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译者的文化能力 Translators cultural competence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-12 12:16:15


译者的文化能力 Translators cultural competence英语短句 例句大全

译者的文化能力,Translator"s cultural competence

1)Translator"s cultural competence译者的文化能力

2)translators"cultural awareness and cultural creativity译者的文化意识与文化创造力

3)translator competence译者能力


1.Translation Competence and Translator Competence in Translation Teaching;翻译教学中翻译能力与译者能力的主从地位

2.Cultivation of Translators" Cultural Competence Viewed from Culture-Translation Interaction从文化与翻译的互动看对译者文化能力的培养

3.Perspectives of English Translation of Chinese Idioms in Light of Readers Acceptability;从读者的接受能力看汉语成语的英译

4.Subjectivity in Objectivity--On Translator s Subjectivity;受动中的能动——谈译者翻译主体能动性

5.Translator"s Stance in Translating Illocutionary Force-An Adaptation-Based Account言外之力翻译中的译者顺应站位研究

6.On the Translator s Subjective Initiative Affects Translation;浅议译者的主观能动性对翻译的影响

7.The Translator s Dynamic Subjectivity and the Translation of "Mid-Autumn Festival:to the Tune of Shui Diao Ge Tou";译者能动主体与《水调歌头·中秋》的英译

8.Translator s Cultural Consciousness and Dynamic Role in Literary Translation;文学翻译中译者的文化意识与能动性

9.At this moment of crisis in our nation? s history, thought has become more contemplative, prayerful, and spiritual.「译文」6该告诉好莱坞消费者的忍耐力所能达到的限度。

10.Functional equivalence of "Three Beauties" in translation of poetry and translators consciousness of receptors;诗歌翻译中“三美”的功能对等与译者的读者意识

11.On Strengthening the Interpreters Intercultural Competence;浅论提高口译译员的跨文化交际能力

12.On Translation Competence Specialized Component and Translation Teaching for Undergraduates Majoring in Foreign Languages论翻译专业能力与外语专业翻译教学

13.Potentials of Translator s Dynamism-From Yan Fu s Translation of a History of Politics;从严译名著《社会通诠》看译者能动性发挥的可能

14.Interpreters Competence in Transnational Movie Co-Productions-An Approach of Assessment Models;从“译员能力”评估模块浅析跨国电影合拍片口译、译员能力培养

15.From interpreting competence to interpreter competence--A tentative model for objective assessment of interpreting;“口译能力”评估和“译员能力”评估——口译的客观评估模式初探

16.A Tentative Study on Sports Interpreter"s Competence--An Approach of the Assessment Models of Interpreting and Interpreter Competence以“口译、译员能力”评估模式浅议体育口译应具备之能力

17.Press Conference Interpretation with Functionalist Approach;功能翻译理论观照下的官方记者招待会口译

18.A Study of the Translator s Subjectivity in Legal Translation Decision-making: A Functionalist Perspective;法律翻译决策过程中译者的主体性研究:功能观


translators"cultural awareness and cultural creativity译者的文化意识与文化创造力

3)translator competence译者能力

4)culture of the translator译者文化

5)target text readers initiative译文读者的能动性

6)translator competence-centered model译者能力为中心的模式


