a textual analysis model fortranslation quality assessment;构建翻译质量评估的文本分析模式

2.Further, an application of Six-Sigma in science & technology book translation has been studied, consequentially; thetranslation quality has been improved to extensive extent.六西格玛是当今世界最受推崇的质量管理方法,本文对六西格玛的统计内涵和真谛进行了研究与介绍,并在此基础上探讨了六西格玛在科技著作翻译中的应用,在很大程度上改进了科技著作的翻译质量。

3.This paper describes the concept and classification of thetranslation quality evaluation mode,analyzes the quantitative evaluation mode,and further puts forward the model of the evaluation system and its development standard,which establishes the theoretical foundation for realizing thetranslation quality evaluation system.描述了翻译质量评估模式的概念及其分类,分析了量化评估模式,进一步提出了评估系统模型及其开发标准,为实现翻译质量评估系统建立理论基础。


1.Human Evaluation of Machine Translation Quality in E-C Text Translation;英汉专业翻译软件翻译质量的人工测评

2.Criteria in Translation Quality Assessment: Perspective of Literary Translation;翻译质量评估的功能主义标准:文学翻译的视角

3.On Evaluation of the Quality of Legae Traslation with Fuctional Theory论功能翻译理论框架下的法律翻译质量评估

4.Parataxis or Hypotaxis:Relationships between TQA and Translation Criticism并列还是从属:翻译质量评估与翻译批评之关系

5.Discussions of the Subordinate Criterion of Translation Evaluation with Reference of Two Versions of Three Kingdoms;从《三国演义》的不同英译本来看翻译目的对翻译质量的影响

6.Reflections on J.House s Model for Translation Quality Assessment;对J.House翻译质量评估模式的反思

7.A Pragmatic Approach to the Translation Quality Assessment of Legal Rules;法律条款翻译质量评估的语用学视角

8.A Survey on the Translation Quality of the Publicity Materials Concerning Anhui Province;安徽省对外宣传翻译质量问题与对策

9.Juliane House s Translation Quality Assessment Model:A Critique;朱莉安·豪斯的“翻译质量评估模式”批评

10.Research on and Improvement of Si Xianzhu"s Translation Quality Assessment Model司显柱翻译质量评估模式研究与改进

11.The Value of Register Theory for Translation Quality Assessment and E-C Translation Teaching;语域理论对翻译质量评估及英汉翻译教学的价值

12.J.House s Model for Translation Quality Assessment and Its Application to English-Chinese Translation Practice;J.House翻译质量评估模式及其在英—汉翻译实践中的应用

13.Quality of tourist translation and images of tourist destination--Probing into the problems in tourism translation;旅游翻译质量与旅游地形象——旅游翻译中的问题评析

14.On the Criteria of Translating Tourism Publications andSome Suggestions for Bettering Thanslation Quality;试论旅游宣传资料翻译的标准和改进翻译质量的建议

15.An Investigation into Need for and Quality of Translation and Interpretation in Market:A Case Study of China Yiwu International Commodities Market市场翻译需求和翻译质量调查——以中国义乌国际小商品市场为例

16.A Functional Linguistic Perspective of Translation Quality Assessment Model──With the Evaluation of English Version of Kong Yi-ji as Example;功能语言学视角的翻译质量评估模式——兼评《孔乙己》英译本的翻译质量

17.Politeness Equivalence:A Crucial Criterion to Evaluate Translation Quality;礼貌对等:衡量翻译质量的一个重要标准

18.A Corpus-Based Quantitative Study of College English E-C Translation Quality基于语料库的大学英语英汉翻译质量定量研究


translation quality翻译质量

1.Constructing a textual analysis model fortranslation quality assessment;构建翻译质量评估的文本分析模式

2.Further, an application of Six-Sigma in science & technology book translation has been studied, consequentially; thetranslation quality has been improved to extensive extent.六西格玛是当今世界最受推崇的质量管理方法,本文对六西格玛的统计内涵和真谛进行了研究与介绍,并在此基础上探讨了六西格玛在科技著作翻译中的应用,在很大程度上改进了科技著作的翻译质量。

3.This paper describes the concept and classification of thetranslation quality evaluation mode,analyzes the quantitative evaluation mode,and further puts forward the model of the evaluation system and its development standard,which establishes the theoretical foundation for realizing thetranslation quality evaluation system.描述了翻译质量评估模式的概念及其分类,分析了量化评估模式,进一步提出了评估系统模型及其开发标准,为实现翻译质量评估系统建立理论基础。

3)grade and quality of translation译品质量

4)Quality of translation翻译质量

1.The quality of translation is an important item of measuring the tools.机器翻译质量的提高,离不开语境分析,如果忽略原语赖以产生的特定环境去进行翻译,往往会导致歧义现象产生。

5)translation quality译文质量

1.The evaluation oftranslation quality is a key topic in this field, while the automation of quality evalution is the emphasis.译文质量评价在MT评价的诸多方面中占据中心地位。

2.Based on Michael Hoey’s theoretical framework, this thesis aims at investigating the interrelationship between lexical density and lexical cohesion in oratorical texts, and intends to explore the correlation of lexical density and lexical cohesion with English-Chinesetranslation quality.本文对翻译有一定的启示作用,旨在为译者和学者评价译文质量提供更多灵感,并从词汇密度与词汇衔接角度丰富翻译标准。

3.Thus, cohesive devices have the correlation withtranslation quality theoretically.在译文语法词法基本正确、句子基本通顺的前提下,译文质量的高低在很大程度上取决于译者是否具有语篇意识,是否能合理有效的使用各种衔接手段。

6)quality of translation译文质量

1.The popularity and internationalization of English bring into prominence thequality of translation from English to Chinese.英语的普及和国际化使得英语类出版物在我国出版物中所占的比重越来越大,英译汉的译文质量直接影响到英语类出版物的内容质量。

2.Examples are used to illustrate the difference between the original language and the target one in structure and its culture; thequality of translation depends not only on the verbal expression but also on the technical knowledge.通过实例说明原文和目标语言在语言结构和文化方面存在较大的差异 ,因此译者对于专业技术知识的了解和掌握程度也是影响译文质量和效果的重要因


译语1.异域的语言。 2.经翻译的语言。
