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杂种一代 F 1 hybrid英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-03 22:38:25


杂种一代 F 1 hybrid英语短句 例句大全

杂种一代,F 1 hybrid

1)F 1 hybrid杂种一代

1.The techniques of seeds production ofF 1 hybrid of bottle gourd ( Lagenaria siceraria Standl var.采用人工授粉研究了瓠瓜杂种一代的制种种术,结果表明:每株瓠瓜上以选留3个种瓜,在上午8∶00前后进行人工授粉,所生产的杂种一代种子产量最高,质量最好。

2.The development of female gametophytes were studied in the interspecificF 1 hybrids of Gossipium arboreum × G.对亚洲棉×异常棉、亚洲棉×司笃克氏棉、亚洲棉×三裂棉等的杂种一代雌配子体发育研究结果表明,种间杂种一代雌配子体发育过程中发生退化及产生异常胚囊是导致雌性高度或完全不育的原因,不育的程度同双亲的亲缘关系的远近有关,即双亲的亲缘关系越远,雌性不育的程度越大。

3.The differenced of effects of male sterile cytoplasms onF 1 hybrids with homonucleus backround were compared in a randomized bolck experiment.用夜公(Y)、饶平野生稻(CW)、野败(WA)三种雄性不育细胞质的6964A、二九矮4A和珍汕97A分别与恢复系T45配制9个组合进行随机区组试验,在相同细胞核背景下比较雄性不育细胞质对F1(杂种一代)的影响。


1.F1 The first filial generation; i.e. the first generation that results from a particular cross.子一代(杂种一代):杂交第一代,也就是一个特定杂交产生的第一代。

2.Performance on Powdery Mildew Resistance of F_1 Generation in Hybrid Wheat杂交小麦杂种一代白粉病抗性表现规律的研究

3.Study on Appraisal of Seed Purity Test of F1 Hybrid of Watermelon and Melon;西瓜、甜瓜杂种一代种子纯度鉴定的研究

4.The Studies on Mechanism of Summer Squash Hybrids Yield Heterosis Formation;西葫芦杂种一代产量优势形成机理的研究

5.Studies on Inheritance and Variation of DNA Methylation in Parents and F_1 Hybrids of Lagenaria Siceraria. Var. Hispide;瓠瓜杂种一代及其亲本DNA甲基化遗传和变异的研究

6.RAPD and Microsatellite Analysis of Filial Generations from Cyprinus Carpio var Specularis Lacepede (♀)×Carassius Curatus Cuvieri (♂) and Their Parents;日本白鲫(♀)×德国镜鲤(♂)杂种一代及双亲的RAPD和微卫星分析

7.mate a hybrid of the first generation with one of its parents.使第一代杂种与其双亲之一交配。

8.F2 The second filial generation, obtained by crossing or selfing within the F1 generation.子二代(杂种二代):,通过子一代内部的杂交或自交获得。

9.The hybrids and progeny of intervarietal crosses of P. graminis were tested on the parental hosts.杆锈变种间杂交的一些杂种和后代在其亲本寄主上受到测量。

10.Heterosis Analysis of Hybrid F1 of England and Spain Turbot (Scophthalmus Maximus L.);英国和西班牙进口大菱鲆杂交子一代的杂种优势分析

11.The Chinese yellow breed is perhaps one of the earliest products of this cross.中国黄牛可能是最早的这种杂交后代之一。

12.Study on Genetic Variation of the Hybrid BC_1F_1 between Elymus Dahuricus and Hordeum Brevisubulatum;披碱草与野大麦杂种回交一代遗传变异研究

13.Study on the Sterility of F_1 Hybrids between Indica and Japonica Rice;水稻灿粳亚种间杂交子一代不育机理的探讨

14.Analysis on heterosis of Chlamys farreri×Patinopecten yessoensis by SRAP marker栉孔扇贝(♀)×虾夷扇贝(♂)子一代杂种优势的SRAP分析

15.A low-complexity iterative detection algorithm for DFT-S-OFDM systems一种低复杂度的DFT-S-OFDM系统迭代检测算法

16.A Low Complexity Scheme for Space-Time Multi-user Iterative Detection一种低复杂度的空时多用户迭代检测方案

17.first filial杂交第一代, 子一代

18.They determined that F2 hybrids slightly outgrew the F1 hybrids.他们认为杂种后F2代生长量稍大于F1代杂种。


F_1 hybrid杂种一代

3)Hybrid F1杂种一代

4)F1 hybrid杂种一代


1.Biochemical Characteristics ofF_1 Plants of Combinations of Indica and Japonica;籼粳杂交稻杂种一代植株的生化特性

2.The genetic differences betweenF_1 and its parent lines in hot pepper(Capsicum annuum L.用RAPD技术对1个辣椒杂种一代及其亲本的基因差异进行研究,结果表明:几乎所有引物扩增出的杂种一代的RAPD产物和两亲本或亲本之一没有明显差异,但引物OPG-08扩增出双亲具有而在F1消失的DNA片段,揭示出双亲杂交后的受精过程中基因可能发生变异。

3.The line of indica possessed such characteristics:resistance to rice blast,good quality,good habit in flowering,complete abortive pollen and signifcant early maturation ofF_1S.该不育系抗稻瘟病,米质优,开花习性好,花粉败育比较彻底,杂种一代具有明显的早熟效应。


1.A New Winter Melon Hybrid‘Heiyou 1’;冬瓜一代杂种‘黑优1号’

2.Jiyan 8 -A Pepper Hybrid Produced by Male Sterile Lines;利用雄性不育两用系配制的辣椒一代杂种‘冀研8号’

3.`Jiyan 6 - A Sweet Pepper Hybrid Produced by Male Sterile Lines;甜椒雄性不育两用系一代杂种‘冀研6号’


